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Addressing Pathways to Risk: Strategies for a Healthier Future

Explore the complex intersections of society, mental health, and addiction in understanding pathways to risk. Learn about prevention opportunities, the impact of alcohol, mental distress, and the keys to successful intervention and care. Gain insights into the connections needed for effective support systems.

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Addressing Pathways to Risk: Strategies for a Healthier Future

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pathways to risk:What can we do? Ian Webster

  2. PATHWAYS TO RISK Sven Silburn 2003

  3. PATHWAYS TO RISK Society & social MHS Educational development Emotional development Early development Sven Silburn 2003

  4. Opportunities for prevention - Anticipatory care Addiction Social disadvantage Loss of function performance Impairment of body & mind Disease Injury Misuse Mental health & suicide risk Use

  5. Alcohol and suicide (Sher, L 2006) • Suicides 33-69% alcohol positive • Alcohol intoxication – suicide risk 90 x increased • Alcohol – more lethal means eg firearms • Alcohol reduces serotonin in brain • Low serotonin – increased aggression and impulsiveness • Association – countries with high alcohol – high suicide rates (11/13 studies)

  6. Relationship between dependence and depression *definitions are changing; addiction is a problem of reward systems

  7. Motor Brain Sensing Brain Planning Brain Seeing Brain Smelling & Tasting Brain PAIN FEELING ANXIETY SOMATOSENSORY BRAIN Balancing & Coordinating Brain DRIVES MOTIVATION HUNGER APPETITES Messaging system HIGHER LEVEL – Context, Planning, Action LOWER LEVEL – Safety, Drives, Emotion

  8. The remarkable human being Alcohol and other drug misuse Mental distress You and me? Mental illness Addiction/dependence Physical illness and disabilities (The special case of chronic pain.)

  9. Chronic physical disorders and mental illness • 77% Australians - one or more medical conditions • 19 % physically disabled – 10% out of work • 80% of those with psychosis – out of work • NSMHWB in 2007 in Australia • 58% mental or physical disorder • 8.2% mental disorder only • 19.9% • 11.7% mental and physical

  10. Homeless - Sydney 1998 • 3 in 4 have a mental disorder • 1 in 2 have a chronic physical illness

  11. Keys to success • Engagement • Harm minimisation/anticipatory care/limit setting • Long haul & follow-up (‘chain of care’) • Patient’s autonomy • Practical focus - ‘material’ & ‘structural’ • Medication choice • Dependence treatment works

  12. Connections – “Chain of Care” Ensuring links in the chain to - Structured follow through Other health services Social welfare (‘fare well’) Housing, corrections, law enforcement, homeless agencies, Indigenous organisations

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