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Dictionaries and Data-Aware Measures

Dictionaries and Data-Aware Measures. Ankur Gupta Butler University. The Attack of Massive Data. Lots of massive data sets being generated Web publishing, bioinformation , XML, e-mail, geographical data IP address information, UPCs, credit cards, ISBN numbers, large inverted files, XML

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Dictionaries and Data-Aware Measures

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  1. Dictionaries and Data-Aware Measures Ankur Gupta Butler University

  2. The Attack of Massive Data • Lots of massive data sets being generated • Web publishing, bioinformation, XML, e-mail, geographical data • IP address information, UPCs, credit cards, ISBN numbers, large inverted files, XML • Real-life data sets have low information content • Data sets need to be compressed and are compressible • The Goal: design data structures to manage massive data sets • Near-optimal query times for powerful queries • Near-minimum amount of space • Measure space in data-aware way, i.e. in terms of each individual data set

  3. Indexing Equals Compression • Suffix trees/arrays are used for pattern matching and take O(n log n) bits with O(polylog(n)) query time • GV00 improves the space to O(n log Σ) bits • FM00, FM01, GGV03, GGV04 further improve the space to O(nHk) bits of space with the same time bounds • Key point: these indexes support sufficient searching and compression of the text simultaneously

  4. Indexing Is So Needy • These indexes depend on many data structural building blocks that need to be space-efficient with reasonable query times • Two particular building blocks are rank/select dictionaries and wavelet trees • In this talk, we focus on compressed representations of dictionaries with near-optimal search times

  5. Dictionary Problem • Canonical problem: the input is an ordered set S of n items out of a universe U = {0, 1,…, u-1} • Support the operations: • member(i) – true if i is in S, false otherwise • pred(i) – the item immediately before i • rank(i) – the number of items from S up to i • select(i) – the ith item from S • rank(i) and select(i) can solve member(i) and pred(i)

  6. The Information-Theoretic Minimum • There is a limit on the best compression you can get for anyarbitrary subset S called the information-theoretic minimum, which is or, roughly n log (u/n) bits. • This is better than n log (u) by a 1/n factor inside the logarithm.

  7. Data-Aware vs. Data-Blind

  8. Gap Encoding • Example: Encode n = 7 values out of a universe of size u = 16 • A natural way is to encode the differences between items in the set (gaps) • Better than the worst-case information-theoretic measure for real-life data • gap measure is 1 4 8 15 9 13 12 1 2 3 3 1 1 4

  9. 1111 0001 0100 1000 1001 1100 1101 Prefix Omission Method (POM Encoding) • Example: Encode n = 7 bitstrings drawn from a universe u = 16 • POM encoding can also be seen as a subtrie (of n leaves) of the complete binary trie on u leaves • trie measure is the number of edges in the subtrie 0001 11 1 1 1000 100 100

  10. Relationship Between GAP and TRIE • The gap(S) is no more than trie(S) • The trie(S) can be much more than gap(S) • Such a scenario cannot occur too often; an amortized argument shows that trie(S) ≤ 2 gap(S) • To improve the analysis, a randomized shift shows that randomized_trie(S) ≤gap(S) + 2n – 2 • gap(S) = 15, trie(S) = 30, trie(S+3) = 26

  11. Searchable Encoding Methods(AKA Gap sucks?) • Previous methods are compressed, but are not easily searchable • In particular, these require a linear scan to answer any rank and select query • Block-and-walk method [BB04] is a good scheme • BSGAP data structure is our key building block • BSGAP stores a (modified) POM-encoded sequence of strings, but queries using a binary search rather than a linear scan • Takes nearly the same space as a linearly-encoded POM sequence • In particular, we take gap + O(n log log (u/n)) bits

  12. Binary Searchable GAP Encoding (BSPOM shown on right) • gap encoding is related to the number of edges in the best trie (figure on right) • Each node encoded as the relative gap encoding from its best ancestor • Pointers point to the right subtree stored on disk and use O(n log log (u/n)) extra bits • We never use more bits than the number of edges in the trie! • Support rank and select queries on n items in O(log n) time 5 4 8 9 1

