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Treasurer Report March 2010

Treasurer Report March 2010. Authors:. Date: 2010-03-14. Abstract. Treasurer report for Joint 802.11/15 Treasure 802.15 document: 15-10-0171r0 802.11 document: 11-10-327r0. Project: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)

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Treasurer Report March 2010

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Treasurer Report March 2010 Authors: Date: 2010-03-14 Jon Rosdahl, CSR

  2. Abstract Treasurer report for Joint 802.11/15 Treasure 802.15 document: 15-10-0171r0 802.11 document: 11-10-327r0 Jon Rosdahl, CSR

  3. Project: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [WG-Treasurer’s Report March 2010] Date Submitted: 14March2010 Source: [John Barr] Company [JRBarr, Ltd.] Address [21939 Old Farm Road, Deer Park, IL 60010] Voice:[+1 847 962-5407], FAX: [], E-Mail:[barr@ieee.org] Re: [] Abstract: [Treasurer’s Report to 802.15/11 WG] Purpose: [Treasurer’s report to WG to update them from the last session.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE 802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by 802.15. Dr. John R. Barr, JRBarr, Ltd. Slide 3 Jon Rosdahl, CSR

  4. Treasury (actual) January 17, 2010 - $313,336.27 Wachovia: $288,607.27 Face-to-Face: $24,729 March 14, 2010 - $350,118.07 Wachovia: $288,607.27 + 204.80 = 288,812.07 Facd-to-Face: $24,729 +36,307 = $61,306 Reserves: Meeting Expense Reserve - $350,118 Dr. John R. Barr, JRBarr, Ltd. Slide 4 Jon Rosdahl, CSR

  5. LA Meeting Budget (prelim as of Feb 2, 2010) Registration Income: Total: $301,425.00 (286+24/44+8/44+14/8) = 428 attendance Meeting Expense Estimate: $283,594 AV $9931.73 Financial Fees $14,564,13 Meeting Planner $41,270.74 Food & Beverage $150,102.00 Network Services $42,900.00 Social $16,464.35 Shipping $4,679.05 Hotel Credit $14,794.08 Surplus/Deficit $36,306.99 Dr. John R. Barr, JRBarr, Ltd. Slide 5 Jon Rosdahl, CSR

  6. Historical Attendance 2003 420 - Ft. Lauderdale (47,287 - 42,118) 561 - DFW (72,916 - 78,354) 491 - Singapore (22,077 - 32,319) 2004 650 - Garden Grove ( 13, 250 - 82,735) 714 - Berlin ( 25, 914 - 41,257) 2005 802 - Monterey (11,858 - 63,183) 523 - Cairns (Australia) (60,750 - 51,375) 759 - Garden Grove (87,772 - 94,114) 2006 740 - Hawaii ($32,272) 564 - Jacksonville ($55,163) 350 - Melbourne ($38,855 - 23,184) 2007 478 - Montreal ($750 - $17,425) 439 - Hawaii ($28,200 - $17,720) 2008 361 - Taipei ($126,352 - $24,636) 402 - Jacksonville ($1,850 - $39,459) 379 – Hawaii ($13,343 -$8,557) 2009 355 – LA ($4,724 - $9,835) 344 – Montreal ($8,676 - $29,948) 500 – Hawaii ($16,793 - $17,330) 2010 428 – LA ($9,000 - $36,307) Dr. John R. Barr, JRBarr, Ltd. Slide 6 Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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