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"Informatik" und "Information Science": ein kultureller Vergleich Roger Brisson The Pennsylvania State University www.personal.psu.edu /faculty/rob1/. in-formatio, -onis , f. [informo],.
"Informatik" und "Information Science": ein kultureller VergleichRoger BrissonThe Pennsylvania State Universitywww.personal.psu.edu/faculty/rob1/
in-formatio, -onis, f. [informo], • a representation. I. Lit., an outline, sketch, first draft: aedium sacrarum informationes, Vitr. 4, 6 fin.-- • II. Trop., an idea, conception: anticipatio, quam appellat prolepsin Epicurus, id est anteceptam animo rei quandam informationem, Cic. N. D. 1, 36, 100: dei, id. de Or. 2, 87, 358: unius verbi imagine totius sententiae informatio, an exhibition of the idea contained in a word, an explanation of its meaning, id. Part. Or. 29, 102.
Information:Levels of Meaning info. science Informatik
Vannevar Bush (1890-1974) • WORKED AT: MIT • One of Bush's most important publications was "As We May Think," Atlantic Monthly, 176(1):101-108, 1945. This article defined a critical problem, the "information explosion," and it proposed a solution, using the emerging technology to combat the problem. He built the first analog computer to solve differential equations associated with power surges.
References • Endless Frontier : Vannevar Bush, Engineer of the American Century, By G. Pascal Zachary. New York, Free Press, c1997. viii, 518 p., [16] p. of plates. ill. 25 cm. • Die Geburt des Internet: Bush, Vannevar; Baran, Paul A.; Cerf, Vint Texte. Hrsg. v. Wulf R. Halbach. Vorw. v. Friedrich Kittler. (Internationaler Merve Diskurs, Bd.207). 1997. 120 S. DM 16.00 (3883961396)
ASIS The American Society for Information Science (ASIS) has been the leader for over 54 years in keeping information professionals on the cutting-edge. ASIS counts among its members some 4,000 information specialists from such fields as computer science, management, engineering, librarianship, chemistry, linguistics, and education. ASIS members continue to lead the information profession in the search for new and better theories, techniques, and technologies to improve access to information through storage and retrieval advances. Founded in the mid-1930's, ASIS has a history which stems from the earliest days of the modern era of documentation.
1937- Beginnings in Documentation • ASIS was founded on March 13, 1937, as the American Documentation Institute (ADI). Its initial interest was in the development of microfilm as an aid to learning. ADI compiled an impressive record of achievement in its early years of existence: development of microfilm readers, cameras and services; fostering negotiations and research…
1950's - Transition to Modern Information Science • As the number of people engaged in developing new principles and techniques in the many areas of documentation and information services increased… With the 1950's came increasing awareness of the potential of automatic devices for literature searching and information storage and retrieval. As these concepts grew in magnitude and potential, so did the variety of professional interests.
1960's - The Information Explosion During the 1960's, membership increased sevenfold as the problems created by the "information explosion" became of national concern. … ASIS had become the leading and most representative national professional organization for those concerned with designing, managing, and using information systems and technology.
1970's - The Move to Online Information • The fourth decade of ASIS was a transitional time for the profession and ASIS, and the move from batch processing to online modes, from main-frame to mini and micro computers accelerated. Traditional boundaries among disciplines began to fade and library schools added "information" to their titles. ASIS … was an active participant in the planning and implementation of the White House Conference on Library and Information Services.
1980's - Personal Computers Change the Market The fifth decade of ASIS began with The Information Profession: Survey of an Emerging Field … and saw a flood of large databases such as "Grateful Med" at the National Library of Medicine, bibliographic databases, and families of services such as "Dialog" and ”CompuServe" which are accessible by individuals from their "PCs." … The explosion in information technologies and management issues was so great that ASIS President Martha E. Williams undertook a major consideration of the various disciplines in Information Science that reported at the end of the decade in "ASIS 2000."
