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HOW TO WRITE A JOB DESCRIPTION. Presented by Metropolitan State University of Denver Human Resources Department January 10, 2011. AGENDA. The need for job descriptions What is included in a job description Who is responsible for preparation When do we revise/update

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HOW TO WRITE A JOB DESCRIPTION Presented by Metropolitan State University of Denver Human Resources Department January 10, 2011

  2. AGENDA • The need for job descriptions • What is included in a job description • Who is responsible for preparation • When do we revise/update • What is the process in preparing and reviewing a job description • Job descriptions and Performance


  4. CLASS SPECIFICATIONVS.JOB DESCRIPTION • Class Specification: A broad or general description of work assigned which may include several titles and levels of responsibility. • Job Description: Specifically describes individual position duties and responsibilities. Written to address the uniqueness of the position responsibility rather than generalities.

  5. WHAT IS INCLUDED? • Job Title vs. Position Title • Administrative Assistant III – Art • Summary or Duty Statement • Tasks Assigned • Time Spent Performing Individual Tasks • Minimum and Preferred Qualifications

  6. PREPARATION • Log daily activities for 2-3 weeks • Identify primary responsibilities • Group individual daily tasks into specific task areas • Incumbent prepares DRAFT job description for review by supervisor

  7. WHAT IS INCLUDED? • Imagine the position is vacant and you have been asked to identify the basic position requirements • These may be different than your own personal skills and qualifications • Do not describe the position on what you think it “should be”. • Don’t overstate or understate

  8. WHAT IS INCLUDED (Continued) • Think of primary responsibilities in terms of end results for the job responsibility • Avoid listing detailed tasks or activities performed to accomplish the end result • What is done: “word processes documents from drafts” (Duty statement) • How it is done: “organizes document, brings up software, enters document, prints and proofs” (Task statement)

  9. WHAT IS INCLUDED (Continued) • Begin each statement with an action verb • Limit duty statements to four to six primary job responsibilities • More words is not always more responsibility • Increased volume does not necessarily mean more responsibility

  10. JOB DESCRIPTION REVIEW • Supervisor reviews DRAFT job description • Supervisor makes necessary revisions • Supervisor meets with incumbent to discuss final job description • Supervisor submits job description for review and approval at next level

  11. APPROVAL • Supervisor and Vice President are solely responsible for approval of final job description based on needs of the department • Once approved, job description is submitted for Budget approval • After Budget approval, job description is submitted to Human Resources for review and classification

  12. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION • FINAL JOB DESCRIPTION WITH ALL SIGNATURES • Classified require PDQ in addition to job description • CURRENT ORGANIZATION CHART • SUBMIT TO HUMAN RESOURCES USING PeopleAdmin (electronic position control system) • Attach PDQ and Org Chart under Required Documents

  13. WHAT’S NEXT? • Human Resources reviews • Proper classification • Proper salary comparison • Sustain or reclassify • Notifies supervisor of outcome

  14. JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT • Primary source for establishing job expectations • Performance goals must apply to duties and responsibilities assigned • Performance goals can address special projects or issues such as attendance, etc.

  15. LET’S TRY IT! • Using the Administrative Assistant classification: • Write a job description Summary (limit to no more than 5-6 sentences) • Identify one duty assigned • Write 2-3 tasks related to that duty USE YOUR TOOLKIT!


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