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2013-14 Webinar Series Part 3 : CCSS ELA: Instructional Materials, Supports, and Engagement for the Middle Grades. Presented by: Liisa Moilanen Potts English Language Arts Director Teaching and Learning Department, OSPI. Please have your cell phone ready to do a text poll! .
2013-14 Webinar Series Part 3:CCSS ELA: Instructional Materials, Supports, and Engagement for the Middle Grades Presented by: Liisa Moilanen Potts English Language Arts Director Teaching and Learning Department, OSPI Please have your cell phone ready to do a text poll! CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Materials are hyperlinked throughout Agenda • Current context of CCSS ELA in Washington • Classroom Impact of the CCSS in ELA/Literacy in the Middle Grades: what does it look like? How does it sound? • Instructional Materials Considerations for Middle Grades • Assessment System Updates CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
CCSS and NGSSWashington’s Implementation Phases and Timelines CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Washington’s K-12 Learning Standards Landscape(CCSS-M, CCSS-ELA, EALRS, GLEs, PEs,) CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Washington’s K-12 Learning Standards Landscape, Continued(CCSS-M, CCSS-ELA, EALRS, GLEs, PEs,) CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Before we dig in…some formative information gathering (polleverywhere.com) • What is your role? • How prepared are you? • How familiar are you with the following resources available to consider quality of instructional materials for ELA and Math? • CCSS Publisher’s Criteria for English Language Arts and/or Mathematics • EQuipRubrics (from Achieve, Inc) for evaluating lessons for English Language Arts and/or Mathematics • Instructional Materials Evaluation Tools for English Language Arts and/or Mathematics CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Power of the Shifts • Know them – both the what and the why • Internalize them • Apply them to decisions about • Time • Energy • Resources • Conversations with parents, students, colleagues, partners This effort is about much more than implementing the next version of the standards. It is about preparing all students for college and careers. CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
The Middle Grades! CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Classroom Impact of CCSS in the Middle Grades (so much happening!) Text to self: “Why do I care about this?” Reading in many contents Peer relationships Transferring skills Learning to LISTEN Reading comprehension Reading deeply Managing learning Growing language skills Becoming articulate Discovering self Writing foundations Leveraging funds of knowledge Writing process CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
TheBigIdeas(introduction, page 7) CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Middle School Students: Lots of Change,Lots of Energy, Lots of Opportunity • Self awareness • Self management • Social awareness • Relationship skills • Responsible decision making CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Anchored in the Foundations of Literacy & Communication… • Reading • Writing • Language • Speaking & Listening • Literacy in SS/H • Literacy in Sci/T • Building language skills for all • Students CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
how word choice contributes to meaning and tone (RL.8.4) be able to cite textual evidence (RL.8.1) Grade 8: compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts and analyze how the different structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style (RL.8.5). support the assertions (arguments) they make in writing (W.8.1, W.8.9) CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Three Shifts in English Language Arts • Building content knowledge through content-rich nonfiction • Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational • Regular practice with complex text and its academic language CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Shift One: Building content knowledge throughcontent-rich nonfiction • Provides an ideal context for building language, vocabulary, knowledge, and reasoning • Is challenging, complex, and has deep comprehension-building potential • Is an opportunity for students to learn how to engage, interact, and have “conversations” with the text in ways that prepare them for the type of experiences they will encounter in college and careers. CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Shift Three (yes, we skipped 2 on purpose):Regular practice withcomplex textand its academic language CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14 Careful, targeted scaffolding of text complexity Focus on appropriately rigorous texts Strategic teaching of Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary with authentic application of new words and terms
Text Complexity Model: the right text at the right time for the right reason Best measured by computer software Best measured by an attentive human reader Best made by educators employing their professional judgment CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Considering Depth of Knowledge/DOK CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
What’s the level? What will kids need to understand and make this text relevant and lasting? CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Shift Two: Reading, writing, and speakinggrounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational Moving from “how do you feel about what you just read? Do you like it?” to “Identify three examples that let you know what the author’s purpose is. Do you agree with the author?” CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Practice with Academic Discourse is Key • Speaking and Listening: Questions, Arguments, Oral Processing, Discussion, Seminar, Speech (model, scaffold, practice, and build skills in academic and social conversation, listening, and collaborating) • Technology integration in harmony with physical writing (Whyare we using this technology?) • Revising and re-reading– grit and perseverance practice • Growing into adult learners: are my students giving me enough information to help them learn? Will they be able to transfer to independence? CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Questions for Educators and Teams! CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14 How does this task/learning build on prior knowledge from earlier grades and support later concepts? How does this task provide access for ALL students? What do we do to support students reading below or above this level? What do we do to support students who disengage (and … why are they disengaged?)
