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Welcome Back Basha High School. Here are today’s Announcements. Our Mission Statement. B enevolence H onor S cholarship. Basha Video Club. Next Meeting November 6 th. Attention Freshman!. Impact Scholarship forms will be handed out this week AND are due in the Guidance Office
Welcome Back Basha High School Here are today’s Announcements
Our Mission Statement Benevolence Honor Scholarship
Basha Video Club Next Meeting November 6th
Attention Freshman! Impact Scholarship forms will be handed out this week AND are due in the Guidance Office NO LATER THAN 3pm on Friday, November 14th
National French Week! November 5th-11th Join us in celebrating with a French Spirit Day on Thursday November 6th! Wear a beret! EVERYTHING FRENCH!
Want to Play LeaguePlay January – April Practice MWF 4p-6p Club Dues $150 Hamilton RFC is recruiting across the District! Practices start December 8th For more information go to www.HamiltonHSrugby.com
Attention All Juniors! ASVAB Testing is coming! If you would like to register for it please go the counseling desk in the office. Space is limited so sign up now. The test is December 4th at 7:30.
Basha Play Off GameSchedule Girls’ Volleyball vs. Sandra Day O’Connor @ 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 4, 2014 (Home) Boys’ Football vs. Sandra Day O’Connor @ 7:00 p.m. Friday, November 7, 2014 (Home)
CUSD All Sports Play Off Game Prices Opening Rounds:$8.00 Adults, $6.00 Students with School IDChildren five and under admitted free Semi-finals & Finals:$10.00 Adults, $6.00 Students with School IDChildren five and under admitted free Only AIA Passes are Permitted. Honorary District Passes are Permitted. No Activity Cards, No Senior Passes, and No District ID’s are allowed for free admittance.
Interested in Ivy League Schools? Look who’s coming to Arizona!
Basha GirlsBasketball Tryouts! ATTENTION: Girls interested in playing basketball this year Tryouts begin November 3rdthru November 7th. Tryouts will begin each evening at 6:30 p.m. and end at 8:30 p.m. Get your physical now! Clearance cards can be picked up on October 30th. See Mrs. Torres in the athletic office BEFORE school, DURING LUNCH or AFTER SCHOOL. We look forward to seeing you there!
Part Time Job Opportunity Kumon Math & Reading Learning Center ~ Instructor’s Assistant & Classroom Grader ~ 2 POSITIONS AVAILABLE JOB REQUIREMENTS:Applicant must have strong multi-tasking, communication, and organizational skills. Candidates must be friendly, professional, extremely organized, flexible, have good common sense, great verbal skills, able to multitask, and love children.JOB DESCRIPTION:Grading class work, computer data entry, assisting students on math andreading problems, assisting Instructor with center responsibilities, andother duties as assigned. Kumon is designed so children can study material on their own, but all assistants must be available to help students through problems when required. This is not a traditional tutor position, as Kumon material is designed to facilitate self-learning. Training is paid and on-site.Class days/times are Monday and Thursday only from 3:00-7:00pm. Applicants MUST be available on both Monday and Thursday, year-round. We will have major holidays off and follow the Chandler school calendar for closures. Applicant needs to be available for work until 7:30pm with reliable transportation on Monday and Thursday. Start times can vary.*Applicants will need to pass a math and reading test to be considered forboth positions. If offered a position, applicants will be requested to takeproficiency exam at time of interview. Please respond to ruby.kapoor@outlook.com. Pay begins at $8/hr. and eligible for merit increases with positive evaluations.
Winter Sports: Boys & Girls Basketball, Boys & Girls Soccer & Wrestling • Winter Sports tryouts begin • Monday, November 3rd • Please stop by the Athletic office prior to November 3rd to turn in your completed physical clearance packet and receive a clearance card. • Wednesday, October 29th is for Boys Basketball • Thursday, October 30th is for Girls Basketball, Boys & Girls Soccer and Wrestling • Stop by the Athletic office during the week of October 27th – 31st • (BEFORE SCHOOL, AFTER SCHOOL AND DURING LUNCH) • TEACHERS---DO NOT SEND STUDENTS DURING CLASS
Career Center News Look who’s coming to Basha… Wed, Nov 5 UofAHonors College Admissions Visit Conference Please see Mrs. Fassinger in the Career Center for a pass! Room C201
Juniors & Seniors Interested in Visiting GCU on November 19th need to contact Rita Fassinger in the Career Center ! SIGN UP NOW Before all the seats are gone!
