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The ALERT Flood Warning System and its Uses

The ALERT Flood Warning System and its Uses. Rand Allan, Associate Meteorologist rallanpw@co.san-diego.ca.us (858)495-5557. ALERT FLOOD WARNING. A utomatic L ocal E valuation in R eal - T ime Real-time radio telemetry, continuous operations In San Diego County:

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The ALERT Flood Warning System and its Uses

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  1. The ALERT Flood Warning System and its Uses Rand Allan, Associate Meteorologist rallanpw@co.san-diego.ca.us (858)495-5557


  3. Automatic Local Evaluation in Real -Time Real-time radio telemetry, continuous operations In San Diego County: 61 rain,11 stream, 11 lake, 10 weather 3 base station computers NWS internet access

  4. ALERT groups in the United States ALERT ALERT/IFLOWS SAAS

  5. Responsibilities of Flood Control • Maintain the ALERT system • Assess potential for flooding • Advise NWS, ODP, & Select Agencies

  6. Responsibilities of Office of Disaster Preparedness • Coordinate relief operations when needed • Disseminate warning information to the various agencies

  7. Responsibilities of the National Weather Service • Provide daily weather forecasts • Provide flood watches and warnings • Disseminate timely warning information to the general public

  8. Benefits of the ALERT System • Real-Time Weather Data • Used by NWS and Flood Control to provide Nowcasting support • Used by NWS to calibrate weather radar • Provides detailed historical data for litigation, analysis, design studies, and documentation of weather events • Internet Address: http://nimbo.wrh.noaa.gov/Sandiego/local.html#Precip

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