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THE 7 TH COMMANDMENT: OUR PROPERTY AND INCOME. Lesson 21 Faith Foundations Course One. How does God want us to use our property and income?. A CHANCE TO SERVE. Read Luke 12:13-21 . Being successful and even wealthy certainly isn’t a sin. What, then, was the man’s problem?
THE 7TH COMMANDMENT:OUR PROPERTY AND INCOME Lesson 21 Faith Foundations Course One
A CHANCE TO SERVE • Read Luke 12:13-21. Being successful and even wealthy certainly isn’t a sin. What, then, was the man’s problem? He was only concerned about himself.
A CHANCE TO SERVE • Read 1 Timothy 5:8. What is one of the purposes for which God gives us our earthly possessions? To provide for the needs of our families.
A CHANCE TO SERVE • Mr. Hyde-White spoils himself, but doesn’t allow his wife to do the same. What does this passage say about him? Why? It says he’s worse than an unbeliever because even most unbelievers take care of their families.
A CHANCE TO SERVE • Your parents probably spend a lot of time working to earn a living. What is the purpose of their jobs and their income? To provide for your family’s needs.
A CHANCE TO SERVE • Read 1 John 3:17. John suggests that a person who has material possessions but refuses to give to a fellow Christian in need doesn’t love God. Why is that true? Refer to James 2:14-17. Compassion is a fruit of faith. If no compassion, then no faith.
A CHANCE TO SERVE • Read Luke 19:1-10. When Zacchaeus came to faith in Jesus, how did his attitude toward his money change? Instead of cheating others, he now wanted to use what he had to help others.
A CHANCE TO SERVE • Your income is probably somewhat limited. However, what kinds of things can you do to help provide for your family and to care for the needy? Don’t waste food, water or electricity. Take care of your clothes, toys, books, etc. Help keep house and yard clean and in good shape. Save money. Help others in need.
KEY POINT #1 God wants us… to provide for our families and to help the needy.
A CHANCE TO GIVE • Read the story of the widow’s offering in Mark 12:41-44. Evaluate this statement: The widow’s special gift was an example of love and faith. To give all she had showed her love for God and trust that he would take care of her.
A CHANCE TO GIVE • Read Malachi 3:8. If our offerings are gifts that we give, how could the prophet say that those who didn’t give offerings were robbing God? If we keep for ourselves what God wants us to give back to him in thanksgiving, we are robbing God.
A CHANCE TO GIVE • Stacy gives half of her allowance in the church offering. Her friends think she is wasting her money. Why do you think she gives a lot of her allowance to her church? She knows everything she has comes from God, including salvation, and so her offering is one way she can thank God.
A CHANCE TO GIVE • Galatians 6:6 points to one reason why we give offerings to the Lord. What is that reason? To support and provide for church workers.
A CHANCE TO GIVE • Read Matthew 22:15-22. Caesar was the leader of the Roman empire. The Pharisees tried to trick Jesus by asking him if they should pay taxes to Caesar. What did Jesus mean by his answer? Whatever was owed to Caesar (taxes) should be paid, and whatever they owed to God (offerings) should also be paid.
A CHANCE TO GIVE • Mr. Smithson said that he believes the government is wrong for using our taxes to make weapons and fight wars. Therefore he won’t pay all of his taxes. Do you think he is right? God tells us to obey the government and pay the taxes we owe. And we obey God.
A CHANCE TO GIVE • Derrick does extra jobs and gets paid in cash so he doesn’t have to record what he earned. That way he doesn’t have to pay income tax on this money. What would you say to him? He is cheating the government and other taxpayers.
KEY POINT #2 God wants us… to support our church and our government.
How does God want us to use our property and income? • God wants us to provide for our families and to help the needy. • God wants us to support our church and our government. SUMMARY God wants us to provide for our families, to help the needy, and to support our church and our government.
THE SEVENTH COMMANDMENT You shall not steal. What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we do not take our neighbor’s money or property, or get it by dishonest dealing, but help him to improve and protect his property and means of income.
Matthew 22:21 “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”