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Good Night Mama By NORMA FOX MAZER

Good Night Mama By NORMA FOX MAZER. PROJECT BY IRIS PEREZ-MAZARIEGOS PRD.5. characters. Karin The main character of my story she is a dynamic character. She is out going and towards the end of the story she is shy. Karin has an older brother marc. . Marc Marc is Karin's older brother.

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Good Night Mama By NORMA FOX MAZER

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  2. characters • Karin • The main character of my story she is a dynamic character. • She is out going and towards the end of the story she is shy. • Karin has an older brother marc. • Marc • Marc is Karin's older brother. • Marc is timid then adventures in the end of the story. • Marc is a dynamic character.

  3. setting • There are many settings in the story like Germany, Naples Italy, and New York USA . • This story takes place mostly in Oriento New York .

  4. CONFLICT • The conflict of the story is man vs. society. • Karin's family must leave Germany because the Nazi (German soldiers) are capturing Jews and sending them to concentration camps. • At the end Karin and marc are allowed to stay in America ,they go to live with there aunt Hannah in California.

  5. Prediction • I thought marc and Karin would of been caught by Nazi and get sent to concentration camps but escape and leave to Italy and go to the united states. I also thought marc would be caught first.

  6. Word Summary GERMANY Concentration camp UNITED STATES Refugee camps New York World war II FAMILY Nazi

  7. Theme • The theme in this story is no matter how hard life gets there is always a way to move on. • I the world would learn some thing from this book , like how hard is was to have to find a person in Germany that would help you in a time of need. Also every one can feel what Jews went throw when they had to leave there home because of what they believed in and how they looked.

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