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Bridging Disciplines for Enhanced Science Education

Explore the integrated approach in science education for meaningful connections in teaching and learning. Recommendations to bridge disciplines and improve student engagement.

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Bridging Disciplines for Enhanced Science Education

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Presentation Transcript

  1. To integrate or not to integrate? To better ensure meaningful science teaching and learning, which is the most promising approach between traditional and integrated (ex.:STEM, ESSTEEM or STSE)? March 23rd to 27th, 2012 Delegates: Erin Cameron, Christie McClure, Jean-Daniel Doucet, Huguette Thibeault, Wojceick Nawrocik, Han Chau, Robin St-Pierre, Éric Morissette, Dimitri Anastasopoulos, Brigitte Loiselle Moderator: Johanne Patry,

  2. ACRONYMS GALORE • STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics • ESSTEEM: Education in Science, Society, Technology, Engineering, Environment, and Mathematics) • STSE: Science, Technology, society, and Environment

  3. We observe that… • Educational programs separate and/or integrate different disciplines at the appropriate time • There exists a Common Framework in Canada • There is an increasing importance of connections between education and sustainable development • Complex problems are not included often in the classroom • From the secondary level and up, there are some places where there are teachers who do not have the expertise to teach science. • In some places, there are issues regarding math’s applications. • There is a need to improve disciplinary connections • There are problems in science perception • There is a lack of resources (materials, information, time, etc.)

  4. To better ensure meaningful science teaching and learning, which is the most promising approaches between traditional and integrated approaches (ex.: STEM, ESSTEEM or STSE)? The integratedapproachismostpromisingbecauseitresults in meaningful connections for the student and for the teacher We suggest • To expose students to the multiplicity of careersthrough connections in the classroomwithother disciplines • That specialization may start after 15-16 y.o. • That, even with the best curriculum, teachers need to be well prepared and be accompanied in the teaching process. • To have integrated based projects to offer to schools. • Ex.: Centre for the pedagogical development • Inquiry based projects/strategies • To offer attainable challenges for students and teacher

  5. To better ensure meaningful science teaching and learning, which is the most promising approaches between traditional and integrated approaches (ex.: STEM, ESSTEEM or STSE)? The integratedapproachismostpromisingbecauseitresults in meaningful connections for the student and for the teacher We suggest • To have more dialogue between math and science and at many levels • Professional development opportunities within school institutions that focus on science teaching where all levels of teachers are present • That there must be coherence in the curricula of different levels • Writing process should have math and science (plus many other disciplines) from different levels of representation • To support the ESSTEEM approach to provide a framework of teaching, learning, and project based problem solving (Education in Science, Society, Technology, Environment, Engineering, and Mathematics)

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