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Annual Staff Training. Recreation and wellness 2017 - 2018. Annual Staff Training. PURPOSE This annual training is designed to inform RecWell staff members of important safety-based & employee policy topics.
Annual Staff Training Recreation and wellness 2017 - 2018
Annual Staff Training PURPOSE This annual training is designed to inform RecWell staff members of important safety-based & employee policy topics. The end of this presentation includes a question-based review of the content, to be completed via an online link. Fall 2017 Training: Complete online verification by October 15
Annual Staff Training After this session is complete, you will increase your knowledge in: • Emergency Readiness • Staff Certification Training • Emergency Action Plan • Incident Reports • Recording & Reporting an Employee Accident / Injury • Calling 911 (UPD) & Chain of Command • Media Considerations • Campus Notification Methods • Overview of key Employee Policy
Emergency Readiness RecWell staff are trained in emergency readiness topics and skills to be ready to respond in case an emergency occurs in your facility or program area.
Emergency Readiness Part A: Staff Certification Training RecWell staff are required to be certified in CPR/AED & First Aid. Note: limited staff positions are exempt, so check with your supervisor.
All training is Red Cross and valid for 2 years. Training is offered each semester to staff members needing first-time or renewal certification. Emergency Readiness:Staff Certifications
Emergency Readiness Part B: Emergency Action Plan • Annual review of RecWell use of Emergency Action Plans
Emergency Readiness: EAP • Each staff desk has a customized red EAP Reference.
Emergency Readiness: EAP • This folder contains the following: • Site-specific location of emergency supplies • Chain of command phone list • EAP chart and specific EAP for: fire/facility evacuation, hostile intruder, and more • Steps for providing first aid care • Incident reporting process • Workers Comp reporting
Emergency Readiness: EAP • Staff members should know the locations of emergency equipment & documentation within their facility or program area. • AED • First Aid Kit / Supply • Emergency Call Box • Incident Reports
Emergency Readiness Part C: Incident Reports Incident Reports are an important part of documenting details and care provided for an incident. They may become legal documents and must be completed thoroughly.
Emergency Readiness: Incident Reports Staff members should know: • How to: • Complete the entire form • Watch for signatures & initials • When to: • Anytime care is provided • Unusual circumstances that are non-care based. Examples: report of a theft in your area, a behavior based incident
Emergency Readiness: Incident Reports Who do you submit the completed report to? • Your immediate Supervisor
Emergency Readiness: Incident Reports Whyare incident reports important & necessary? • They are a legal document • It communicates the incident through the chain of command & to Health & Safety Dept.
Emergency Readiness Part D: Recording & Reporting an Employee Accident / Injury Staff Members are trained to know how to respond and report an accident or injury to an employee hurt while on a paid-time shift.
Emergency Readiness:Employee Accident/Injury What if an employee was the one injured? • Use the “Report an Accident” form to document the incident and begin the worker’s compensation process. • NOTE: Not all employee injuries result in worker’s comp, however, this form is to be completed when the incident involves an employee injured during their paid-time shift.
Emergency Readiness:Employee Accident/Injury • How do we respond if it is an employee that is injured? • Treat / provide care like any other incident/injury • Paperwork must be completed: • Incident report • Report an Accident • Supervisor must be informed immediately
Emergency Readiness:Employee Accident/Injury • Use your Resources • Customized reference for each staff station • What do I do? • Complete forms • Report injury to supervisor • Call AmeriSys
Emergency Readiness:Employee Accident/Injury Guess what?! When you complete the regular incident report form, you will be reminded what to do if the injury is an employee. See below from the Incident Report:
Emergency Readiness:Employee Accident/Injury Here is a preview of the Report an Accident form:
Emergency Readiness Part E: Calling 911 (UPD) & Chain of Command Staff Members are responsible for discerning what conditions require a call to 911 (UPD) and when to contact their Chain of Command.
Emergency Readiness:911 & Chain of Command • A call to 911 on a campus land-line goes to UPD dispatch. Or you can dial 2804. • Call 911/UPD for: • A life-threatening emergency • Unconsciousness • Cardia arrest • Severe bleeding • The victim cannot be moved without emergency assistance • COMMUNICATE with your staff team in your facility or program area. Team work!
