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Besides living a happy and successful life, I also want to realize my true Self, is it possible to attain this? Is it possible to live a spiritual life without compromising my worldly life?. by: Deepal Patel. “Guru Bina Gnan Nahi ”. Source: www.dadabhagwan.org
Besides living a happy and successful life, I also want to realize my true Self, is it possible to attain this?Is it possible to live a spiritual life without compromising my worldly life? by: Deepal Patel
“Guru BinaGnanNahi” • Source: www.dadabhagwan.org • understanding the Science of Karma (science of cause and effect) by the Gnan. It will reduce your inner turmoil. • This Gnan (True Knowledge) is called Akram( short cut/not in sequence ) Vignan, as expounded by the GnaniPurush A. M. Patel, also known as 'Dadashri.' It is a practical Spiritual Science, not a religion! Once you attain this knowledge, it can be easily applied to help alleviate all your suffering • Who can practice this spiritual science? Anyone, any race, religion, lifestage
“Gnan”/Knowledge that liberates • Gnan (True Knowledge) Yoga is regarded as the highest form of devotion when practiced in daily life • Gnan is practiced by keeping the self realization that I am pure soul, this is my soul’s journey and I am separate from Deepal. All the living beings around me are also “Pure Souls” living in different bodies to settle their past karmic “files”. Pure soul’s only religion is to practice Gnan which presents itself during all circumstances and provides solutions at all times. You can remain in contentment under all situations
Why to end the karmic cycle? • Punya does not come without paap • Raaga does not come without dvesh • Sansara does not come without suffering • Expectations will lead to hurt 3 ways of binding Karma: • “Bhava” Karma- Actions with your thoughts • “Dravya” Karma: Physical/intentional actions • “Nau Karma”: neutral /unintentional actions- stepping on insects/killing bacteria
Gnan can be practiced by staying within the 5 principles as suggested by Dadashri • The most unique and fundamental aspect of AkramVignan is that once you embrase and practice gnan( the Knowledge of the Self), you will not bind any new karmas provided you remain within the Five Agnas(five Knowledge-based principles)the process to help you discharge your past karmas and conduct your worldly interactions with equanimity. The process of bounding karmas slows down and eventually stops which leads to Moksha/your final liberation.
The five Knowledge-based principles one should follow to remain in Gnan : Principle# 1 Principle # 2 • Awareness that from a REAL view point I am a PURE SOUL • From a RELATIVE view point only I am Deepal
Who am I: A pure Soul/AtmavsDeepal- intellect/ego Pure soul( Satavik) “VITARAAG” Detached SatChitAnand Deepal(Tamasik-Rajasik) Is the EGO full of “KASHAAYA” (can be broken down into kasha meaning worldly life and aya meaning gain.) The literal meaning of kashaya is to gain worldly life again • Maan-arrogance • Moh/lobh- Greed • Maya-illusion • Kaam-Lust • Krodh-Anger • Kapat- Deceit • Raag-Love • Dvesh-Hatred Bliss Peace Liberation Worries Clashes Conflicts Heartbreaks Depression Dissatisfaction
Soul has Pragnya Deepal has Budhi/intellect • Pragnyais the energy or light of the Soul; it is a 'representative' of the pure Soul. It helps us remain in our awakened state and alerts us when we slip away from it. It cautions us against indulging in the worldly life. It's role is to constantly guide us until we attain our fully realized state of the Self (Parmatma). • Intellect-which shows one faults of others, creates restlessness, defends one's own mistakes, raises arguments, keeps one constantly in the worldly life and in mental agony for no reason
Who am I: A pure Soul/AtmavsDeepal- intellect/ego Pure soul Deepal • Immiscible : unmixable with other eternal elements. For example, if you mix oil and water together, the two will never mix or blend into each other. In the same manner, no matter how many different bodies a Soul has to endure, it never becomes one with the other • Soul can never hurt any living being whatsoever and in the same token no living can hurt it. The Pure Soul in others too is such that it can never hurt us. An analogy of this is fire cannot burn ice. • As long as the kashayas, the cycle of birth and death will continue • One can cease to bind karma when one becomes free of these Kashayas and is certain about two things: • Who am I? (I am pure Soul) • Who is the doer? (Exact science- Vyavastith)
Self realization of the soul How can we see the Pure Soul (Atma) ? I am separate from Deepal • The Pure Soul in every living being is to be seen by way of your inner vision, i.e. through the understanding of the Knowledge of the Soul.The physical part of a person is the outer 'packing' and is temporary, whereas the Soul within is the real Self and it is eternal. Conscious acknowledgement of the soul within a living being is the same as seeing the Soul. • A Gnani always has the awareness that : “I am a pure soul” and I only witness & direct Deepal“Gnyata/Drashta”
3. All the things that happen are because of the “Vyavastith”- EXACT spiritual science. • People in the whole world believe the energy that runs the world is God. In fact that energy is not God; It is only scientific circumstantial evidences- Exact Vyavastith • One can term any happening as 'Vyavasthit' only after making all efforts. After making every effort, whatever result one gets in the end is Vyavasthit or 'Scientific Circumstantial Evidence'. One cannot claim that everything is Vyavasthit ahead of time, without making an effort
4. Settle all karmic accounts with all “FILES” with equanimity “Samabhava” What is a 'File' ? When can we say that we have resolved our file with equanimity ? • 'File' is a special name used for everyone with whom one has karmic connection. In a chronological order, file no 1 is one's relative self; file # 2 is your spouse, #3, #4... one's children, parents etc. The word 'File' is also referred to situations that you have to deal with. • Divide to simplify, don’t multiply • Sticky files • Neutral balance (I must not cause misery to another living soul with negative interactions. I must not engage into DOERSHIP while in positive interactions. ) • When someone praises you or insults you and during that time you remember the GNAN resulting in no change within your inner intent, then that 'file' is said to be resolved with equanimity.
