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O ne L ine P er C hild. A dventure. By Team Yogurt. What’s the Goal of OLPC Adventure?. Creative Writing Multiplayer Collaboration Fun!. What is OLPC Adventure?. Players take turns writing the lines of a story. But they can only see the previously written line.
One Line Per Child Adventure By Team Yogurt
What’s the Goal of OLPC Adventure? • Creative Writing • Multiplayer Collaboration • Fun!
What is OLPC Adventure? Players take turns writing the lines of a story But they can only see the previously written line A shared image gives the story focus.
What is OLPC Adventure? (cont.) • One laptop • Many children One story Two modes of play • Many laptops • Many children Many stories
How does a game flow? Player 1 Options are chosen Players Join Players Write Lines Story is done Return to menu
What’s the Result? HTML File and Story Image The finished story is uploaded to a central server, where the stories can then be read by the teacher.
How Was it Made? Image Library encapsulates Story Model Controller encapsulates Player View uses PyGTK
Challenges and Changes Original version had a play mode using the Mesh. The Mesh option was dropped after testing revealed poor network performance.
Challenges and Changes Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consectetueradipiscingelit. Aeneancommodoligulaeget dolor. Aeneanmassa. Cum sociisnatoquepenatibus et magnisdis parturient montes, nasceturridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultriciesnec, pellentesqueeu, pretiumquis, sem. Nullaconsequatmassaquisenim. Donecpedejusto, fringillavel, aliquetnec, vulputateeget, arcu. In enimjusto, rhoncusut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum feliseupedemollispretium. Our instructions were originally a wall of text. Had to do our best to “whittle it down” to something that kids could understand.
Challenges and Changes Images were chosen by guys, and were unintentionally geared towards boys. Goes to show that guys never know what girls want.
How Could It Be Better? Leftover Bugs Feature Ideas • Use a host-specified image in the story • Spruce up User Interfaces to make them more appealing. • Have a “Display All Previous Lines” mode (versus only one line) • More fancy HTML output. • Potentially asynchronized Image Libraries across multiple instances • Users with multiple names lead to GUI glitches. • Instructions are questionable • Multiple Children/Laptops/Stories mode is hard to set up.