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83 救主藉著永遠的靈 IT WAS THROUGH GOD'SETERNAL SPIRIT. 救主藉著永遠的靈, It was thro‘ God’s eternal Spirit, 來到可畏加略山頂, My Saviour came to Calvary: 以祂無暇羔羊生命, The Lamb of God, spotless and pure, 獻上自己作為犧牲。 Offered himself a sacrifice. ( 副)
83 救主藉著永遠的靈IT WAS THROUGH GOD'SETERNAL SPIRIT 救主藉著永遠的靈,It was thro‘ God’s eternal Spirit,來到可畏加略山頂,My Saviour came to Calvary:以祂無暇羔羊生命, The Lamb of God, spotless and pure, 獻上自己作為犧牲。 Offered himself a sacrifice. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(副) 哦,主耶穌,親愛救主,O Jesus Lord, my dearest Saviour,祢愛溶化俘虜我心!Thy love doth captivate my heart;我哭!我獻將殘生命, To Thee I give my with-'ring life 為著滿足父神的心! The father's heart to satisfy! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(二) 永遠的靈今又領我,And now through God‘s eternal Spirit來看震驚加略山頂;I'm brought to awesome Calvary,在彼我見主愛無限, Where I behold His matchless love 捨命為我如蟲罪人。 In dying for a worm like me. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(副) 哦,主耶穌,親愛救主,O Jesus Lord, my dearest Saviour,祢愛溶化俘虜我心!Thy love doth captivate my heart;我哭!我獻將殘生命, To Thee I give my with-'ring life 為著滿足父神的心! The father's heart to satisfy! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(三) 加略山頂救主得勝,On Calvary‘s brow vict’ry is won –淪亡族類盼望頓萌;New hope for fallen race appears; 祢已揭過咒詛時代, Turning the page of curse and woe, 並將一切事物更新。 Thou hast all things in Thee renewed. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(副) 哦,主耶穌,親愛救主,O Jesus Lord, my dearest Saviour,祢愛溶化俘虜我心!Thy love doth captivate my heart;我哭!我獻將殘生命, To Thee I give my with-'ring life 為著滿足父神的心! The father's heart to satisfy! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(四) 忽聞“成了”,莊嚴呼聲,His cry so solemn, “It is finished!“歡樂迴盪最高天庭!Doth rouse the heav'n with rapt'rous praise.祢死,我脫死亡權柄;Thy death hast freed me from Death‘s power.祢活,我得永遠生命。Thy life hast given life to me. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(副) 哦,主耶穌,親愛救主,O Jesus Lord, my dearest Saviour,祢愛溶化俘虜我心!Thy love doth captivate my heart;我哭!我獻將殘生命, To Thee I give my with-'ring life 為著滿足父神的心! The father's heart to satisfy! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(五)因祢加略奇妙救恩,What wondrous grace revealed at Calv‘ry!良心浸在血中洗淨;Cleansed is my conscience in Thy blood, 靠祢我勝一切“死行”, That I might all my dead works conquer 永遠事奉我主我神。 Ever to serve my Lord, my God. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(副) 哦,主耶穌,親愛救主,O Jesus Lord, my dearest Saviour,祢愛溶化俘虜我心!Thy love doth captivate my heart;我哭!我獻將殘生命, To Thee I give my with-'ring life 為著滿足父神的心! The father's heart to satisfy! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(六) 阿喲!我魂有否可能,O Thou my Soul, how can it be你口述盡你主救恩?That thou shouldst speak forth all His grace. 我心迷於神聖甘甜, My heart is lost in heav'nly sweetness. 我眼不禁流淚不停。 My eyes stream forth unceasing tears. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(副) 哦,主耶穌,親愛救主,O Jesus Lord, my dearest Saviour,祢愛溶化俘虜我心!Thy love doth captivate my heart;我哭!我獻將殘生命, To Thee I give my with-'ring life 為著滿足父神的心! The father's heart to satisfy! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly