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WebLogic + JDBC Driver + DB Server Practice

WebLogic + JDBC Driver + DB Server Practice. 장성봉 Http://ejavaschool.com.ne.kr. 1. WebLogic + JDBC Driver + Oracle. Oracle DB Server 와 WebLogic Application Server 를 연결하여 Web Application 을 개발하는 과정을 실습한다 . 순서 Oracle 설치 Oracle 사에서 제공하는 JDBC Driver 설치 J2SDK 환경 설정 – PATH 설정

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WebLogic + JDBC Driver + DB Server Practice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WebLogic + JDBC Driver + DB Server Practice 장성봉 Http://ejavaschool.com.ne.kr

  2. 1. WebLogic + JDBC Driver + Oracle • Oracle DB Server와 WebLogic Application Server를 연결하여 Web Application을 개발하는 과정을 실습한다. • 순서 • Oracle 설치 • Oracle사에서 제공하는 JDBC Driver 설치 • J2SDK 환경 설정 – PATH 설정 • WebLogic 환경 설정 – PATH 설정 • SQL 문 작성 • Application 작성 - java class 파일 생성

  3. Oracle Server JDBC Driver downloading(1)

  4. WebLogic Environment set (2) • JVM의 class loader를 위해 JVM class Path를 d:\weblogic\startWeblogic.bat파일에 설정한다. - setJAVA_CLASSPATH= d:j2sdk\jre\lib\ext\classes12.zip;d:\weblogic\lib\weblogic510sp4boot.jar;.\lib\weblogic510sp12boot.jar;.\classes\boot;.\eval\cloudscape\lib\cloudscape.jar - d:j2sdk\jre\lib\ext\classes12.zip;  Jdbc driver path

  5. Weblogic path 설정(3)

  6. J2SDK Environment set(1) 1. JDBC Driver 저장 - c:\j2sdk1.4.0\jre\lib\ext Directory에 classes12.zip Driver copy 해서 저장 2. PATH 설정 - class path=.%classpath%;c:\j2sdk1.4.0\jre\lib\ext\classes12.zip

  7. JDBC Driver 저장(2)

  8. Class Path 설정(3)

  9. 2. WebLogic + JDBC Driver + MS-SQL Environment • JVM의 class loader를 위해 JVM class Path를 d:\weblogic\startWeblogic.bat파일에 설정한다. - set JAVA_CLASSPATH= d:j2sdk\jre\lib\ext\jkjdbc.jar;d:\weblogic\lib\weblogic510sp4boot.jar;.\lib\weblogic510sp12boot.jar;.\classes\boot;.\eval\cloudscape\lib\cloudscape.jar - d:j2sdk\jre\lib\ext\jkjdbc.jar;  MS-SQL JDBC Driver path 설정.

  10. MS-SQL Driver Download site http://tipstips.net/(1)

  11. Downloading(2)

  12. d:j2sdk\jre\lib\ext Directory에jkjdbc.jar Driver 저장 (3)

  13. J2SDK Environment set(1) • JDBC Driver 저장 - c:\j2sdk1.4.0\jre\lib\ext 디렉토리에 jkjdbc.jar Driver copy 해서 저장 • PATH 설정 - class path= .%classpath%;c:\j2sdk1.4.0\jre\lib\ext\jkjdbc.jar

  14. JDBC Driver 저장(2)

  15. Class Path 설정(3)

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