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Enhancing Performance in Post-Upgrade Phase: Reconstruction and Improvement Techniques

This publication explores improvements for performance post-upgrade, focusing on reconstruction under severe pile-up conditions. The study highlights potential enhancements such as using tracks to suppress pileup effects for better reconstruction of jets and missing energy. It also discusses increased search reach and prospects for studying Higgs self-couplings, new rare final states, and the initiative involving a Senior Experimental Fellowship awarded by IPPP in September 2013. The series of events throughout 2014 showcases the progress and advancements in physics prospects. (Words: 66)

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Enhancing Performance in Post-Upgrade Phase: Reconstruction and Improvement Techniques

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  1. Upgrade performance Phase-II pile-up levels Jets and missing energy both can be well reconstructed under severe pile-up conditions Large room for improvements using tracks to suppress pileup

  2. ATL-PHYS-PUB-2012-001 3/ab HL-LHC physics prospects arXiv:1309.6318 Increased search reach Higgs self-couplings New rare final states

  3. New initiative – Senior Experimental Fellowship with IPPP Grant awarded September 2013 Series of events throughout 2014

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