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Wednesday, 27 October 2004 The National Development Agency (NDA) Presentation to the

Wednesday, 27 October 2004 The National Development Agency (NDA) Presentation to the. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE. NDA Board Members Appointed 5 December 2003. 1. Bishop Malusi Mpumlwana – Board Chairperson Africa Director for W K Kellogg Foundation

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Wednesday, 27 October 2004 The National Development Agency (NDA) Presentation to the

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wednesday, 27 October 2004 The National Development Agency (NDA) Presentation to the SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE

  2. NDA Board Members Appointed 5 December 2003 • 1. Bishop Malusi Mpumlwana – Board Chairperson • Africa Director for W K Kellogg Foundation • 2. Ms Marcia Manong – Deputy Board Chairperson • Chairperson of SANGOCO • Ms Nontobeko Moletsane • National Network Coordinator for the Initiative for Participatory • Development (IPD) • 4. Ms Joan Daries • Board Member of International Association for Volunteer Effort

  3. Introducing the BoardAppointed on 5 December 2003 5. Ms Annemarie Hendrikz Part-time Coordinator: AIDS RESPONSE 6. Prof Tokozile Mayekiso Head of School of Human and Community Development 7. Dr Stephen Rule Social Surveys Manager: Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria (HSRC) 8. Mr Allan Taylor CEO of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme

  4. Introducing the BoardAppointed on 5 December 2003 • 9. Mr George Chaane • Legal Officer • Ms Onica Maphai • Deputy Director General: Department of Health • 11. Dr Temba Masilela • Advisor to the Minister of Social Development

  5. The Vision and Mission Vision The NDA aims to be the premier partner to civil society, the donor community and government in eradicating poverty and its causes in South Africa. Mission To strengthen civil society and government in eradicating poverty and its causes through resource mobilization from both local and international donors.

  6. Alignment with Government Initiatives • Millennium Development Goals • NEPAD • Provincial Growth and Development Strategies • Integrated Development Plans • Integrated Sustainable Rural Development Programmes • Urban Renewal Programme • WSSD

  7. NDA Mandate • Primary Objectives: • To contribute towards the eradication of poverty and its causes by granting funds to civil society organisations for purposes of • carrying out projects and programmes aimed at meeting development needs of the poor communities • strengthening the institutional capacity of civil society organisations involved in direct service provision to poor communities • Secondary Objectives: • To promote consultation, dialogue and sharing of development experience between civil society organisations and relevant organs of state and debate on development policy • To undertake research and publication aimed at providing the basis for development policy

  8. Strategic Plan 2004/5 – 2006/7 Projects Management Directorate • Strategic Objective • Project Management Directorate • To provide development grant funding to civil society organisations • To implement integrated and sustainable community-driven projects that contribute towards the eradication of poverty. • To strengthen the capacity of our project partners - NGO and CBO networks, FBO’s and local development partners. • To enhance livelihoods security and self-reliance

  9. Strategic Plan 2004/2005 - 2006/2007 Projects Management Directorate – Strategic Focus Thematic areas of focus • Food security • Economic development • Cross cutting sectors: • Youth development • Women empowerment • Education (for development) • Health, including HIV/AIDS related • Physically challenged people

  10. Strategic Plan 2004/2005 - 2006/2007 Research and Development • Strategic Objectives • To initiate, conduct and commission evidence-based and community driven experiential research and publication aimed at providing the basis for development policy as well as informing organisational planning, policy and decision-making • To coordinate and facilitate development policy dialogues and programmes aimed at eradicating poverty and its causes • To design impact modalities, monitoring and evaluation systems and benchmarks as well as conducting impact assessment and sharing impact results • To develop a seamless information and knowledge management that will lead to effective service delivery within NDA and the broader CSOs

  11. Strategic Plan 2004/2005 - 2006/2007 Research And Development – Strategic Focus • Current & Completed Research Projects • NDA Comprehensive Impact Assessment – Commissioned to AISA, completed October 2004 • Sectoral Impact Assessment – Commissioned to AICC/Feedback Metrics Reports, completed May 2004 • The State of Giving – Commissioned to Strategy & Tactics, National survey completed August 2004 • Youth Economic Empowerment in Limpopo Province: A search for a sustainable and Integrated Model, NDA led and due November 2004 • Research Internship Project – Commissioned to the Maurice Webb Foundation: Univ. of Natal, second year of ongoing three year programme completed, 2003-2005 • Child & Youth Research and Training Programme – first phase of child well-being indicators developed, UWC led

  12. Strategic Plan 2004/5 – 2006/7 Human Resources • Strategic Objective • To attract, retain and develop competent human resource capacity to enable the agency to carry out its poverty eradication mandate. • To promote an enabling and responsive environment which supports the organisation through synergy and effectiveness.

  13. Strategic Plan 2004/2005 - 2006/2007 Resource Mobilisation – • Strategic Objectives • Increase the number of partnership agreements to impact on the resource base • Enhance strategic coordination of poverty eradication initiatives of various Government Departments, private sector, local and international donor community

  14. Key Strategic Priorities…cont • To strengthen the leadership and institutional capacity of civil society organisations • Strengthening community involvement in Extended Public Works Programme • Facilitate partnerships which contribute towards the implementation of “Project Consolidate” – local government capacity building programme • Support moral regeneration activities as part of community and nation building • Contribute towards national initiatives emanating from WSSD in respect of poverty eradication • Develop a seamless database on civil society organisations

  15. Funds Received/Disbursed/Committed (2003/2004) • Notes to funds received/committed: • Grant received was split between direct funding, programme support and administration • Government grant funding carried over, committed by 30 September 2004 = R61m

  16. Commitments by province – April 2003 to September 2004

  17. Questions and Comments Thank you for your attention

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