Scaffolding your instruction for all: a basic continuum CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14 Read Aloud/Think Aloud & Modeled Writing Shared Reading & Writing Guided Reading & Writing Independent Reading & Writing What do your students know? What can your students do? How do you know? ? What do you need?
These standards are directed toward fostering students’ understanding and working knowledge of concepts of print, the alphabetic principle, and other basic conventions of the English writing system. These foundational skills are not an end in and of themselves; rather, they are necessary and important components of an effective, comprehensive reading program designed to develop proficient readers with the capacity to comprehend texts across a range of types and disciplines. Instruction should be differentiated: good readers will need much less practice with these concepts than struggling readers will. The point is to teach students what they need to learn and not what they already know—to discern when particular children or activities warrant more or less attention. CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
The “How”: Guidance & Counseling Impacts of CCSS i.e. Guidance lesson alignments i.e. school climate focus on every student being successful and supported i.e. increased individual guidance support CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Considering Instructional Materials CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Rethinking Instructional Materials and Resources INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Individual lessons and plans Formally adopted or not Full courses Supplemental resources K-12 Core Curricula Teacher-created materials District-created materials/resources Purchased and/or “open education resources” CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14 What do we mean when we talk about “instructional materials”?
The “How”, continued… • Teacher Practices? • Student Work? • Instructional Materials? Reflect again now on what you will be able to observe (see, hear) when you have successfully implemented Common Core State Standards in your schools and districts. CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Publishers’ Criteria: Possible Uses Use Cases What States, Districts and Teachers Can Do Informing purchases and adoptions Ensure that instructional resource purchasing criteria and decisions are aligned to the Standards. Working with previously purchased materials Use the Publishers’ Criteria to review existing materials and adjust to improve alignment (remove or supplement). Reviewing teacher-developed materials and guiding their development Use the Publishers’ Criteria to support teachers in developing materials and ensure that teacher-developed resources are aligned. As a tool for professional development Share the Publishers’ Criteria with teachers and use it to support teacher understanding of the standards. CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
What is the Toolkit? An Overview • Purpose: • To catalyze the impact that the CCSS can have on student achievement by building and applying a common vision of CCSS aligned, high quality instructional and assessment materials • What it is: • Collaboration between Achieve, CCSSO and Student Achievement Partners • A resource that brings together a set of interrelated, freely available tools for evaluating instructional and assessment materials for alignment to CCSS • Support for the evaluation of comprehensive textbook or textbook series, units, lessons, grade or course-level assessments, item banks, and individual assessment items and can be applied to both print and digital materials CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Key Design Features • The Publishers’ Criteria were developed from the perspective that publishers and purchasers are equally responsible for ensuring high quality instructional materials. • They do not define, endorse or prescribe curriculum; those decisions are, and should be, local within each state or district. • All tools provided directly support the expectations of the CCSS and are derived from or closely aligned with the guidelines provided in the Publishers’ Criteria for mathematics and English language arts/literacy • Included tools do not address all factors that may be important in determining whether instructional materials and assessments are appropriate in a given local or state context but instead aim to clearly articulate the criteria for alignment to the CCSS CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Suite of Tools to Evaluate Alignment (Updated March 2014 – pdf Handout) CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Types of Tools in the Toolkit CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Evaluators must be well versed in the Shifts CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