Emergency Readiness:911 & Chain of Command Your chain of command is a list starting with your immediate supervisor. Phone numbers are in the EAP reference folder. Chain of command need to be contacted: When: Any time that 911/UPD is contacted Why: They need to know! Your supervisor can assist with decisions regarding the incident. They also need to report up the chain to their supervisor.
Emergency Readiness Part F: Media Considerations Media listen to police response to local incidents. If they find the incident at UNF interesting, they may show up without any notice. Staff Members should know how to response to local media – including UNF Media like Spinnaker.
Emergency Readiness: Media • What to do if media are here: • Do not respond to the media (including Spinnaker) with any statement. • Joanna Norris is the Public Relations Director and should be contacted • Media can also be referred to UPD if they are on site • Media
Emergency Readiness Part G: Campus Notification Methods Staff Members are expected to be aware of campus notification methods and to have their contact information up to date with their supervisor and in their MyWings account.
Emergency Readiness:Campus Notification • Staff members should be aware of these Campus Notification Methods. Code Red • Sends messages about campus emergencies by text and/or email MyWings & Homepage messages • Is also used to announce or update campus emergencies Campus PA System • May be used for fire evacuation, tornado warnings, other emergencies
Annual Staff Training Part 2: Overview of Key Employee Policy Staff Members are expected to be familiar with all Department and program area employee policies. Full policies and procedures are included in the Department Employee Manual and each unit has their own manual.
Annual Training:Statement of Expectations Employees of RecWell are expected to be KNOWLEDGEABLE: • Completing this orientation is the first step! Orientation, job-specific training, and other learning opportunities are available for you to learn your job so that you have the knowledge and skills to be successful. • Policies & Procedures define the boundaries for how our facilities and programs operate. It is important for each staff member to know them so they can be enforced consistently. Learn the policies & procedures as listed in this orientation and your job-specific ones as well. • All staff members must be CPR/AED and First Aid certified. Free training is available each semester to staff members.
Annual Training:Statement of Expectations Employees of RecWell are expected to be RESPONSIBLE: • Be on time for your shifts and be responsible for the schedule assigned to you. This includes following the guidelines your supervisor has defined for finding a substitute to cover your shift when you are unable to work it. • Learn the procedures for documenting your time worked. Whether it is written down or recorded on a time card, each employee is responsible for entering their hours on to their MyWings online timesheet for approval by their supervisor. Adhere to the deadlines posted for submitting your timesheet(s) to ensure you receive your paycheck without delay.
Annual Training:Statement of Expectations Employees of RecWell are expected to be PROFESSIONAL: • Attitude counts. RecWell employees are expected to have positive attitudes in the spirit of teamwork. • While the staff positions vary across our department, we all work or interact with our patron group. Learn from your supervisor what it is to show good customer service to the patron group for your program area. • Communication is important. Each staff area maintains a contact list for communicating with staff. You can expect to be called, texted, or emailed from your supervisors. Check your email often and respond to work-related items in a timely manner.
Annual Training:General Employee Policies The Department of Recreation and Wellness has general policies that relate to all staff members. This section highlights main policies. Complete department policies are in the RecWell Employee Manual. This manual is posted online (http://www.unf.edu/recreation/employee_training.aspx), available to all employees both online and via your supervisor
Annual Training:General Employee Policies Employment by Semester • Student employees are considered part-time employees and are hired and scheduled per semester. • Once you are working with us, it can be as simple as updating your availability for the next semester to stay on the schedule. • Keep in mind that supervisors give re-hiring preference to staff with excellent performance records.
Annual Training:General Employee Policies End of Employment • Return any staff issued items to your immediate supervisor. These items may include: • Key(s) • Staff shirt(s) • Your direct supervisor will give specific directions at the end of your employment. Failure to do so will result in a fee of $40 against your student account.
Annual Training:General Employee Policies Employee Conduct All employees are expected to be pleasant, courteous, and helpful to ALL patrons and co-workers. As in any business, we are serving our customers, and we want them to return. Arguments among your co-workers will not be tolerated. If you are having an issue with a co-worker, be sure to solve the problem in a private area and time. If this cannot be done, you are expected to act in a professional manner and leave your feelings behind. If you must confront a patron who is breaking a rule or policy, pleasantly inform the patron of the unacceptable behavior and explain the policy to them. If they do not understand and things get out of hand, you are to remain calm, and seek further assistance from another co-worker or professional staff member.