ASIS in the 90's -- Rising above the Tides of Change As the winds of the Internet blew across the world, ASIS set its course accordingly. Change, especially in technology, is accelerating and a five year horizon now seems like long range planning. However, the initial building blocks of a knowledge based, learning organization are solidly in place, a foundation which will enable ASIS to move aggressively into the next century.
Scope of JASIS This journal serves as a forum for new research in information transfer and communication processes in general, and in the context of recorded knowledge in particular. Concerns include the generation, recording, distribution, storage, representation, retrieval, and dissemination of information, as well as its social impact and management of information agencies. There is a strong emphasis on new information technologies and methodologies in text analysis, computer based retrieval systems...
Major Topic Areas of JASIS • Theory of Information Science • Communication • Management, Economics, and Marketing • Applied Information Science • Social and Legal Aspects of Information
Articles from most recent issue • Searching Through Cyberspace: The Effects of Link Display and Link Density on Information Retrieval from Hypertext on the World Wide Web • A Cognitive Model of Document Use During a Research Project. • Scholarly Communication in Developmental Dyslexia: Influence of Network Structure on Change in a Hybrid Problem Area • Concept Similarity and Conceptual Information Alteration Via English-to- Chinese and Chinese-to-English Translation of Medical Article Titles
ACM Information • The Association for Computing Machinery is an international scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the arts, sciences, and applications of information technology. With a world-wide membership of 80,000, ACM functions as a locus for computing professionals and students working in the various fields of Information Technology. Since 1947 ACM has provided a vital forum for the exchange of information, ideas, and discoveries.
Journal of the ACM: Scope • The Journal of the ACM (JACM) aims to provide coverage of the most significant work going on in computer science, broadly construed. .. These areas change from time to time, as the field evolves. The following areas are currently covered by a member of the Editorial Board:
Artificial Intelligence • Complexity of Algorithms • Computing in Technology and the Sciences • Computer Architecture • Database Systems, Networks, and Digital Libraries • Data Structures and Analysis of Algorithms • Decisions, Uncertainty, and Computation • Distributed Computing • Formal Languages and Complexity Theory • Logic in Computer Science • Machine learning and computational learning theory • Numerical Computation • Parallel computation • Programming Languages and Methodology
Gesellschaft für Informatik Die Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) ist die Fach- und berufsständische Organisation der Informatiker und Informatikerinnen Deutschlands. Ihr Ziel ist die Förderung der Informatik in Forschung und Lehre, ihrer Anwendungen und der Weiterbildung. Diese werden erreicht durch:
Unterstützung der fachlichen und beruflichen Arbeit von Informatikern • Mitwirkung im Vorfeld politischer Planung und Gesetzgebung zur Forschungs-, Bildungs- und Technologiepolitik • Abgabe von öffentlichen Empfehlungen und Stellungnahmen zur Informatik • Bereitstellung fachlicher Kommunikationsforen durch Veranstaltung von Arbeitstreffen, • Fachtagungen, Kongressen und Ausstellungen
Cooperation and Partners of FIZ Karlsruhe Fachinformationszentrum (FIZ) Karlsruhe is a non-profit organization set up to provide information and information services for academic and industrial research & development, as well as for business and administration.
Major Cooperation Partners of FIZ Karlsruhe • Max-Planck-Gesellschaft • Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft • Verein Deutscher Ingenieure • Gesellschaft für Informatik • Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung. • Ei Village Partner • Engineering Information Inc. (EI)
Wohin Bibliothekswissenschaft? Liebe KollegInnen, da die meisten bibliothekarInnen bedauerlicher-weise mit den computer-wissenschaften auf kriegsfuss stehen, leite ich folgende mitteilung gerne an sie weiter: > CompuScience goes WWW - Testnutzer gesucht > In wenigen Tagen wird es eine erste WWW-Testversion der Datenbank > CompuScience geben. Der URL ist > http://www.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/cs/cs-search.html
Lehrangebote im Informatik an der HTWK Ausbildungsinhalt / Ausbildungsziel • Informatiker haben die Aufgabe, komplexe Systeme zur Informationsverarbeitung zu konstruieren und ihre Beherrschung zu sichern.
