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Understand the signs and stages of pregnancy, importance of prenatal care, and childbirth options. Learn about fetal development, dangers to the fetus, and genetic counseling to ensure a healthy baby.
Do Now: • Complete worksheet – “Signs of Pregnancy” • On the back of your worksheet answer: • What type of doctor/specialist takes care of the • mother to be and delivers the baby? • 3. What is prenatal care? Pregnancy & Childbirth Learning Targets: Recognized signs of pregnancy. Recognize the role hormones play during pregnancy. State the importance of prenatal care for the baby and mother
Health Alert! Narong Jongsirikul/Shutterstock.com
Pregnancy & Childbirth Obstetrician … OB A doctor who takes care of the mother to be and delivers the baby no a stork does not deliver a baby …lol
Human Sexual Reproduction Rawpixel.com/Shutterstock.com • A pregnant woman should regularly visit an obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/GYN), who can help • ensure that motherand developing babyremain healthy • look for signs ofpossible difficulties
16 Human Development 16.1The Beginning of Life Human Reproduction Textbook page 533-535
Learning Targets: • Explain what causes fertilization to take place. • Recognize the physical and emotional changes a pregnant female experiences • Describe what happens to the developing child in the three stages o fetal development. • Analyze how alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs affect the fetus • Explain the importance of prenatal care and proper nutrition for the baby and mother • Define labor. • Explain what occurs during each stage of labor. • Identify various childbirth options and trends. Pregnancy & Childbirth
Human Sexual Reproduction • For a pregnancy to occur, a male’s sperm must enter a female’s vagina • In sexual intercourse, one sperm and one mature egg combine, called fertilization • A fertilized egg is called a zygote, which marks the beginning of a pregnancy
Prenatal Development Most babies are born after 36 to 40 weeks of prenatal development
Due Dates • Expected delivery date (EDD) • only an estimate - Only a small percentage of women actually deliver on their due date • most babies are born between 38 and 42 weeks from the first day of their mom’s last menstrual period (LMP) • EDD is calculated by identifying the women’s LMP • 40 weeks from the first day of the LMP • If baby is delivered on the EDD the baby is actually only about 38 weeks old because the egg didn't become fertilized until about 2 weeks after the start of your last menstrual period …. Remember ovulation is 14 days before menstruation.
Trimester Another common term you'll hear throughout a pregnancy is trimester. • A pregnancy is divided into trimesters: • first trimester: from week 1 to the end of week 12 first 3 months • second trimester: from week 13 to the end of week 26 second 3 months • third trimester: from week 27 to the end of the pregnancy, last 3 months
Pregnancy and Childbirth • Fertilization: the union of a single sperm and an ovum (egg). • conception– the beginning of pregnancy … right at fertilization
Stages of development Zygote:a fertilized ovum (egg) Blastocyst :a ball of cells with a cavity Embryo:an implanted blastocyst from the time of implantation until about the 8th week of development Fetus: a developing baby from the end of the eighth week until birth.
Placenta: a structure that forms along the lining of the uterus that provides nourishment Amniotic Sac:a fluid-filled sac that surrounds the embryo. Amniotic Fluid
Umbilical Cord:ropelike structure that connects the embryo to the mother’s placenta. Through it, food and oxygen enter the baby’s blood stream and waste is removed
Fetus: a developing baby from the end of the eighth week until birth.
Genes: units of heredity that determine which traits, or characteristics off spring inherit from their parents. Examples Height Hair Color Skin Type Genetic Counseling: process in which genetic histories of prospective parents are studied to determine the presence of certain hereditary diseases.
Who determines the sex of a child father, (sperm), or mother, (egg)? Male = xyFemale = xx • Sperm has both x and y chromosomes • Egg has only x chromosomes Father … sperm
Birth Defects: an abnormality in the structure or function of the body that is present at birth. • Birth defects can be caused by abnormal genes or environmental factors. • Environmental factors are things in the mothers environment • polluted air • things the mother does while pregnant • drinking, smoking, poor nutrition
Prenatal Care:care occurring or existing before birth. Prenatal care is for both the mother and the developing fetus. Dangers to the Fetus Environment • Tobacco/Nicotine: Babies born to females who smoke/vabe can have lower birth weight, heart and brain abnormalities and cleft lips and palates.
Dangers to the Fetus Environment • Alcohol Women who drink alcohol during pregnancy may develop fetal alcohol syndrome. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: a condition of physical, mental, and behavioral abnormalities that can result when a pregnant female drinks alcohol.
Dangers to the Fetus Environment • Other Drugs • Medications All medications and supplements must be approved for use during pregnancy. Recreational and/or Abused Drugs Including Marijuana Cause birth defects Must be avoided
Dangers to the Fetus Environment • Caffeine: Many women choose to avoid caffeine during pregnancy. • Rubella: Virus, which if a woman is exposed to during pregnancy can lead to birth defects. • Other Dangers: Exposure to radiation Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Ultrasound: a test that produces an image on a screen by reflecting sound waves off the body’s outer structures. • Amniocentesis: procedure that reveals chromosomal abnormalities and certain metabolic disorders in the fetus.
Labor:regular contractions of the uterus which open, dilate, the cervix that allow the baby and the placenta to be pushed out • Contraction: the tightening of a muscle. During labor the muscle that contracts is the uterus. • also called labor pains. • Dilation: the process of opening. In labor the cervix dilates or opens • to the size of 10 cm, about 4 inches in diameter to allow the baby to be pushed out of the uterus and into the vagina.
Stages of Labor • Stage 1 • mild contractions begin • cervix begins to dilate • Stage 2 • stronger contractions • cervix has opened to 10 cm, about 4 inches • contractions push the baby through the cervix out of the mother • Stage 3 • final stage of birth • several more very strong contractions to push out the placenta
Episiotomy- an incision made in the perineum to enlarge the opening for delivery of a baby
Types of Birth • Cesarean Birth: a method of childbirth in which a surgical incision is made through the abdominal wall and the uterus. The baby is lifted out through the surgical incision then the afterbirth is removed- afterbirth • Breech birth: buttocks or feet first • Cephalic:normal head first