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Bradley Shadwick. Education Ph.D. The University of Texas at Austin 1995 M.S. Physics University of Toronto 1987 Professional Experience Assistant Professor University of Nebraska-Lincoln 08/2007–present Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab 2000-2006
Bradley Shadwick • Education • Ph.D. The University of Texas at Austin 1995 • M.S. Physics University of Toronto 1987 • Professional Experience • Assistant Professor University of Nebraska-Lincoln 08/2007–present • Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab 2000-2006 • Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California at Berkeley 1996-1999 • Research Scientist, Institute for Fusion Studies, UT-Austin 1995-1996
Refereed Publications P. J. Morrison and B. A. Shadwick, On the Fluctuation Spectrum of PlasmaCommun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 13, 130 (2008). E. Esarey, C. B. Schroeder, E. Cormier-Michel, B. A. Shadwick, C. G. R. Geddes, and W. P. Leemans, Thermal Effects in Plasma-Based Accelerators, Phys. Plasmas 14, 056707 (2007). Estelle Cormier-Michel, B. A. Shadwick, C. G. R. Geddes, E. Esarey, C. B. Schroeder, and W. P. Leemans, Unphysical kinetic effects in laser wakefield accelerators modeled with particle-in-cell codes, submitted to Phys. Rev. E (2007). Refereed conference proceedings P. J. Morrison and B. A. Shadwick, On the Fluctuation Spectrum of PlasmaCommun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. In press. Professional Journals B.A. Shadwick, The Role of Computation in Physics, Computers in Engineering and Science, 9, 101 (2007). C. B. Schroeder, E. Esarey, and B. A. Shadwick, Comment on “Wave-breaking limits for relativistic electrostatic waves in a one-dimensional warm plasma” [Phys. Plasmas 13, 123102 (2006)], Phys. Plasmas14, 084701 (2007) Invited Presentations Modeling Intense Laser-Plasma Interactions by Direct Solution of the Vlasov-Maxwell Equatons Using a Moving Phase-Space Grid, 20th International Conference on the Numerical Simulation o Plasmas, Austin, TX (Oct 2007)
Current Research Funding Funded NSF EPSCoR First Award, Dynamics of Large-Amplitude Plasma Waves: Wavebreaking, Trapping and Acceleration, PI. 01/01/08-12/31/08 Pending DoE Junior Faculty Program Wavebreaking and Particle Trapping in Collisionless Plasmas NSF Career Wavebreaking and Particle Trapping in Large Amplitude Plasma Waves
Teaching 2008 Spring PHYS 311 Identified several references, but used no single textbook. “I started the course scared…but things progressed” “many of the topics/methods…seemed beyond the prereqs!” “probably the most frustrating physics course I’ve taken so far” “always willing to help” “very helpful in office hours” Knowledge/Enthusiasm/Interest in Students 1.67 / 1.33 / 1.25 Organization/Sensitivity 2.92 / 2.92 Overall: 2.42 Undergraduate Students Supervised Moonyoung (Frank) Lee Service Reviewer: Physical Review Letters, Physics Letters A, Physical Review E, Physics of Plasmas, American Journal of Physics, Journal of Physics A, DoE BES
Axel Enders Education Max-Planck-Institute for Microstructure Physics and Physics Department of the Martin Luther University PhD 1999 Professional Experience Assistant Professor University of Nebraska-Lincoln 08/07–present Staff scientist/group leader Max Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung Stuttgart, Nanoscale Science Dept.2001-2007 Feodor Lynen Scholar of the Alexander v. Humboldt foundation at the Simon Fraser University Burnaby / Canada 1999-2001
