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How to Write The Right Skills for a resume

An crucial component of a resume is the skills section. It gives employers a summary of your most important skills. It demonstrates to the recruiter your suitability for the position and the values you can offer to the team and business. Both hard skills and soft skills are crucial. Therefore, hiring the appropriate combination of both increases your likelihood of progressing to the next stage of the hiring process. To know more read here

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How to Write The Right Skills for a resume

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  1. How to Write The Right Skills for a resume

  2. OVERVIEW Resume is an important document to land any interview. It gives the hiring managers or recruiters an idea of whether the candidate is likely to be a good fit for the company. Writing a spectacular resume is not an easy task. It requires patience and a lot of edits. Many people find it challenging to include all the necessary skills, experiences, projects and at the same time, keep the resume length short.

  3. Importance of writing skills in the resume No resume is complete without including the skill section. When you apply to a role in a company, the recruiter calls you for the next step only after evaluating your resume. In this evaluation, the skill section plays a vital role. This skill section gives a quick overview of your capabilities. It helps the recruiter know why you are apt for the job and whether you possess the necessary skills or not. By working on this section of your resume, you are sure to qualify for the next step of the hiring process.

  4. Why should you add skills to your resume The skills section on your resume allows the employer to access you. It also helps them figure out the value you could add to the company. Hard skills are abilities that are specific to a job or industry and are often measurable. On the other hand, soft skills are abilities that define your characteristics and determine your work style. A recruiter is usually looking for a candidate who has a good mix of hard skills and, as well as soft skills. Since a recruiter spends an average of 6 seconds reading a resume, you must construct your resume, particularly the skill section, such that it can be easily skimmed.

  5. How to write skills on your resume Hard skills are abilities that are specific to the job or the industry. Generally, these are technical skills you learn in your school, college, certification programme and career. At the same time, soft skills are abilities that you can apply in any job role. A recruiter is generally looking for candidates who have the right combination of hard and soft skills. • Look at the job description - The best way to find the right skills to put on your resume is to search various job openings and review them. Almost every job opening consists of a job description. It consists of what the job is about, the qualifications it requires, the skills you must have, and the years of experience you must hold. • Identify your matching skills - After preparing the list, sort the skills that you possess. These are the skills you should be focusing on because that is what the recruiter expects you to be fluent • Look at your awards and achievements - Did you receive a certificate or an award in a specific area? If yes, then the skills you possess must have helped you achieve that milestone. Think about all the personal traits and attributes that helped and list them down. • Ask your co-workers - People around you can help you identify strengths that you might not recognise yourself. So, reach out to your former manager and co-workers with who you have worked closely. • Take help from professionals in the field - Who better to help you than the experts from the field themselves? If you face difficulty determining what skills a candidate must possess for a job, consider contacting an expert from that industry or working in a similar position. They will tell you what skills they believe are essential for the job and even provide you with material to prepare to build your skills.

  6. Conclusion The skill section is an essential part of a resume. It provides employers with an overview of your most crucial skills. It shows the recruiter how you are the apt candidate for the job and the values you can bring to their team and company. Soft skills are equally important as hard skills. Therefore, enlisting the right set of both improves your chances of making it to the next step of the hiring process. Don’t put anything on your resume that you are not comfortable talking about with the recruiter. To know more read How to Write The Right Skills for a resume

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