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Good Night, Mr. Tom By Michelle Magorian

Good Night, Mr. Tom By Michelle Magorian. Literature circle extension project by: Michelle Doody. “Mr. Oakley, with the declaration of war imminent…” (Mangorian, p 1). “I must be good,” he whispered urgently,“ I must be good,” and he rubbed a sore spot on his arm. (Magorian p 6).

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Good Night, Mr. Tom By Michelle Magorian

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Good Night, Mr. Tom By Michelle Magorian Literature circle extension project by: Michelle Doody

  2. “Mr. Oakley, with the declaration of war imminent…” (Mangorian, p 1) “I must be good,” he whispered urgently,“ I must be good,” and he rubbed a sore spot on his arm. (Magorian p 6)

  3. “Now, William,” said Tom. “You jes’ join up the dots from the top downwards, and When you done with that yous’ll written yer name. Now jes’ takes yer own time.” (Magorian p 101) Life with Mr. Tom “While your in my house,” he said in a choked voice, “you’ll live by my rules. I ent ever hit a child and if I ever do it’ll be with the skin of me hand. You got that?”. (Magorian p 23)

  4. SCHOOL “I’m with the babies.” (Magorian p 100) “Now William,” she said. “How about you? Can you read and write?” (Magorian p 98)

  5. 1ST BIRTHDAY PARTY So this is what a birthday party was like. He had heard people at school talking about them. He looked towards Tom for help. (Magorian p 113) Clothes Colored pencils Jigsaw puzzle Candy Games Cakes

  6. “I’m sure we would all like to welcome William Beech to our class,” she had said turning to him. (Magorian 165) Support Determination Perseverance BELIEVE IN YOURSELF

  7. “It’s from yer mother, “ he said, indicating the paper, “She’s ill. She wants you to go back for a while.” (Magorian 177)

  8. Pain Death “Something heavy hit him across the head and he sank into a cold darkness. He could still hear her screaming and he knew that she was hitting him, but he felt numb and separated from himself.” (Magorian 196) Loneliness Hopelessness


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