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FUTURE OF SCHOOL APPLICANT NAME: Please type your school/organization here. Learner profiles Each student has an up-to-date record of his/ her individual strengths, needs, motivations and goals. Strengths & Needs Motivations Goals Information & Feedback. LEARNER PROFILES.
FUTURE OF SCHOOL APPLICANT NAME: Please type your school/organization here Based on a presentation developed by GRAVITYTANK for The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Learner profilesEach student has an up-to-date record of his/her individual strengths, needs, motivations and goals.Strengths & NeedsMotivationsGoalsInformation & Feedback
LEARNER PROFILES How do you plan to capture each student’s current level of mastery within each of the dimensions that you believe are essential for his/her success (e.g. academic standards, skills)? In what ways will you highlight a student’s gaps to draw attention to their individual needs? Strengths & Needs Motivations How will you support each student in understanding and articulating his/her interests and aspirations? Created by: **Please insert Applicant name here**
LEARNER PROFILES How will you support each student in setting personalized goals within each dimension that you believe is essential for his/her success? In what ways and how frequently will you ask students to reflect on their progress and their goals accordingly? Goals Information& Feedback In what ways and how frequently will you provide timely, actionable information and feedback to each student? How will you also provide that information to their teachers and families? Created by: **Please insert Applicant name here**
Personal learning pathsAll students are held to clear, high expectations, but each student follows a customized path that responds and adapts based on his/her individual learning progress, motivations and goals.Personalized Learning PlansVaried Learning Experiences (Modalities)Student Ownership
PERSONAL LEARNING PATHS How will you ensure that each student has a learning plan that takes into account his/her strengths, needs, motivations and goals? How will a student’s plan respond and adapt to his/her changing needs? PersonalizedLearning Plans What types of experiences (e.g. complex tasks, experiential learning) will your students need to achieve their goals? What are the ideal modalities (e.g. small group instruction, one-on-one tutoring, online learning) to deliver these experiences? Varied LearningExperiences (Modalities) Created by: **Please insert Applicant name here**
PERSONAL LEARNING PATHS In what ways will you enable students to develop and manage their own learning path? Student Ownership Created by: **Please insert Applicant name here**
Competency based progressionEach student’s progress toward clearly-defined goals is continually assessed. A student advances and earns credit as soon as s/he demonstrates mastery.Ongoing AssessmentIndividual Advancement
COMPETENCY BASED PROGRESSION In what ways and how frequently will you assess each student’s level of mastery within the dimensions that you believe are essential for his/her success? Ongoing Assessment Individual Advancement How will you enable an individual student to pursue new learning experiences as soon as he/she has mastered the prerequisite content? How will students attain course credit based on mastery? Created by: **Please insert Applicant name here**
Flexible learning environmentsStudent needs drive the design of the learningenvironment. All operational elements—staffing plans, space utilization and time allocation—respond and adapt to support students in achieving their goals.Operational AlignmentStaffing & RolesSpace UtilizationTime AllocationGrouping & Connections
FLEXIBLE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS How will you deliver all of the learning experiences that your students need, with the resources you will have available? How will you build flexibility into your design to enable you to respond and adapt to changing student needs? Operational Alignment Staffing & Roles In what ways will you organize your operating environment (physical space, furniture) and use time in and out of school most efficiently to enable the variety and depth of learning experiences you wish to offer? Created by: **Please insert Applicant name here**
FLEXIBLE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS How will you design your physical space to support your instructional vision? Will you use spaces beyond your building, and if so, how? Space Utilization In what ways will you maximize the time each student spends pursuing his/her goals? How will student and staff schedules respond and adapt to changing student needs? Time Allocation Created by: **Please insert Applicant name here**
FLEXIBLE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS Grouping & Connections How will you group students to enable the varied learning experiences you hope to offer? How will the way you group students respond and adapt to their changing needs? In what ways will you facilitate personal connections between students, and between students and adults? Created by: **Please insert Applicant name here**