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INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER. Lecture #15 ARRAYS. By Shahid Naseem (Lecturer). ARRAYS DEFINITION. An array is a sequence of objects of same data type. The objects in an array are also called “elements of array”.
INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER Lecture #15 ARRAYS By ShahidNaseem (Lecturer)
ARRAYS DEFINITION • An array is a sequence of objects of same data type. • The objects in an array are also called “elements of array”. • An array is represented in the computer memory by a consecutive group of storage locations. These locations are referenced by a single variable called “array name”. • Each element of an array is referenced by its position in the array by an index value like [1]
USES OF ARRAYS • Arrays are used to process a large amount of data of same type. • The data is stored in an array. • The array is accessed by a single variable name. • The index values are used to access individual elements of the array. • The use of arrays in a program reduces size of the program.
TYPES OF ARRAYS • There are two types of arrays. 1. One-dimensional arrays. 2. Multi-dimensional arrays.
ONE-DIMENSIONAL ARRAY • One dimensional array is also known as a list or a linear array. • It consists of only one column or one row. • For example, the temperature of each hour of a day is stored in an array. • It has 24 elements. • Defining the name of array , its types and the total numberof elements of an array is called “Declaring of the array”. Temp[0] Temp[1] Temp[2] Temp[4] Temp[23]
ACCESSING DATA IN ONE DIMENSIONAL ARRAY • Each element of an array is referenced of an array is referenced by its index. • The index of the first element is always 0 and of the last element is n-1. • The index value is written within square brackets after the array name. • Data is entered in an array by using individual elements of the array. • To print the data from an array, the output statements are used.
PROGRAM #include<iostream.h> void main() { float a[5]; inti; a[0]=9.9; a[1]=12.9; for (i=0;i<=4;i++) a[2]=13.1; cout<<“value in a[“<<i<<“]=“a[i]<<endl; a[3]=8.9; } a[4]=10.6;
STRING VARIABLES • String variables are declared in the same way as character type variables are declared. • String variable is an array of character type. • The length of the string is the total number of elements of the array. • The syntax is char variable_name[n] e.g. char str[15]
PROGRAM \\write a program to initialize a string with the word “Pakistan” and then print it on the screen. # include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> main () { char str[15]=“pakistan”; clrscr(); cout<<str; }
SORTING ARRAYS • The process of arranging data is a specified order is called sorting. • Numeric type data may be arranged either in ascending or in descending order. • Character type data may be arranged in alphabetical order. • There are different methods to sort data in a list. The most commonly used methods are 1. Bubble Sort 2. Selection Sort
SORTING ARRAYS • Bubble Sort: • The bubble short method is used to arrange values in ascending or in descending order. • To arrange an array in ascending order, two neighbouring elements are compared. • If one element is larger than the other, the two are exchanged. • Through the exchange of elements, the larger value slowly floats or bubbles up to the top. • In descending order, the smaller value slowly floats up to the top.
SORTING ARRAYS • Selection Sort: • This method is also used for sorting arrays in ascending or in descending order. • Following method is used to sort an array in ascending order using selection sort. • First replace 1 to 4, then 4 to 19 and then 13 and 19.
MULTI-DIMENSIONAL ARRAYS • A multi-dimensional array is an array of more than one array. • An array of two one-dimensional arrays is called two dimensional array. It is also known as table or matrix. • A two dimensional array consists of columns and rows. Each element of the two-dimensional array is referenced by its index values. • The index value of a two-dimensional array consists of two subscripts. One represents row number and second represents the column number.
MULTI-DIMENSIONAL ARRAYS • If “temp” is a two dimensional array having 7 rows and 3 column, its first element is temp [0][0] and last element is temp[6]][2].
PROGRAM \\write a program to initialize value to a table xyz having 4 columns and 3 rows at the time of declaration. Also prinnt data form the table in tabular form. # include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> main () { int xyz[3][4] = {{2,3,10,1},{6,12,16,3},{4,3,13,17}}; intr,c; clrscr(); for (r=0;r<=2;r++)
PROGRAM { for(c=0;c<=3;c++) { cout<<xyz[r][c]<<“\t”; } cout<<endl; Getch(); }