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Explore the outcomes of the first-ever integrated nodal baseline survey in Central Karoo, highlighting strengths and weaknesses in areas such as poverty, social capital, and development. Identify intervention opportunities based on key indicators.
Department of Social Development nodal baseline survey: Central Karoo results
Objectives of overall project • Conduct socio-economic and demographic baseline study and situational analyses of DSD services across the 14 ISRDP and 8 URP Nodes • Integrate existing provincial research activities in the 10 ISRDP nodes of the UNFPA’s 2nd Country Programme • Monitor and evaluate local projects, provide SLA support • Identify and describe types of services being delivered (including Sexual Reproductive Health Services) • Establish the challenges encountered in terms of delivery & make recommendations regarding service delivery gaps and ultimately overall improvement in service delivery • Provide an overall assessment of impact of these services • Project began with baseline & situational analysis; then on-going nodal support; and will end in 2008 with second qualitative evaluation and a second survey, a measurement survey that looks for change over time.
Methodology for generating these results • First-ever integrated nodal baseline survey in all nodes, urban and rural • All results presented here based on original, primary data • Sample based on census 2001; stratified by municipality in ISRDP and wards in URP; then probability proportional to size (PPS) sampling used in both urban and rural, randomness via selection of starting point and respondent; external back-checks to ensure fieldwork quality • 8387 interviews completed in 22 nodes • Sample error margin: 1.1% - nodal error margin: 4.9% • This presentation is only Central Karoo data: national report and results are available from DSD.
How to read these findings • Baseline survey on 5 major areas of DSD/government work: • Poverty • Development • Social Capital • Health Status • Service Delivery • Indices created to track strengths and challenges in each area; and combined to create a global nodal index. Allows comparison within and across node, overall and by sector. • Using this index, high index score = bad news • Nodes colour-coded on basis of ranking relative to other nodes • Red: Really bad compared to others • Yellow: OK • Green: Better than others
Findings • Detailed baseline report available • Published November 2006 • Detailed findings across all nodes • Statistical tables available for all nodes • Background chapter of secondary data available for each node • Qualitative situation analysis available per node • This presentation • High level Central Karoo-specific findings • Central Karoo scorecard on key indicators • Identify key strengths/weakness for the node and target areas for interventions • What next? • 2008 will see qualitative evaluation and second quantitative survey to measure change over time
Central Karoo scorecard Compared with other nodes, Central Karoo is by some degree the least troubled, with green lights flashing in most areas, as well as overall ‘global’ index in the green, meaning it is doing well compared with the other ISRDP nodes. The only less positive areas are social capital and awareness of development activities, which score yellow (‘OK compared with other ISRDP nodes’)
Poverty The poverty deficit index is based on 10 indicators (see table below), given equal weighting. Central Karoo is - by some degree - the least poor of the 14 ISRDP nodes.
Poverty deficit For example, read as: Central Karoo respondents 89% more likely than ISRDP average to have RDP sanitation; 87% less likely to live in informal dwellings; etc. Only point where doing worse than ISRDP average is 4% more likely to have female-headed households.
Social capital deficit • This graph measures the social capital deficit - so high scores are bad news. • Social capital includes networks of reciprocation, trust, alienation and anomie, membership of civil society organisations, and so on. • Central Karoo has the 6th highest level of social capital among ISRDP nodes. Scoring better than it are a number of eastern Cape nodes, where social capital seems strongest. Social capital got an ‘average’ score in the node.
Social capital deficit For example, read as: Central Karoo respondents were 59% more likely than ISRDP average to believe people only care for themselves; 32% more likely not to belong to a CSO; and so on. Anomie - the notion that the individual cannot affect broader developments - was 25% more common among Central Karoo respondents. On the positive side, FBO membership was higher than average, alienation was down, and so on. Priority areas
Development deficit • This index measures respondents’ awareness of development projects, of all types, carried out by government and/or CSOs. It is a perception measure - not an objective indication of what is actually happening on the ground. • Central Karoo rates in the middle of ISRDP nodes on development awareness, its other average scoring area alongside social capital.
Development deficit Awareness lower than ISRDP average across a range of types of development delivery. The positives, in green, show better than average awareness of various interventions as well as role of govt. and CSO in delivery
Service Delivery Deficit Central Karoo has the best rating on service delivery amongst the 14 ISRDP nodes
Service delivery – weaknesses Weaknesses, i.e. where doing worse than ISRDP average, are largely to do with grants. For instance, access to the Child Support Grant (rated 53% lower than ISRDP), access to pension points (27% lower in the node than the ISRDP average) and so on.
