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Decision. How the Mind Works. A professor likes to write poetry, is rather shy, and is small in stature. Which of the following is his field: 1) Chinese studies 2) Psychology. What is the most likely sequence for the next six new babies born in the U.S.? (B = boy, G = girl) 1) BBBBBB
Decision How the Mind Works
A professor likes to write poetry, is rather shy, and is small in stature. Which of the following is his field: 1) Chinese studies 2) Psychology
What is the most likely sequence for the next six new babies born in the U.S.? (B = boy, G = girl) 1) BBBBBB 2) GGGBBB 3) GBBGGB
Which of the following domore people die of:motor vehicle accidentsorStroke
Which of the following do more people die of: homicide or diabetes
Heuristics are simple rules. Although their automatic use often results in easy and quick decisions, they are also responsible for much bias.
Representative heuristic: Judgments are biased by our assessment of the degree to which the salient features of specific instances resemble general categories.
What is the most likely sequence for the next six new babies born in the U.S.? (B = boy, G = girl) 1) BBBBBB 2) GGGBBB 3) GBBGGB
What is the most likely sequence for the next six new babies born in the U.S.? (B = boy, G = girl) 1) BBBBBB or all equal 2) GGGBBB 3) GBBGGB
A professor likes to write poetry, is rather shy, and is small in stature. Which of the following is his field: 1) Chinese studies 2) Psychology
A professor likes to write poetry, is rather shy, and is small in stature. Which of the following is his field: 1) Chinese studies 2) Psychology
Availability heuristic: Judgments are biased by how easily specific examples are recalled. Easier = more frequent or more causally related. What is in our short-term memories affects our decisions.
Which of the following domore people die of:motor vehicle accidentsorStroke
Which of the following do more people die of: motor vehicle accidents or Stroke
Which of the following do more people die of: homicide or diabetes
Which of the following do more people die of: homicide or diabetes
Are there more words that beginwith the letter "r"orthat have"r" as the third letter?
There more words that have "r" as the third letter. word first partial care street derail
Schemas: Conscious or unconscious assumptions, beliefs, & theories. Our associative networks & preconceptions (innate & learned).
Which schemata are activatedinfluence our perceptions,our memories, our decisions,and our experience. Schemata guide constructive and reconstructive processes.
For different individuals some schemata are more easily activated than others. Higher activation means greater availability. We tend to view our own and other’s personalities through the lenses of our beliefs and assumptions (i.e., our schemata).Independenceloyaltyfriendliness
The Just WorldPhenomenon One schema that has been investigated is:The belief in a just worldPeople with this schema tend to blame the victim in a situation.