Dies beinhaltet auch, Mensch-Maschine-Systeme in umfassende Arbeitsorganisationen einzubinden, wobei ablauforganisatorische Regelungen und aufbauorganisatorische Zusammenhänge zu berücksichtigen bzw. mitzugestalten sind.Die Ausbildung im Studiengang Informatik orientiert auf die Entwicklung von Hard- und Softwaresystemen in den vielfältigen Anwendungsgebieten. Sie befähigt die Absolventen, Praxisprobleme zu modellieren, Lösungsverfahren aufzufinden und diese in Computerprogramme umzusetzen.
Da die Informatik ihre Wurzeln in der Mathematik, der Nachrichtentechnik und der Physik hat, sollten die Studierenden sowohl Interesse und Fähigkeiten für mathematische Abstraktionen als auch für die Analyse und Gestaltung physikalisch-technischer Prozesse haben.
Multimedia Gegenstand sind Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Darstellung und Vermittlung von Informationen unter Einbeziehung mehrerer Medien (Text, Video, Ton, Animation, Bild, Grafik). Auf diesem sich rasch entwickelnden Gebiet der Informatik wird praktischen Übungen zur Entwicklung und zum Umgang mit Systemen besondere Bedeutung beigemessen.
Grundstudium Grundlagen der Informatik Grundlagen der Schaltungs- und Digitaltechnik Analysis IAlgebra I und IIPhysikalische und Elektronische Grundlagen der InformatikAlgorithmen und DatenstrukturenMaschinenorientierte ProgrammierungHardware-Praktikum Datenbanken Betriebssysteme IProzeßsdatenverarbeitungNumerische Mathematik
Hauptstudium Hardware-Praktikum III (Rechnersysteme)ComputergraphikProgrammierung paralleler ProzesseCompilerbauProgrammieren mit C++InformationssystemeCAD-SystemeAngewandte Künstliche Intelligenz IINumerische Methoden in der ComputergrafikLogik als Basis des Harware-Entwurfs IAssemblerprogrammierungDigitale SignalverarbeitungTest integrierter Schaltungen
University of Michigan School of Information:The Master of Science in Information • Unprecedented change in the use of information is reshaping our ... national and global institutions ... We need ... an integrated understanding of human needs and their relationships to information systems and social structures. We need unifying principles that illuminate the role of information in both computation and cognition, in both communication and community. We need information professionals who can apply these principles to synthesize human-centered and technological perspectives.
The program offers a variety of advanced courses that prepare students for existing or newly formed specializations, and gives students the venues in which to exercise their knowledge in several practical engagements. Specializations in Library and Information Services, Archives and Records Management, and Human-Computer Interaction are defined, and the School offers a coordinated selection of courses in Information Economics. Students may choose from one of these or devise a program of their own in consultation with the faculty to prepare them for a new, emerging professions.
Curriculum for Fall/Winter 1997-98 • Search and Retrieval Social Systems and CollectionsDesign and Management of Information Systems and Services History of Books and Printing Web Security and Commerce Leadership and Design of Organizations Design, Implementation, and Management of Complex Web Sites Introduction to Academic and Research Libraries Special Problems in Archives Administration Professional Practice in Libraries and Information Centers Information Economics Management of Electronic Records Management of School Library Media Programs Doctoral Research Seminar -- Comparative Modeling: Computer Explorations of Policy Problems
Choice and Learning • Technology in Design: Methods and Means • Technologies for Information Management • Change in the Higher Education Enterprise and the Emergence of New Learning Organizations • Human-Computer Interaction Software Projects Lab • Evaluation of Systems and Services • Sources of Information in the Humanities • Practical Engagement Workshop:Reviews, Recommendations, and Other Internet Metadata Applications • Practical Engagement Workshop:Digital Librarianship • Public Library Services
Innovation and Discovery • “Consistent with the principles of our mission statement, we have taken the long-range view that innovation and discovery within the curriculum are integral to the success of our students."