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Correlation between Physics Reach, Luminosity and √s

Correlation between Physics Reach, Luminosity and √s. prerequisites. azimuthal asymmetries in DIS . e p Physics reach. exclusive processes . inclusive and semi-inclusive DIS. adds their transverse momentum dependence. all need √ s ep > 50 GeV.

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Correlation between Physics Reach, Luminosity and √s

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  1. Correlation betweenPhysics Reach,Luminosity and √s

  2. prerequisites azimuthal asymmetries in DIS ep Physics reach exclusive processes inclusive and semi-inclusive DIS adds their transverse momentum dependence all need √sep > 50 GeV longitudinal motionof spinning quarks and gluons adds their transverse position to access x < 10-3 where sea quarks and gluons dominate • multi-dimensional binning • to reach kT > 1 GeV • to reach |t| > 1 GeV2 experimental program to address these questions: machine & detector requirements

  3. ep Physics reach Luminosity cm-2s-1 Charged Lepton Flavor Violation Precision Measurements of Weak Neutral Current Couplings novel electroweak spin SF 1034 GPDs of gluons DVCS, Vector mesons GPDs of valence and sea-quarks DVCS, Pseudoscaler, Vector mesons gluon Sivers & unpolarised TMD quark Sivers & unpolarised TMD Transversity & Boer-Mulders fct polarised gluon distribution Dg(x,Q2) polarised quark and anti-quark densities 1033 HERA: √s=315 GeV Lumi: 2x1031cm-2s-1 √s 140 GeV 20x250 45 GeV 5x100 100 GeV 10x250 63 GeV 10x100

  4. kinematic coverage for double spin observables RHIC pp data constraining Δg(x) in approx. 0.05 < x <0.2 data plotted at xT=2pT/√S 20 x 250 GeVeRHIC 5 x 100 GeVeRHIC lowest x so far 4.6 x10-3COMPASS

  5. The DVCS Phase Space 20 x 250 GeVeRHIC 5 x 100 GeVeRHIC quantum numbers of final state selects different GPD DVCS: wide range of observables (s, AUT, ALU, AUL, AC) to disentangle GPDs

  6. The TMD Phase Space 5 x 100 GeVeRHIC 20 x 250 GeVeRHIC

  7. prerequisites semi-inclusive DIS eAPhysics reach exclusive diffraction inclusive DIS and diffraction gA(x,kT); transport coefficients; fluctuations of nuclear density gA(x,bT); need √sep > 50 GeV integrated gluon and sea-quark distributions to access x < 10-3 where sea quarks and gluons dominate • multi-dimensional binning • to reach high pT • to reach |t| >= 0.2 GeV2 experimental program to address these questions: machine & detector requirements L ~ 1 fb-1 L ~ 10 fb-1

  8. eA Physics reach Luminosity cm-2s-1 HERA: √s=315 GeV Lumi: 2x1031cm-2s-1 1034 SATURATION Spatial gluon distribution gA(x,bT) as fct. of A; gluon correlations 1033 Transport coefficients in nuclear matter Fluctuations of the nuclear density kT-dependent gluon distribution gA(x,kT) as fct. of A; gluon correlations Integrated gluon momentum distribution gA(x,Q2) as fct. of A 1032 collective nuclear effects atintermediate-x √s 90 GeV 20x100 31 GeV 5x50 45 GeV 5x100 63 GeV 10x100

  9. The Phase Space for eA 20 x 100 GeVeRHIC 5 x 100 GeVeRHIC

  10. The Phase Space for eA 20 x 100 GeVeRHIC

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