  13. A Lower Bound on Query Time(AKA your best isn’t good enough) • Predecessor lower bound [BF99] applies, since pred(i) is solved with rank(i)and select(i) • Requires non-constant time for predecessor queries with a data structure of O(n polylog(u)) bits • Many data structures take O(1) time for rank and select, but require o(u) additional bits • Two lines explored in previous work: • Spend o(u) extra bits of space and get O(1) time • Spend only O(n polylog(u)) bits total and take time

  14. in AT(u, n/log3n) time Andersson/Thorup’s with O(n log u/log3n) bits Predecessor Data Structure BSGAP BSGAP BSGAP BSGAP BSGAP AT on n/log3n items BSGAPs on log3n items performs predecessor taking O(log log n) time and gap(S) + O(n log log (u/n)) bits Our Dictionary Structure This dictionary structure takes gap + O(n log log (u/n)) + O((n log (u/n))/log n) bits and performs rank and select in AT(u,n) time

  15. Theoretical ResultsDictionary Problem • We just described a novel dictionary structure that requires gap + O(n log log (u/n)) + O((n log (u/n))/log n) bits and performs rank and select in AT(u,n) time. • “Second-order” terms come from encoding pointers in the BSGAP and the space required for the top-level predecessor data structure • A further improvement reduces the time for select to just O(log log n) time • When n« u, we have the first O(n log (u/n)) bit dictionary with AT(u,n) query time

  16. Cheating Predecessor Time Bounds • If we relax our definition of rank so that it only supports queries on items in S, we can avoid the predecessor lower bound • This partial rank function prank(i) = rank(i) for i in S, and -1 otherwise • We also achieve a dictionary supporting prank and select queries in O(log log n) ≤ AT(u,n) time with the same space as before • prank dictionary replaces AT’s top level predecessor structure with a van Emde Boas-like distributor structure • Some complications arise with this scheme; details in the paper

  17. “Comparisons” With Prior Work For the above, n = 100,000 and u = 232.

  18. Practical Results • Engineering on prefix codes • space/time tradeoffs of various prefix codes • Tuning BSGAP data structure • best choice of code for pointers • parameter h to avoid some pointers • Space/time tradeoffs between a simple block-and-walk scheme [BB04] and our practical dictionary

  19. Prefix Codes Used • We encode the gap g as follows: • γ code: log (g +1) in unary; g in binary • δ code: log (g+1) using γ code; g in binary • δ2 code: log (g+1) using δ code; g in binary • nibble4: ¼ log (g+1) in unary; g in binary, padded to a multiple of 4 bits • nibble4gamma: ¼ log (g+1) using γ code; g in binary, padded to a multiple of 4 bits • fixed5: log (g+1) in five bits; g in binary • We use tables to compute prefix codes quickly

  20. Prefix Codes: Space 32-bit u

  21. Prefix Codes: Time 32-bit u

  22. Prefix Codes: Space 64-bit u

  23. Prefix Codes: Time 64-bit u

  24. Pointer Cost: Space 32-bit u

  25. Pointer Cost: Space 64-bit u

  26. BSGAP Tuning BSGAP • Pointer cost is non-trivial part of BSGAP • Low-level pointers jump over a few bits but take a lot of space • Decoding pointers can take a lot of time • Use a simple sequential encoding scheme when there are at most h items to search. Call this the hybrid value h Each leaf node of BSGAP encodes up to h items sequentially

  27. Binary Search Tree BSGAP BSGAP BSGAP BSGAP BSGAP BST on n/b items BSGAPs on b items, each finds correct BSGAP using a hybrid value h Practical Dictionary Structure This dictionary structure D(b, h) supports searching in O(log (n/b)) time and overhead space according to the value of h. The [BB04] is when h = b.

  28. Description of Experiments • We allow blocksize b to range from [2, 256] (32-bit files) and [2,2048] (64-bit files). • We range the hybrid value h over [2,b]. • Collect space and time required for all D(b, h) over 10,000 (1,000) randomly generated rank queries. • [BB04] curve is generated from the 256 (2048) points corresponding to D(b, b). • BSGAP curve is generated from 300 samples from the above data.

  29. Any questions?

  30. Any questions?

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