Annual Training:General Employee Policies Dress Code Each program area has a defined dress code. Staff members are expected to adhere to the dress code defined for their area. Off Duty Staff When off duty, staff members should not be behind front desk station. Off-duty staff staying in the facility should not wear their uniform so as to not appear to be on duty. Remember, uniformed staff represent their program area.
Annual Training:General Employee Policies Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco As an employee of the Department of Recreation, you are NOT allowed at any time to possess any drugs, alcohol, or tobacco (including e-cigarettes and chewing tobacco) while you are at work. Nor are you allowed to be under the influence of any drugs, alcohol, or tobacco while you are at work. Note: being "under the influence" also includes being hungover. Being under the influence of any of these while at work is unsafe and you will not be able to perform your best. If you are caught with any of these, you will be sent home and disciplinary action will follow. Violation of this policy is grounds for termination.
Annual Training:General Employee Policies Cell Phones Staff members are not allowed to have or carry your cell phone while you are working. If there is an emergency where you are expecting a phone call, you must notify your supervisor to permit the phone. Some staff positions may be excused from this cell phone rule – verify with your supervisor in regards to your position’s use of a cell phone while at work. Business related calls (i.e. communication with staff and/or clients) are permitted. Personal calls and internet use on phones will not be tolerated while working.
Annual Training:General Employee Policies University Property The use of University property or equipment for personal reasons is not appropriate. This include the use of University computers unrelated to University business; the use of University copiers, fax machines, postage service etc. for personal items; the use of tools, furniture, or any other University facilities or equipment for purposes unrelated to business necessity. Inappropriate use of University property may result in disciplinary action.
Annual Training:General Employee Policies Payroll Students will submit their time by logging into their MyWingsaccount. Once you’ve opened your time sheet, you will submit how many hours you worked on the given day that you worked. Time sheets are to be submitted by Friday at 12pm every other week. Failure to meet submittal deadlines may result in a delay in your pay. Falsely submitting time on your time sheet will result in disciplinary action and is grounds for termination.
Annual Training:General Employee Policies Payroll • Tips for entering hours on to your MyWings timesheet: • Use comments! Any time the hours you submit online may differ from what you are scheduled (maybe you covered someone else’s shift), then your supervisor needs to know. You can enter comments on your MyWings timesheet…or send them an email or leave a note on their desk. • If you use hours off of a timecard punch, you will need to round your hours to the quarter for your MyWings timesheet.
Annual Training:General Employee Policies Harassment • The University has specific policies on harassment and sexual misconduct. These policies are available in full online. The Campus Recreation Employee Manual details these policies for staff. http://www.unf.edu/president/policies_regulations/01-General/1_0050R.aspx
Annual Training:General Employee Policies Disciplinary Procedures If you are involved in an employee infraction, the manager will schedule a meeting with you to discuss the issue. If it is a serious infraction, you will be suspended until further notice. If you behave in such a way that warrants discipline, you will be given two chances to improve your behavior. • 1stinfraction – Verbal warning • 2nd infraction – Verbal and/or Written warning. You will be asked to read and sign your warning. • 3rd infraction – Suspension/Termination of Employment.
Annual Training:General Employee Policies Serious Offenses, Grounds for Discipline up to Dismissal • Theft • Vandalism • Trespassing • Intoxication; use of alcohol or illicit drugs while on duty • Prejudicial/ discriminatory behavior • Sexual harassment • Insubordination • Falsifying time sheets • Failure to enforce policies • No shows to work • Unexcused absence from work • Persistent tardiness • Poor attitude • Creating a disruption to staff unity and morale
Annual Training:General Employee Policies • Failure to provide a safe environment • Failure to provide adequate surveillance of users • Disrespectful conduct toward the Recreation management • Sleeping while on duty • Charged or conviction of a student conduct violation • Your unit may include additional grounds. • Others as deemed necessary by management. Serious Offenses, Grounds for Discipline up to Dismissal
Training Verification • Proof of Training (required): each staff member should complete the training survey. Survey link will be emailed and available between September 18 – October 15, 2017. • NOTE: The survey link will be sent to N# email addresses only.