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Library Materials Budget Advisory Committee. Arne J. Almquist Associate Provost for Library Services Steely Library. Why Create a Library Committee?. Division of Departmental Allocations. - Advisory Input From Teaching Faculty. Creation/Revision of an Objective Means to Allocate
Library Materials Budget Advisory Committee Arne J. Almquist Associate Provost for Library Services Steely Library
Why Create a Library Committee? • Division of Departmental Allocations - Advisory Input From Teaching Faculty • Creation/Revision of an Objective Means to Allocate • Funds Among Departments • Feedback/Involvement in Potential Serials Cuts
Why Create a Library Committee? • Communication Channel • Build a Better Understanding, Among the Teaching Faculty and Administration, of Library Materials Cost Trends and the Acquisitions Process - Communicate Current Materials Budget Status to the Teaching Faculty - Build Awareness of Library Services and Issues
Initial Task … Review the current method for allocating funds to departmental materials lines. Create a new formula or Revise the current allocation method.
Agenda: 1. Presentation on current status of the FY 2001/02 materials budget. 2. Presentation on methods for allocating materials funds between academic departments (formulas). 3. Creation of a subcommittee to devise a formula for NKU.
Ordering Deadlines Academic Departments Feb. 15, 2002 (Grace Period until Feb. 28, 2002) Liaison Librarians March 31, 2002
Plan to Expend Year-End Funds • Enforce Deadlines • Create “Wish List” – Total $100,000 - Items should cost $500+, domestic source, in print - All librarians have input - Input from departmental library representatives
Items Proposed for Purchase From Year-End Funds Priority 1: JSTOR CollectionArchive Capital FeeAnnual Access Fee Ecology & Botany $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Arts & Sciences I $ 25,000 $ 4,000 Arts & Sciences II $ 8,000 $ 2,000 Business $ 7,000 $ 2,200 General Science $ 5,000 $ 3,000 Total: $47,500 $13,700
JSTOR – Journal Titles The Arts & Sciences I Collection African American Review American Economic Review American Historical Review American Journal of International Law American Journal of Mathematics American Journal of Political Science American Journal of Sociology American Literature American Mathematical Monthly American Political Science Review American QuarterlyAmerican Sociological Review Annals of Applied Probability Annals of Mathematical Statistics Annals of Mathematics Annals of Probability Annals of Statistics Annual Review of Anthropology Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics Annual Review of Sociology Anthropology Today Applied Statistics Biometrika Callaloo China Journal Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews Current Anthropology Demography Ecological Applications Ecological Monographs Ecology Econometrica Economic Journal Eighteenth-Century Studies ELH Ethics Family Planning Perspectives Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies International Family Planning Perspectives International Organization Journal of American History Journal of Animal Ecology Journal of Applied Econometrics Journal of Asian Studies Journal of Black Studies Journal of Blacks in Higher Education Journal of Business Journal of Ecology Journal of Economic History Journal of Economic Literature Journal of Economic Perspectives Journal of Finance Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Journal of Health and Social Behavior Journal of Higher Education Journal of Industrial Economics Journal of Military History Journal of Modern History Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking Journal of Negro Education Journal of Negro History Journal of Philosophy Journal of Political Economy Journal of Politics Journal of Southern History Journal of Symbolic Logic Journal of the American Mathematical Society Journal of the American Statistical Association Journal of the History of Ideas Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute/Man Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A: Statistics in Society Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B: Statistical Methodology Mathematics of Computation Mind MLN Monumenta Nipponica Nineteenth-Century Literature Nous Pacific Affairs Philosophical Perspectives Philosophical Quarterly Philosophical Review Philosophy and Phenomenological Research Philosophy and Public Affairs Political Science Quarterly Population and Development Review Population Index Population Studies Population: An English Selection Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Proceedings of the American Political Science Association Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute Public Opinion Quarterly Quarterly Journal of Economics Renaissance Quarterly Representations Review of Economic Studies Review of Economics and Statistics Review of Financial Studies Reviews in American History Shakespeare Quarterly SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis SIAM Review Social Psychology Quarterly Sociology of Education Speculum: A Journal of Mediaeval Studies Statistical Science Statistician Studies in Family Planning Studies in the Renaissance Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Transition William and Mary Quarterly World Politics Yale French Studies
