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The EUChinaGRID & EUMedGrid Projects. Roberto Barbera Univ. of Catania and INFN ICTP/Democritos International Grid School 16 February 2006. Outline. Introduction The EuChinaGrid Project The EuMedGrid Project Summary and conclusions. Extending GRIDs outside EU.
The EUChinaGRID & EUMedGrid Projects Roberto Barbera Univ. of Catania and INFN ICTP/Democritos International Grid School 16 February 2006
Outline • Introduction • The EuChinaGrid Project • The EuMedGrid Project • Summary and conclusions
Extending GRIDs outside EU • GRID is a reality which allows new ways of sharing resources (not all of them completely exploited) in scientific collaboration (eScience) and, hopefully in other fields (eGovernment, eHealth, eBusiness, etc.) • EU has largely invested in GRID technology in the past 4 years and is planning to invest much more in FP7. • Few countries outside EU and USA are anyway actively involved in the deployment of a (national) GRID infrastructure. • A World Wide GRID infrastructure is the natural objective of this technology and will enhance the potential benefits for all the applications in 2 main ways: • Fostering new international groups/applications • Enabling new kind of world-class collaborative solutions
Mediterranean & China • Mediterranean area is of particular interest due to the neighborhood to many EU countries. Extending the European Research Area (ERA) to all the Mediterranean area is one of the present priorities in the European strategy of Research and many initiatives and projects are already active (EUMEDIS, EUMEDCONNECT, etc.) EUMEDGRID • China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world with a specific program for GRID (CNGRID). Many groups of scientists in Europe have already established good relationships with Chinese Research Groups and grids can provide an infrastructure to enhance the level of collaboration, deploying new common applications and shared access to scientific data EUChinaGRID
EUChinaGRID http://www.euchinagrid.org
O1 Contribute to the creation of an human network promoting international collaboration. O2 Disseminate European experience in China and confront with Chinese experience. O3 Support interoperability of EGEE with the corresponding infrastructure in China, fronting the multi-protocol (IPv4/IPv6) network infrastructure. O4 Use existing network infrastructure and foster its development O5 Foster interoperability of solutions across different disciplines to achieve broader scale uptake of Grid technology. O6 Harmonize European, and Chinese eScience user and infrastructure requirements in terms of resources needed, Grid services, and application software. Provide recommendations for adapting the present best practices and tools (Virtual Organizations, Certification Authority, Policies, etc.). Main Objectives
WP1 – Project Administrative and Technical Management • WP2 – Network planning and interoperability study • Specific activity to study IPv4/IPv6 GRID interoperability. • WP3 – Pilot infrastructure operational support • WP4 – Applications • EGEE applications (LHC, Bio, etc.) • ARGO-YBJ and Gamma Ray Bursts • Never Born Proteins • WP5 – Dissemination • 24 Months duration starting on 1 January 2006 EUChinaGRID WP’s
ARGO – YBJ Laboratory • Unique High Altitude Cosmic Ray Laboratory (4300 m) Tibet, 90 km North to Lhasa. Chinese-Italian collaboration. • The Experiment data rate to be transferred is 250 TB/Year requiring a steady transfer rate of the order of 100 Mbps to Beijing and from there to Italy.
The number of natural proteins on Earth, although apparently large, is only a tiny fraction of the possible ones: • with 20 different co-monomers (the 20 different natural amino-acids), a polypeptide chain with 60 residues (n=60) can exist in 2060 different chain structures. • In nature, we have around 1013-14 different proteins, so that the ratio between the possible and the actual number is staggeringly large. • This means that there is an astronomically large number of proteins that have never been seen on Earth - an incredibly large number of “never born proteins” (NBP). • In particular, the present research in the field is based on a computational approach to study a large library of NBP (109 protein sequences) to the aim of clarifying the structural principles that characterize them and of selecting a reasonable number of sequences which can potentially give rise to stably folded proteins. Never Born Proteins
EUChinaGRID is a Specific Support Action (SSA) project. • The official start of the project is the 1 January 2006. • 24 Months duration (starting on 1st January ’06). • EU Contribution of 1,299,998 €. • A total of 495 Person Months (325 Funded). • Contract N. 026634 signed by INFN before Christmas. Signature by European Commission in progress. • Kick-Off Meeting held in Athens on 24-25 January 2006. • First Project Conference in Beijing (Cina) in June ’06. Project Status
RB + BDII at CNAF • VOMS at CNAF https://voms2.cnaf.infn.it:8443/voms/euchina/ • GridIce at CNAF • Sites linked: • Roma 3 • CNAF • Catania • Athens • 2 sites in Beijing What we have already done
April and June 2006 - China • September 2006 - Rome • December 2006 - Krakow or Athens • More tutorials in 2007 in China Tentative training program
EUMEDGRID www.eumedgrid.org
