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Predator-Prey Evolution

Darwin's Principles of Evolution. Principle of variationOrganisms of the same species are different from one anotherMutations cause variation in genes.Principle of hereditySome of the differences are inheritedMutations (good and bad) are passed on from generation to generationPrinciple of na

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Predator-Prey Evolution

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Predator-Prey Evolution

    4. Adaptations Hereditary characteristic that helps an organism survive and reproduce under a certain set of environmental conditions. Example: color patterns can be advantageous to an animal, making it inconspicuous to its predators

    5. The Co-evolution of Predator and Prey Consumption of one species (the prey) by another (the predator) Natural selection shapes the body forms and behaviors of both predator and prey

    6. The predators with the best hunting equipment will survive and reproduce, passing on their good hunting traits

    7. The prey with the best way of avoiding predators will survive and pass their traits to the next generation. Predator and prey both evolve more efficient ways to interact. They adapt to each other

    8. The Role of the Environment When the environment changes, organisms are forced to adapt. Hereditary characteristics help organisms survive and reproduce under a certain set of environmental conditions. What are some examples of big environmental changes?

    9. Predator/Prey Lab Prey species: lentils, peas, soybeans, and pinto beans Predators: Forks, knives, and spoons Environmental conditions: Prairie (table top) Forest (shag carpet)

    10. Predator/Prey Lab Count equal numbers of each prey species Each student is one type of predator Predators forage for prey for 3 minutes Beans must be picked up by utensils only Beans must be picked up one at a time and placed in cups After each round, count the number of prey and write it on the board.

    11. Predator/Prey Activity Best predator in the forest and the prairie? Most successful prey in the forest and prairie? How will natural selection change the species composition in these two environments?

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