Service delivery – strengths Strengths: Respondents are less likely to complain about access to/ quality of aspects of basic service delivery in the node when compared with the ISRDP average. For instance, respondents in this node are 87% less likely to rate the quality of refuse collection as poor than the ISRDP average
Service Delivery: Main Features • Other important services provided by DSD such as Children Homes, Rehabilitation Centres and Drop-In Centres worryingly received no mention by respondents and signals very low awareness of these critical services. • Urgent thought should be given as to how best to raise awareness across the node with respect to these under utilised services - and how to increase penetration of DSD services as well as grants in the node.
Central Karoo is ranked as the best ISRDP node in respect to health measures Health deficit
Health deficit Strengths: Central Karoo, because of its high health rating when compared with other ISRDP nodes, is better on all the key health variables. For instance, respondents are 44% less likely to rate their health as poor than the ISRDP average, and 32% less likely to report that poor health has prevented them from working than the ISRDP average
Health • Alcohol Abuse was reported as the major health problem in the Central Karoo, by a third of the respondents (34%, higher than the average of 28% across all nodes) • HIV and AIDS was also reported as a major health problem in node, by a further third of all respondents (32%, slightly higher than the average of 30% across all nodes), as was TB (20% cited this in the node vs. ISRDP average of 16%) • Men were as likely as women to rate their health as poor • Youth were as likely as older adults to rate their health as poor • Access to services which has been perceived as a major issue in other nodes was surprisingly not seen to be a major obstacle, with respondents in the node 28% less likely than the ISRDP average to report access to health services as a problem, thus we find that only • 23% of respondents reported distance to health facility as being a problem • 37% of respondents reported paying for health services as being a problem • These findings highlight the key health issues facing those in the node and point to the need for an integrated approach that focuses on the issues of alcohol abuse, HIV and AIDS, and TB • A sectoral or targeted approach is need to focus on these disease related issues in this node • Poverty and the health challenge of HIV and AIDS and cannot be separated and whatever intervention is decided upon should be in the form of an integrated response to the challenges facing Central Karoo residents
Proportion who agree that both parties in a relationship should share decision - making Read as: Majority the node support the view that most decisions in the household require joint decision-making by both partners
Proportion supporting statements about female contraception Read as: myths about contraception are not nearly as widely held as the ISRDP average.
Proportion who agreed that a man is justified in hitting or beating his partner in the following situations Read as: Support for violence against women is higher in this node than the ISRDP average, which points to worryingly high, negative attitudes towards Gender Based Violence in the node - contrasting with positive views on reproductive health issues. Disturbing to note that the differences between males and females, and young and old, in terms of attitudes towards Gender Based Violence are not large - these negative attitudes have been absorbed by men and women, young and old, and interventions are needed to break this cycle
Attitudes towards abortion Read as: Abortion is NOT supported by a third of all respondents (36%) lower than the ISRDP average (42%)
Sexual Reproductive Health & GBV • Findings point to the need for nuanced campaigns around contraception and their very close link with inappropriate attitudes to women in the node • Disturbing to note the high levels of support for Gender Based Violence, coupled to qualified support for abortions. Nevertheless the node is relatively progressive when compared to other ISRDP nodes with regards to myths about contraception. Hence the need for a campaign that is based on a solid understanding of local attitudes towards both sexual reproductive health and GBV as opposed to the interests of a national campaign • Whilst many in the node support the idea that decisions in the household require joint decision-making by both partners, those who do not support joint decision-making have taken it further and endorsed physically abusing women • Need to develop an integrated approach that takes poverty and the health challenges facing nodal residents into account and also integrate critical aspects of GBV and Sexual Reproductive Health • Challenge is to integrate Sexual Reproductive Health and GBV issues with other related services being provided by a range of governmental and non-governmental agencies - integration and co-ordination remain the core challenges in the ISRDP and URP nodes.
HIV & AIDS: Awareness levels Read as: Prevalence rates are high and secrecy is relatively low, suggesting stigmatization may be dropping in face of unavoidability of the epidemic
HIV & AIDS: Proportion who accept the following statements Read as: High awareness of how HIV is transmitted
HIV and AIDS • Evidence suggests that previous campaigns (and the high incidence of the pandemic in the node) have led to high awareness of impact of HIV and AIDS. • Encouraging to see how many in the node have correct knowledge about the transmission of the disease (the node is only slightly lower than the average scores for the ISRDP on most of the items), nevertheless the previous slide does show areas which should be prioritised in future campaigns • Despite high levels of poverty in this node, there is some evidence that respondents are trying to actively assist those community members who are infected and suffering • 17% are providing Home Based Care (HBC) • 17% providing direct support to orphans • These findings support the need for an urgent integrated intervention in the node that incorporates health, poverty, GBV, HIV and AIDS
Central Karoo has a positive J Global Development Rating. Key existing challenges and strengths emerging from the statistical analysis appear below. Conclusion