Congratulations BHS Junior Girls Volleyball Player Justine Spann For making the NIKE Tournament of Champions All Tournament Team!
Maricopa ACE PLUS Scholarship Program For Sophomore students only Earn up to 24 college credits-free of charge See Mrs. Cunningham in Guidance for details and an application Applications due NO LATER than December 12th at 11:00 a.m.
Who: 7-12th Graders When: Tuesdays & Thursdays October 21st to December 11th Time: 3:00-5:00 PM Where: BHS Tennis Courts Entry fees: $200.00 Why: Either for fun or to improve your game to compete at the JV or Varsity level in the Spring. Instructor: Basha Varsity Girls Coach Johnson Register at www.cusdcommunity.com or see Coach Johnson in F220 for more details. 2014Basha Bears High SchoolBoys and Girls Tennis Clinic
Hey BHS!! Are you interested in Architecture, Industrial Design, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, or Visual Communication Design? If so you are invited to attend the Fall 2014 Lecture Series by the Design School at ASU.
COME & GO CRAFT:Book Pumpkin! Wednesday, November 5th Basha Library Program Room 2:15 – 3:30 p.m. Registration required. Sign up now to participate! www.chandlerlibrary.org
Senior Ad information is available on the school website’s yearbook page. The due date for ads is Monday, December 1st. Email Johnson.audra@cusd80.com if you have questions.
Admission Prices for BHS Sports 2014-2015
Please remember the rules… There is no re-entry at all BHS Football games & No outside food/drinks (water ok)
Club Picture Day is on November 12th Stay Tuned for More Information from your Club Sponsor!
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Auditorium Pod B Conference Every Second and Fourth THURSDAY of Each Month
BASHA FCA Check Us Out Twitter: @bashafca Instagram: basha_fca Plenty of Outside of School Activities! Get Involved!
BHS Band 2014 #GoBears #Humanity14
2015 Harkins Souvenir Cups for Pre-Sale – happening NOW! • $5.00/cup – same price you’ll pay in the theatre • Good for $1.50 refills during all of 2015 • Visit D105 to order or contact lclark314@cox.net **Order form: www.cusd80.com/bhsinfo under announcements!
Join the BHS MATH CLUB! Are you BORED in your math class? Do you want to see the world in a NEW and EXCITINGway? Do you want a fun way to improve your TEST SCORES? Stop By C-122 Weekly After School Meetings: On Thursdays Conference Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wednesday!
Pictures of the Day! #5 Basha VB at home vs #12 O'Connor Tus at 6:30pm. 1st 50 Basha Students to arrive wearing GREEN shirts get in Free!
Old News Good Information
New Items! Grizzly Shack Is Now Open! White Castle burgers Otis Spunkmeyer muffins NOW OPEN Located near the F building across from the cafeteria. Open for all lunches (closed on Thursdays.) Nerd ropes Laffy Taffy Sour Patch Straws (all flavors)
Attention All Students! • Basha • High School Effective Now: All Students riding the Bus MUST show Their student ID or they will not let you on! • Student ID • 2014-2015
Tutoring Available Beginning Monday Oct 20 Every Monday & Wednesday Room C115 - 2:20-3:20pm Includes Honors Classes English: English 9, English 10, English 11, English 12 Math:Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Science:Investigative Science, Biology, Chemistry Social Studies:World History, AM/AZ History, & Econ/Gov’t Foreign Language:Depends on the level
Eligible to ride the bus and need to stay after school for an activity or tutoring? LATE BUS will be available daily at 4:15pm Picks up in front of Admin daily
Box Tops for Education Special promotion going on now! Go to www.cusd80.com/bhsmiddle for more info! Save your Box Tops over break from hundreds of participating items and support your school! Drop off bucket located in the front office
Attention All Parents & Students Do you have a Basha High School Alumni family member that is currently serving or has previously served in a branch of the US Armed Services? If so, please contact our front office to get his or her picture on our Wall of Honor! 480.224.2100
Please remember Appropriate bandannas and hats are ok The dress code guidelines
Visit www.SupportBashaHigh.com Check out our QR Code!
Want to know what’s happening around Basha each week? When School Starts Visit www.cusd80.com/BHSinfo
Tours available for Incoming and prospective AMS and BHS Students Call the Main Office To schedule yours today 480.224.2100