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Nativism →. Ku Klux Klan. na⋅tiv⋅ism [ ney-ti-viz- uh m]. 1. the policy of protecting the interests of native inhabitants against those of immigrants.*.
Nativism→ Ku Klux Klan
na⋅tiv⋅ism [ney-ti-viz-uh m] 1. the policy of protecting the interests of native inhabitants against those of immigrants.* In the 1920s after the Great War in Europe had ended, thousands of devastated Europeans were looking for refuge. They quickly fled to the America, “the land of opportunity,” hoping to start new lives. However, the natives were unhappy with these new immigrants and from this, nativism resurfaced. Americans had returned to the belief of isolationism and wanted nothing to do with foreign nations at this time. Many hate groups formed and legal action occurred because of this, targeting Jews, Catholics, and other foreigners within the country. One of these was the Ku Klux Klan. * www.dictionary.com
THE KU KLUX KLAN-background knowledge • Established in Pulaski, TN in May of 1886 • Initially, their main goal was to stop blacks from voting • Eventually died out due to majority of the white population • Resurfaced in 1915, NAACP was then formed in retaliation
KU KLUX KLAN 1920s • brought about by postwar reaction and nativism • Antiforeign, anti-Catholic, antiblack, anti-Jewish, anti-internationalist, anti-revolutionist… • Pro-Anglo-Saxon, pro-”native” American, and pro-Protestant • Against any diversity and modernity
KU KLUX KLAN 1920s • Nov. 1922- Hiram Evans becomes Imperial Wizard, under his leadership political KKK leaders spread to Texas, Oklahoma, Indiana, Oregon, and Maine • spread with rapidity in the Midwest in “Bible Belt” states, by the mid 1920’s it contained 5,000,000 members • Went on “konclaves” and huge flag waving parades Induction ceremony, symbol: blazing cross
KU KLUX KLAN 1920s • In the late 1920s, Americans realized the intensity and intolerance this group possessed • An investigation by Congress was issued to inspect the KKK for embezzlement and other crimes • KKK leader, David Stephenson was arrested for 2nd degree murder which caused the number of members to drop to 30,000, from there the group began to fizzle out • didn’t start up again until after the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s