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B+-Trees. Recap of Data Storage in Files. Data is stored in files using primary organization Unordered (heap) Ordered (sequential) Hashed To speed up data retrieval, indexes are defined on the data files based on Ordering Key field – unique key values for all the records - primary index OR

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  1. B+-Trees

  2. Recap of Data Storage in Files • Data is stored in files using primary organization • Unordered (heap) • Ordered (sequential) • Hashed • To speed up data retrieval, indexes are defined on the data files based on • Ordering Key field – unique key values for all the records - primary index OR • Ordering Non-key field – clustering index AND • Non-ordering non-key fields - Secondary indexes • To search for a required record (whose key is given in the WHERE part of the query) in the data file, DBMS first searches the index • Once index is located the pointer field of the index leads the DBMS to the disk page where the required record is located • binary search can be performed on the ordered index Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  3. Primary Indexes(Copied from lecture on file organization) • The data file is sequentially ordered on the key field • Index file stores all (dense) or some (sparse) values of the key field and the page number of the data file in which the corresponding record is stored 1 Branch 2 3 4 Table Pages on Disk Index Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  4. Multi-level Index • If the index information is large it needs to be stored on the hard disk • This means efficient techniques are required for searching indexes as well • Faster than a binary search on the ordered index • The key idea used to improve search efficiency is to add another level of index to the initial level of index • This idea can be repeated several times to define several levels of index • The top level index is made to fit into a single disk page • This top level search gives the pointer to the required lower level index page or the pointer to the required data page • This is the central idea behind Multi-level indexes • ISAM uses a Multi-level index Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  5. Dynamic Multi-level Index • Although multi-level indexes (as described earlier) can speed up search they perform poorly with insertions and deletions • Dynamic multi-level index addresses this problem by leaving out some space in each of its pages for new entries • Dynamic multi-level index is implemented using data structures called B-Trees and B+-Trees • B+-Trees are a variation on B-Trees • B+-Trees are more commonly used for indexing than B-Trees Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  6. 5 * 9 * 6 * 1 * 8 * 12 * 7 * 3 * B-Tree • B-Tree stands for a Balanced tree • All the paths through a B-Tree from root to different leaf nodes are of the same length (balanced path lengths) • All leaf nodes are at the same depth (level) • This ensures that number of disk accesses required for all the searches are same • The lesser the depth (level) of an index tree the faster the search B-Tree of order 3 * Is the pointer to the data page Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  7. B+-Tree • B-Tree stores data pointers in non-leaf nodes and also leaf nodes (refer to the figure on Slide 5) • B+-Tree stores data pointers in leaf nodes only • This means leaf nodes and non-leaf nodes are structured differently in B+-Tree • The saved space in the non-leaf (internal) nodes is used to store more keys and more tree pointers • Reduction in the depth of a B+-Tree • Faster search Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  8. B+-Tree (2) • Is a Balanced Tree with the following properties • The structure of a B+-Tree is defined based on a parameter called ‘Order’ denoted by p • Order of a B+-Tree depends upon the page size and the sizes of different fields in the tree nodes • The internal and leaf nodes in a B+-Tree are structured differently • Therefore the order of leaf node is different from the order of the internal nodes and we use • p – order of internal node • pleaf – order of leaf node Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  9. Internal Node • For a B+-Tree of order p internal nodes are structured as follows • Each internal node is of the form <P1,K1,P2,K2,…,pq-1,Kq-1,Pq> where q<=p and each Pi is a tree pointer and Ki is an index • Within each internal node, K1<K2<…<Kq-1 – indexes are sorted • For all search field values X in the subtree pointed at by Pi, Ki-1<X<=Ki and 1<i<q; X<=Ki; and Ki-1<X for i = q • Each internal node has at most p tree pointers • Each internal node, except the root has at least