5. increase 'credit' in the account of the Pure Soul by living within these principles • You can credit the account of Pure Soul by following the five principal’s as much as you can, or by participating in any activities that will help you progress in your Gnan (Knowledge of the Self) Ex: attending satsangs Spiritual media pratikraman (asking for forgiveness), doing samayik(introspective meditation )
Philosophies to alleviate suffering : • 'Whatever happened is justice' • 'Fault is of the sufferer' • 'Avoid Clashes' • 'Adjust Everywhere'
'Whatever happened is justice‘: The Exact science of karma • The pursuit of justice is because of our own intellect which seeks answers. Know that the law of karma is “Vyavasthit” ( exact). If we stop looking for justice, the intellect/ego will go away • Vyavastith/Exact science: Whatever happens after making an effort is “vyavastith”/Exact and therefore justice
'Whatever happened is justice‘: exact science of karma Why would God allow suffering? Who is at fault? Why do I suffer? • A Gnani keeps the awareness that in reality injustices do not exist in this world. 'Whatever has happened, is justice.' live positively and naturally and let “vyavasthit” ( natures exact science) do its job. If it is not in your karma, then no one in this world can touch you If someone hurts you, you should accept it and know that it only came to you because of some discharge karma. Nature's law prevents one person from hurting another without a cause. There has to be causes behind this, so credit whatever comes your way and settle the “file” . -You are bound to suffer for your past faults/actions -
Your pocket got picked. Who is at fault here? • No one else's pocket got picked & why only your pocket got picked? • Which of the two (You or the thief) is suffering now? • If you are trying to find answers, believe that 'The Fault is/was of the Sufferer'. Today's situation is the result of past karma. Today one may repent but since he has already made a contract in his previous life, he has no choice but to fulfill it.
'Avoid Clashes' • for every viewpoint or belief, there exists an opposing viewpoint or belief • Today unfortunately, conflicts have become an obvious fact of life. A person tends to clash and enter into conflicts by seeing the faults of the opposing individual even though she or he does not desire to do so. • Why does this happen? This is because of one’s own limited vision or interpretations of Laws of Life, which makes her or him incapable to recognize the effects of clashes. Whatever you have given to others, you will receive in return. If you accept it gladly, you will be settling your account. If you do not accept it, you will be binding more conflicts/ Karmas and will have to suffer.
“Avoid Conflicts” – Does that mean to tolerate? • Questioner: Dada, when you say we must avoid conflict, does that mean that we have to practice tolerance? • Dadashri: No, to avoid conflict does not mean to tolerate. Your ability to tolerate is limited. Rather than learn how to tolerate, learn how to reach a solution. While Deepal may get restless, let the soul watch and direct her. In our Gnan, we do not have to tolerate anything. We just observe through Gnan, that the other person is a pure Soul and that he is merely instrumental in settling our past account. This awareness solves the puzzle and ends the cycle with that file. • Change your belief that he is ok in his place and your behavior will automatically change
Adjust everywhere • I am correct, so why do I adjust? The science behind the Gnan helps you become vitraag, which means freedom from attachment and abhorrence that still exists within you. Removal of ego alone shall solve all puzzles. • “You should not express your opinion first. Ask the other person what he thinks about the matter at hand. If the other person adheres to his viewpoint, then you should let go of your opinion or hold it to yourself and settle it somehow. All you need to make sure of is that the other person does not get hurt in any way. Do not attempt to impose your opinion upon others. I have accepted everyone's opinion and have become a Gnani. If we need a porter at a railway station, and he haggles with the charges, we have to settle the deal with a few extra rupees. If we don't, we will have to carry the luggage ourselves.”…….. Dadashri
Daily meditation • Pure soul Witnessing : Camera on Deepal • Where did I fail to live within the 5 principles? observe, reflect, ask for forgiveness from the souls of files you may have hurt & ask Parramatta to give you and those souls the right awareness and strength • Where am I seeing others at fault and not believing in vyavastith(natures Exact science)? • Which are the most sticky files where I loose the awareness? How will I deal with them while staying in Gnan? • End with a determination that you want to stay in the self realized soul and the 5 principles.
Meditation Lingo- “Pratikraman” What is it? How to do it? • It is a three-step process that involves recalling your mistakes, repenting for them and making a firm decision not to repeat them. • If you happen to hurt anyone through your thoughts, speech or actions, this process helps erase your mistakes. • Pratikraman can be done at any time. Do it whenever you remember hurting someone. It is best done the instant you hurt someone. Dadashri called this 'Shoot on sight' pratikraman. You must also do pratikraman if someone hurts you. You must continue doing pratikraman until you see the other person as being faultless • You have to evoke in your mind the pure Self within the person you hurt, recall and confess your mistake, ask for forgiveness and make a firm resolve never to repeat the mistake.
Meditation Lingo- “Samayik” What is it? How to do it • Samayik is an introspective meditation to find factors that hinder your Self-awareness. Going deeper • Going Deeper to Where did I fail to live within the 5 principals? • What are the causes which is making Deepal see others at fault .Reset!
In words of Pujya Deepak Bhai • Don’t go to change others, you will never succeed. Change your self with the GNAN • Change your beliefs/opinions…behavior will automatically change….. • Don’t give advise, give knowledge Save the date Jun 29th 2014 evening at Hindu center Satsang and Gnanvidhi with Pujyadeepakbhai Visit : www.dadabhagwan.org to find answers to spiritual questions