ELA/Literacy – Non Negotiable Criteria When will we have time to consider these criteria as a TEAM? I. Text Selection • Non-Negotiable 1: Complexity of Texts • Non-Negotiable 2: Range of Texts • Non-Negotiable 3: Quality of Texts II. Questions and Tasks • Non-Negotiable 4: Text-Dependent and Text-Specific Questions • Non-Negotiable 5: Scaffolding and Supports III. Foundational Skills (Grades 3-5) • Non-Negotiable 6: Foundational Skills IV. Writing to Sources and Research • Non-Negotiable 7: Writing to Sources V. Speaking and Listening • Non-Negotiable 8: Speaking and Listening VI. Language • Non-Negotiable 9: Language CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
ELA/Literacy – Non-Negotiables Text Selection • Non-Negotiable 1: Complexity of Texts • Non-Negotiable 2: Range of Texts • Non-Negotiable 3: Quality of Texts • Evidence for complexity analysis (quantitative and qualitative) • Range – build knowledge, anchor texts, opportunity • Worth reading Text Complexity Collection Appendix A Why Text Complexity Matters (PDF) CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
SCASS Rubric CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
ELA/Literacy – Non-Negotiables Text Dependent Question Resources PD Module: Understanding TDQ Questions and Tasks • Non-Negotiable 4: Text-Dependent and Text-Specific Questions • Non-Negotiable 5: Scaffolding and Supports • 80% high quality, text-dependent and text-specific • Focused pre-reading, begin with the text • Strategies as distinct from comprehension • Support for academic language • Progress includes gradual release of scaffolds and increase in independence CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
ELA/Literacy – Non-Negotiables Foundational Skills (Grades 3-5) • Non-Negotiable 6: Foundational Skills Writing to Sources and Research • Non-Negotiable 7: Writing to Sources Prominent and varied writing opportunities Short research projects Sample Writing Tasks PARCC Model Content Framework CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
ELA/Literacy – Non-Negotiables Speaking and Listening • Non-Negotiable 8: Speaking and Listening Language • Non-Negotiable 9: Language CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
ELA/Literacy • Indicators of Superior Quality • Usefulness, Design and Focus Ex. Are there suggestions and materials for adapting instruction for varying student needs? CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Instructional Materials—What is available? • Achieve the Core – Instructional Materials Alignment Toolkit; Lessons and Annotated Tasks • Engage NY – Districts Adopting • Achieve – Exemplar Units and Lessons • Illustrative Mathematics – CCSS-aligned Math tasks K-12 • Basal Alignment Project – CCSS-aligned ELA lessons, assessments, tasks K-12 • Smarter Balanced Practice Test – Examples of computer adaptive items and performance tasks. CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Additional Resources for Considering Instructional Materials CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14 • OSPI Instructional Materials Web Site: • http://www.k12.wa.us/CurriculumInstruct/InstructionalMaterialsReview.aspx • OSPI’s Open Educational Resources Project: • http://digitallearning.k12.wa.us/oer/ • Spring 2013 Review of Algebra 1/ Integrated I and ELA Grades 11-12 • Spring 2014 Review of Geometry / Integrated II and ELA Grades 9-10 ALL of these resources can be used to… • Inform materials review and adoption process • Consider existing and currently used materials • Facilitate targeted discussions, collaboration, and professional development with publishers and other providers
For your consideration… CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14 As you consider the materials being used (or being newly selected for use) in classrooms, what could OSPI and state partners do to support you? (Polleverywhere)
Smarter Balanced Updates CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14
Improving Teaching & Learning Summative: College and career readiness assessments for accountability Teachers and schools have information and tools they need to improve teaching and learning All students leave high school college and career ready Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness Formative resources: Digital Library with instructional and professional learning resources for educators to improve instruction Interim: Flexible and open assessments, used for actionable feedback
Summative Assessments for Accountability • Coverage of full breadth/depth of Common Core • Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) • Precise assessment of all students • More engaging assessment experience • Performance Tasks – real world problems Formative Tools and Resources for Improved Instruction • Digital library gives access to high-quality resources • Tools/materials for classroom-based assessments • Professional social networking (Web-based PLCs) • Useful for in-service and pre-service development ✔ Balanced Assessment Interim Assessments to Signal Improvement • Optional for district, school or classroom use • Fully aligned with Common Core – same item pool • Focus on set of standards or mirror summative test • Teachers can review and score responses ✔ ✔ CCSS_ELA_WebinarPt3_Middle_Grades_3.25.14