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Digital Signal Processing: Learn the Basics and Applications

Dive into the fundamentals and applications of digital signal processing, covering topics like Fourier Transform, filters, and more. Join the course to enhance your signal processing skills!

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Digital Signal Processing: Learn the Basics and Applications

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1EEET0485 Digital Signal Processingการประมวลผลสัญญาณดิจิตอล รศ. ดร. พีระพล ยุวภูษิตานนท์ ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  2. การวัดผล • คะแนนแบบฝึกหัด 5%, • คะแนนปฏิบัติ LabVIEW 20 %, • คะแนนสอบกลางภาค 25%, • คะแนนสอบปลายภาค 50% EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  3. embedsigproc.wordpress.com/dsp-lecture-page/ EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  4. Course Outline 1 Introduction and Applications of DSP 2 Discrete-time signals and systems 3 Discrete-time Fourier Transform (DTFT) 4 Z-transform 5 Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) 6 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) 7 Digital Filter Structure 8 Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter 9 Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter 10 Multi-rate signal processing EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  5. Elearninghttp://elearning.mut.ac.th/electronics/ EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  6. ตำรา • ตำราหลัก EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  7. Digital Signal Processing • Digital Signal Processing คือ กระบวนการ (process) ทางคณิตศาสตร์แบบได้แก่ การบวก ลบ คูณ หาร ด้วยคอมพิวเตอร์ หรือ DSP processor กับสัญญาณดิจิตอล( Digital Signals) EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  8. LabVIEW Intro to dsp 1.vi Intro to dsp 1.vi EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  9. LabVIEW Block Diagram EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  10. A EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  11. B EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  12. A+B (B=3) EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  13. Filtered A+B (B=3) EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  14. Filtered A+B (B=10) EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  15. Filtered A+B (B=20) EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  16. Filtered A+B (B=30) EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  17. Filtered A+B (B=40) EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  18. เปรียบเทียบ Fc=0.5 และ Fc=0.15 Fc=0.5 Fc=0.15 EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

  19. Analogue Filter vs. Digital Filter EEET0485 Digital Signal Processing http://embedsigproc.wordpress.com Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

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