[O1] Stimulate the formation of National Grid Infrastructures (NGI) in the Mediterranean Countries, thus contributing to the creation of a “virtual Grid-based research space” (“horizontal action” of the project). It is expected that in the majority of the third countries a National Grid event will take place. • [O2] Promote awareness in the region regarding Grid developments through the organization of a number of dissemination and outreach events, which will promote the project results to the private and public sector, ultimately reaching the general public. • [O3] Establish a dialogue regarding policy developments for research and education networking and provide input to the agenda of national funding bodies and if possible governments. This is to be done as part of NGI establishment (O1) as well as in a form of dedicated policy workshop. Objectives (1/2) ICTP/Democritos Internationa Grid School, Trieste, 16.02.2006
[O4] Capture local eScience user requirements in terms of resources needed, Grid services, and application software. • [O5] Provide guidelines and technical cookbooks to guide regional integration in the Euro-Mediterranean infrastructures. • [O6] Carry out the regional integration in the Euro-Mediterranean infrastructures by supporting the establishment of pilot Grid resource centres at each country in the region. Adapt and implement the operational and organisational management techniques of the existing production Grids and bring the region up to speed with production-level operations. Pilot Grid Resource Centres are intended to be the major vehicle of this process, becoming the seeds of National Grid Infrastructures in the Mediterranean Countries. • [O7] Build upon and exploit the infrastructure provided by the Gigabit Pan-European Research & Education Network (GEANT) and the Mediterranean Research and Education Networking (EUMEDCONNECT) initiative in the region. The coordination of NGI into a Regional (Mediterranean) infrastructure will take advantage from the existing human network created within the EUMEDCONNNECT project; on the other hand, such human network will be a trigger towards the creation of a physical backbone connecting directly all EUMEDGRID actors, to maximize the effectiveness of the pilot grid infrastructure, which in a first phase will mainly build upon Gèant2 network and the EUMEDCONNECT links towards the Mediterranean • [O8] As a proof of principle, support the deployment of EGEE applications (High Energy Physics, BioMed) and other Grid applications of regional interest on the pilot infrastructure, with the involvement of local user community; actively encourage new user communities to join the EUMEDGRID community and deploy their own applications on the Pilot infrastructure. Objectives (2/2) ICTP/Democritos Internationa Grid School, Trieste, 16.02.2006
Partners ICTP/Democritos Internationa Grid School, Trieste, 16.02.2006
Third Parties ICTP/Democritos Internationa Grid School, Trieste, 16.02.2006
Workplan ICTP/Democritos Internationa Grid School, Trieste, 16.02.2006
EUMEDGRID is a Specific Support Action (SSA). • The official start of the project is the 1 January 2006. • 24 Months duration. • 14 partners: 9 Member States or AS, 5 non-MS. • EU Contribution of 1,646,500 € • A total of 481 Person Months (392 Funded). • Contract N. 026024 was signed by INFN before Christmas. Signature by European Commission in progress. • Kick-Off Meeting in Malta 6-7 February 2006. Project Status ICTP/Democritos Internationa Grid School, Trieste, 16.02.2006
The “eumed” VOMS(https://voms2.cnaf.infn.it:8443/voms/eumed/) New registrations at: https://voms2.cnaf.infn.it:8443/voms/eumed/webui/request/user/create ICTP/Democritos Internationa Grid School, Trieste, 16.02.2006
The EUMEDGRID e-Infrastructure(from the Technical Annex) ICTP/Democritos Internationa Grid School, Trieste, 16.02.2006
The EUMEDGRID e-Infrastructure(NOW! - from GridICE) GRNET INFN-CNAF INFN-RM3 TUBITAK INFN-CT ICTP/Democritos Internationa Grid School, Trieste, 16.02.2006
The EUMEDGRID GridICE(http://eumed-gridice.cnaf.infn.it:50080/gridice) ICTP/Democritos Internationa Grid School, Trieste, 16.02.2006
The EUMEDGRID GStat(http://goc.grid.sinica.edu.tw/gstat/eumed/) Very preliminary ! ICTP/Democritos Internationa Grid School, Trieste, 16.02.2006
Biomed applications (already EGEE pilot applications) • HEP applications (already EGEE pilot applications) • New candidates: • Earth science (hydrology, see presentation later) • e-Learning (multi-media content on-demand) • Others to be selected by WP2 Grid Applications ICTP/Democritos Internationa Grid School, Trieste, 16.02.2006
Aim: estimate sustainable extraction scheme - improve management • CODESA-3D:Density-dependent 3D coupled groundwater flow and transport simulations • Data requirement • Geology • Topography • Meteorology • Water extraction by the farmer • Aquifer properties • Soil maps • Land use SWIMEDGroundwater modeling One simulated map of water levels ICTP/Democritos Internationa Grid School, Trieste, 16.02.2006
Conclusions • EUChinaGRID and EUMEDGRID are EU funded projects, related to EGEE, started on 1st January 2006 and with a lifetime of 2 years . • There are several fields of possible collaboration with EELA, EGEE-2, SEEGRID-2, and other EU funded projects (on Training, Dis-semination, Support of Applications, Net-working, etc.).