ceiling(p/2) tree pointers • The root node has at least two tree pointers if it is an internal node • An internal node with q pointers, q<=p, has q-1 index values Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  10. Leaf Node • Leaf nodes are structured as follows • Each leaf node is of the form <<K1,Pr1>,<K2,Pr2>,…,<Kq-1,Prq-1>,Pnext> where q<=p,each Pri is a data pointer, and Pnext points to the next leaf node in the B+-tree • Within each leaf node, K1<=K2…,Kq-1,q<=p • each leaf node has at least ceiling(p/2) values • All leaf nodes are the same level - balanced • In B+-tree all the leaf nodes are linked together • First level of index as linked list (could be doubly linked as well) Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  11. 5 * 8 * Insertion • We illustrate index insertion with an example • We want to insert the following indexes into an empty B+-Tree of p=3 and pleaf=2 • 8, 5, 1, 7, 3, 12 • Initially you start with the root node which is of type leaf node (no children yet) Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  12. 1 5 * * 8 5 * * 5 Insert 1: overflow (new level) Insert 7 8 8 * * Overflow in leaf node Split the leaf node the first j = ceiling((pleaf+1)/2) entries are kept in the original node and the remaining moved to the new leaf node create a new internal node and the jth index value is replicated in the parent internal node a pointer is added to the newly formed leaf node Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  13. 1 7 1 * * * 5 8 5 * * * Insert 7 5 5 8 * Space available in nodes to store new entries without creating new nodes Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  14. 1 1 7 7 * * * * 8 3 5 8 * * * * 3 5 5 Insert 3: overflow (split) 5 * Overflow in leaf node; Split the leaf node the first j = ceiling((pleaf+1)/2) entries are kept in the original node and the remaining moved to the new leaf node the jth index value is replicated in the parent internal node a pointer is added to the newly formed leaf node Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  15. 1 1 7 7 * * * * 3 8 3 8 * * * * 3 5 3 8 5 12 * Insert 12: overflow (split, propagates, New level) 5 5 * * Overflow in internal node; Split the internal node the entries upto Pj where j = floor((p+1)/2) are kept in the original node and the remaining moved to the new internal node Create a new internal node and the jth index value is moved to the parent internal node (without replication) pointers are added to the newly formed nodes Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  16. Insertion (2) • You can see that not all insertions required creation of new nodes. • B+-Trees ensure that some space is always left in nodes for new entries • Also B-Trees also make sure all nodes are at least half full Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  17. 1 7 * * 8 3 * * 5 3 8 12 * 5 * Search • Given an index, K to be searched • start at the root node • Search for the pointer to follow to the lower level of the tree until a leaf node is found • Search for the key in the leaf node Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  18. Deletion • We illustrate index deletion with an example • We want to delete the following indexes from a B+-Tree of p=3 and pleaf=2 • 5, 12, 9 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  19. 8 8 5 * * * 9 6 9 * * * 7 1 9 1 9 7 6 6 1 1 * * 7 7 * * 12 12 * * Delete 5 6 * Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  20. 8 * 9 * 7 1 9 7 1 8 6 6 1 1 * * 7 7 * * 12 9 * * 6 8 * * 6 * Delete 12: Underflow (redistribute) Underflow in leaf node if a sibling node (right or left) exists redistribute entries among the node and its siblings so that both are at least half full else merge the node with its siblings to reduce the number of leaf nodes modify the parent internal node to reflect the redistribution Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  21. 7 1 8 1 7 6 6 1 1 * * 7 * 8 9 * * 6 8 * * Delete 9: underflow (merge with left; Redistribute) 6 * 7 * Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

  22. Summary • B+-Trees provide efficient operations of • Search, insert and delete • Real databases have nodes of size equal to one disk page (say of 1KB size) • Thus each node stores lot more indexes than the examples shown here • Therefore achieve short search trees (small depth values) leading to faster search • B+ trees offer dynamic multilevel index • Dynamic • Allow simple insertion and deletion operations in majority of cases • Multilevel • First level index in the form of the linked list of all its leaf nodes • Each subsequent internal level in a B+-Tree offers another level of index Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen

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