JSTOR – Journal Titles The Arts & Sciences II Collection As of February 7, 2002, these 51 titles are available online. Annals of the Association of American GeographersAsian Survey Biometrics British Journal of Middle Eastern StudiesBritish Journal of Political ScienceBrookings Papers on Economic Activity Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: MicroeconomicsCanadian Journal of EconomicsComparative Studies in Society and History Economic GeographyEconomic History Review Economica Europe-Asia Studies Gender and Society HesperiaHispanic American Historical Review The Historical Journal History and Theory International Affairs International Economic Review International Journal of African Historical StudiesInternational Journal of Middle East Studies International Migration Review International Security International Studies QuarterlyThe Journal of African History The Journal of British StudiesThe Journal of Conflict Resolution Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs The Journal of Interdisciplinary History Journal of Japanese StudiesJournal of Labor Economics Journal of Latin American Studies Journal of Modern African Studies Journal of Palestine Studies Journal of Southern African Studies Latin American Perspectives Latin American Research ReviewMershon International Studies ReviewMiddle East Report Modern China Pakistan ForumPolitical TheoryThe RAND Journal of Economics The Russian Review The Sixteenth Century Journal Slavic Review Social Forces Sociological MethodologySociological TheoryWorld Archaeology Other confirmed titles for this collection, to be released at a later date, include: American AntiquityAmerican Journal of PhilologyThe American StatisticianBulletin of Symbolic LogicCanadian Journal of African StudiesClassical PhilologyFrench Historical StudiesThe Geographical Review Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical GeographyGeografiska Annaler: Series B, Human GeographyHarvard Studies in Classical PhilologyHistory of Education Quarterly IsisJournal of Contemporary HistoryJournal of Interdisciplinary History Journal of Near Eastern Studies Journal of Peace ResearchJournal of Roman StudiesJournal of the American Oriental SocietyLegislative Studies QuarterlyModern Asian StudiesNotes and Records of the Royal Society of LondonOsirisPhilosophy of SciencePS: Political Science and PoliticsPSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science AssociationScience & Technology StudiesScience, Technology & Human ValuesSlavic and East European JournalSocial Studies of ScienceTransactions of the American Philological Association
JSTOR – Journal Titles The Business Collection - Title List Total of 46 titles—20 unique to the Business Collection The Academy of Management Journal The Academy of Management ReviewThe Accounting Review Administrative Science Quarterly Industrial and Labor Relations Review Journal of Accounting Research Journal of Consumer Research The Journal of Human Resources The Journal of International Business Studies Journal of Organizational BehaviorThe Journal of Risk And Insurance Journal of the Operational Research Society Management Science Management TechnologyManagerial and Decision Economics Marketing Science MIS Quarterly Operations ResearchOrganization ScienceStrategic Management Journal The Ecology & Botany Collection American Journal of BotanyAmerican Midland NaturalistAmerican NaturalistAnnals of the Missouri Botanical GardenAnnual Review of Ecology and SystematicsBiotropicaBrittoniaConservation BiologyDiversity and DistributionsEcological ApplicationsEcological MonographsEcologyEvolutionFunctional EcologyGlobal Ecology and Biogeographic LettersInternational Journal of Plant SciencesJournal of Animal EcologyJournal of Applied EcologyJournal of BiogeographyJournal of EcologyJournal of Tropical EcologyJournal of the Torrey Botanical SocietyLimnology and OceanographyMissouri Botanical Garden Annual ReportNew PhytologistPaleobiologyQuarterly Review of BiologySystematic BiologySystematic Botany The General Science Collection Royal Society of London titles: Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Proceedings: Biological Sciences Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Science Scientific Monthly Total of 256 Journal Titles
Items Proposed for Purchase From Year-End Funds Priority 2: Reference Materials 1930 Census Schedule for KY (51 rolls of microfilm) $1,734 Cincinnati Enquirer, add years (@ $4,000/yr, 1902-1956) Biography & Genealogy Master Index Encyclopedia of Women/Gender Issues Systems of Education $ 750 McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology $2,195 Dictionary of Literary Biography (fill in gaps)
Priority 2: Reference Materials Encyclopedia of Life Sciences International Encyc. Of the Soc. & Behavioral Sciences $9,995 Encyclopedia of Genetics $ 995 African American Encyclopedia $ 420 New Grove Dictionary of Jazz $ 550 Encyclopedia of Biodiversity $ 695 Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Physics $ 650 Encyclopedia of the American Constitution $ 500