Refereed Publications Ordered Layers of Co Clusters On Boron-Nitride Template Layers J. Zhang, V. Sessi, C. H. Michaelis, I. Brihuega, J. Honolka, and K. Kern R. Skomski, X. Chen, G. Rojas, and A. Enders, accepted byPhys. Rev. B, 2008 Boron Nitride Nanomesh: an Ultrathin Insulating Template Brihuega, C. Michaelis, J. Zhang, S. Bose, V. Sessi, J. Honolka, A. Schneider, A. Enders, K. Kern Surf. Sci. Letters602 (14) (2008) L95 - L99 Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of the Thermodynamic Stability of Ba-C60 and K-C60 Compound Clusters E. Zurek, J. Autschbach, N. Malinowski, A. Enders, and K. Kern, ACS Nano (2008) 2(5) 1000-1014 Substrate-controlled growth and magnetism of nanosize Fe clusters on Pt R. Skomski, J. Zhang, V. Sessi, J. Honolka, K. Kern, and A. Enders, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07D519 (2008) Absence of local magnetic moments in Ru and Rh impurities and clusters on Ag(100) and Pt(997)J.Honolka, K. Kuhnke, L. Vitali, A. Enders, S. Gardonio, C. Carbone, S. R. Krishnakumar, K. Kern, P. Bencok, S. Stepanow, P. Gambardella, Phys. Rev. B 76, 144412 (2007) Magnetism of Fe clusters formed by buffer-layer assisted growth on Pt(997) J. Zhang, D. Repetto, V. Sessi, J. Honolka, A. Enders, and K. Kern, European Physical J. D 45, 515-520 (2007). Magnetic Anisotropy of Deposited Transition Metal Clusters S. Bornemann, J. Minár, J.B. Staunton, J. Honolka, A. Enders, K. Kern, and H. Ebert, European Physical J. D 45, 529-534 (2007)
Book Chapters Designed Magnetic Nanostructures A. Enders, R. Skomski and D. Sellmyer, in: "Nanoscale Magnetic Materials and Applications" Edited by Ping Liu, Springer, 2008, in press. Magnetism of nanostructures A. Enders, P. Gambardella, and K. Kern, in: “The Handbook of Magnetism and Advanced Magnetic Materials” Vol. 1, Springer, 2006 editors in chief:. Prof. H. Kronmüler and Dr. S. Parkin, 2007.
Current Research Funding Funded NSF-CAREER: Self-Assembled Magnetic Nanostructures$400,00001/01/08-12/31/12 Pending ACS Type G ProposalSurface-Supported Molecule-Based Framework Nanostructures for Gas Storage Declined NSF MRIAcquisition of an ultrahigh-vacuum variable-temperature scanning tunneling microscope for research on hybrid nanostructures
Teaching 2007 Fall PHYS 211H “This was one of my hardest, yet still one of my favorite, classes!” “one of the best instructors I have ever had” “always helpful and available to his students”“lectures were never dull” Enthusiasm/Interest in Students 1.00 / 1.05 Effectiveness/Organization 1.65 / 1.70 Overall: 1.35 Graduate Students Supervised Geoffrey Rojas Xumin Chen Undergraduate Students Supervised Justin Nitz Timothy Struble Nathaniel Spaulding Nathaniel Coleman Service Program Committee: MMM/Intermag meeting, Jan 2007 Session chair: MMM meeting, Nov. 2007 Reviewer: for 8 scientific journals
Alexei Gruverman Education Ural State University, Russia PhD 1990 Assistant Professor University of Nebraska-Lincoln 10/07–present Scientist Scientist, Sony Corporation, Yokohama, Japan 1997-2000 Joint Research Center for Atomic Technology, Tsukuba 1993-1997 Refereed Publications A.Gruverman, D.Wu, and J.F.Scott, Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Studies of Switching Behavior of Ferroelectric Capacitors on a 100-ns TimescalePhys. Rev. Lett.100, 097601-604 (2008).
Current Research Funding Awarded NSF-MRSEC: Quantum and Spin Phenomena in Nanomagnetic Structures Submitted NRI: Biophysics at the End of a Tip A. Gruverman, S. Ducharme, Y. Lyubchenko
Teaching 2007 Fall PHYS 212 “impossible to hear or understand despite microphone” “impatient when students do not understand” “presentations jumbled” “abrasive manor” “rude to students” “unfriendly” “not willing to give help to students” Knowledge 2.62 Effectiveness/Sensitivity 4.02 / 4.07 Overall: 3.74 Graduate Students Supervised Pankaj Sharma Haidong Wu Undergraduate Students Supervised Glen Gates Shawn Roberts Service Reviewer: Nature Materials, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review, Applied Physic Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, Semiconductor Science and Technology, Nanotechnology, Integrated Ferroelectrics, Journal of Materials Research, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology,Thin Solid Films, IEEE Trans.