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Mitosis and Meiosis

Explore the processes of mitosis and meiosis in cell division and genetic diversity. Learn about chromosomes, trisomies, and stages of cell division in both processes. Understand the role of cytokinesis, diploid and haploid cells, and the importance of genetic diversity. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis in a detailed overview.

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Mitosis and Meiosis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mitosis and Meiosis EQ: How do the cells in your body reproduce?

  2. What is cell division? Cells divide to grow, so they make copies of themselves.

  3. Chromosomes • Bundles of genetic information made up of DNA

  4. Trisomy 21Down’s Syndrome

  5. Trisomy 21

  6. Trisomy 18Edward’s Syndrome

  7. Trisomy 18

  8. Mitosis • The process by which cells divide and makes copies of itself • Four stages: • IPMAT • Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telephase

  9. Mitosis • Is needed for new: • Skin cells, hair cells, repairing cuts and injuries

  10. Cytokinesis • It physically splits one cell into two by “squeezing” the membrane

  11. Diploid- 2 sets of chromosomes (2n) • 1 from mom, 1 from dad • Haploid- 1 set of chromosomes (n)

  12. Meiosis • Division of Sex cells. • Reason for genetic diversity • 2 Stages: • Meiosis 1: IPMAT l • Meiosis 2: IPMAT ll

  13. Meiosis 1 • Same as Mitosis • Start with1 Diploid cell

  14. Meiosis 2 • End with4 Haploiddaughter cells • One of those becomes a sperm or egg.

  15. Zygote: Fertilized egg • Gamete: Reproductive cell (sex cell) that contains the haploid set (n) • Sperm or egg

  16. Homologous: Two sets of chromosome, one from male and one from female. • Crossing Over: A process occurring during meiosis where two chromosomes pair up and exchange segments of theirgenetic material.

  17. Why Genetic Diversity?

  18. Crossing Over • Chromosomes wraparound tightly and exchange DNA • Results in GeneticDiversity

  19. Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis Mitosis occurs in all cells of the _____ except _____________. Meiosis only occurs in the formation of _____________. egg and sperm body egg and sperm

  20. Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis In meiosis, each _______ cell divides ______ to produce a total of ___ cells. In mitosis each _______ cell divides _____ to form ___ cells. diploid twice 4 diploid 2 once

  21. Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis In meiosis, each of the four cells contains _____ the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. In mitosis, each new cell contains the ______ number of chromosomes as the original cell. half same

  22. Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis In mitosis, the homologous pairs do not come together to form _______. In meiosis, the homologous pairs do come together to form _______. While the chromosomes are in tetrads, _____________ may occur. There will be no crossing over in _______. tetrads tetrads crossing over mitosis

  23. Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis In meiosis, the four haploid cells contain ________ combinations of chromosomes from each other. In mitosis, the new cells contain ________ copies. different identical

  24. LEFT SIDE ACTIVITY Draw the label the stages of Mitosis Draw and label the stages of Meiosis

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