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DIRECTORS REMARKS TO BOARDS. November 2013. IT STARTS HERE. Mission To enable a mission ready Force by addressing the issues faced by CF members and their families that result from military service. Vision

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  2. IT STARTS HERE Mission To enable a mission ready Force by addressing the issues faced by CF members and their families that result from military service. Vision Strong, resilient families who enable a mission-ready Force and who enjoy a quality of life comparable to other Canadian families

  3. QUOTES CDS Guidance to the CAF “we must ensure that the framework of compensation, benefits and support programs remain sustainable in the long-term, blancing appropriately individual and institutional responsibility.” CRS Evaluation of Military Family Support Programs & Services “In the current fiscal environment all programming will be further scrutinized to seek efficiencies while preserving core services” Ombudsman’s Report “A key to the success of Military Family Resource Centres is the principle of For Families, By Families.” “Military Family Resource Centres are clearly the centre of gravity for structured local/regional support to many military families…”

  4. SOME THOUGHTS ON THE WAY AHEAD It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Theodore Roosevelt, 1910

  5. SOME THOUGHTS ON GOVERNANCE Once member organizations have been created and are operational, it is generally very difficult for the national association to “re-write the rules” and require that member organizations relinquish some measure of control back to the… body.” Donald J. Bourgeois, 2009

  6. ABOUT EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS “The directors are any organizations’ primary asset…Directors are unique…(they) are responsible for making sure that the organization relates to people in accordance with the law, that it acts in a fiscally prudent manner and that it is effective in achieving its purpose.” Donald J. Bourgeois, 2009

  7. MILITARY FAMILY SERVICES Support for serving members (Regular and Reserve) and their families who face issues that arise due to conditions of service such as: - spousal employment - community integration - access to health care - transitions support - child care - mental health support - education transitions - special needs of loved ones - housing requirements

  8. MILITARY FAMILY SERVICES BY THE NUMBERS • 45, 105 the number of military families in the Canadian Forces Regular Force • 12, 247 full time reserve • 83% the proportion of families of Regular Force members living in civilian communities, as opposed to on a military base • 8% the proportion of families of Regular Force members who are living with one or more children with special needs • 82% the proportion of military spouses who are very supportive of their partner’s career in the Regular Force • 76% the proportion of spouses who have relocated at least once due to their spouses’ military posting • 70% the proportion of spouses who have experienced the deployment of their military partner at least once • 17% the proportion of spouses who have experienced the deployment of their spouse more than five times • 51.8% the proportion of military spouses who reportedly felt that they had made career sacrifices, and a smaller proportion reported they were underemployed (9.5%), unemployed or that their career had been severely affected by their partner’s military service (8.8%) • Over 37, 000 hours of emergency, respite and casualty child care support were provided to over 2000 families in 2011/2012

  9. MILITARY FAMILY SERVICES Direct Services • FamilyForce (single portal) • Family Information Line (professionals 24/7) • Dependant Education Management Enablers • Research and develop mandated programs (consistency) • Fund mandated programs (foundation) Capacity Building • Facilitate excellence (training, tools) • Provide resources (insurance, human resources and personnel, financial accounting) How have we been doing in achieving these objectives and other expectation you have of the MFS team?

  10. DEPENDENT EDUCATION PROGRAM Compensation and benefit programs to ensure military children obtain elementary and secondary school education • DND Dependant Schools Overseas Education Programs • Departmental Foreign Service Education Allowances • Military Education Allowance Entitlements • Information for militaryfamilies

  11. A LOOK AHEAD… OMBUDSMAN ‘S REPORT • The Ombudsman’s report, to be released on 5 Nov, reflects current realities, and validates what the CAF has identified through qualitative research as the key challenges facing military families. • The DND and the CAF are continuously examining the Military Family Services Program and the broader framework of member and family support to achieve the best use of resources and improve military family life. • The health and well-being of military families is a top priority for senior leadership, and the DND and the CAF are committed to ensuring that the family voice continues to inform policy development throughout the organization. • DND and the CAF strive to ensure that military families enjoy the same quality of life as other Canadians and are not disadvantaged by the conditions of military service, through collaboration with all levels of government, and with many other Canadian partners.

  12. A LOOK AHEAD… CHIEF REVIEW SERVICES STUDY WILL SHAPE OUR WORK AND MAY AFFECT OUR DIRECTION Rebalance MFS resources Provincial work; child care Initial investment? MFS Overhead Benchmark vs. Not for profit/community services National and local Coord of broader range of MFS User data tracking Spending alignment to the logic model Coord plan for data collection • Stakeholders • Action plan; performance measures • Child Care • Assess user-pay options; Implement solutions • Policy Revisions • CNA updates; Questions to determine why some families do not use services • PFP updates • Mandated programs for all families • MFSP; High Five • National marketing and communications • WG to support Morale and Welfare (but also coord with CFHA, DGHS and DGCB)

  13. A LOOK BACK … SINCE WE MET IN FEBRUARY • MFRC staff benefits and pension plans have been reviewed and a new benefits plan will be made available for all full-time staff that will include LTD, life, medical, dental and vision. A 100% employee contributed group RRSP plan will be available through SISIP FS tailored for MFRC staff. • A letter outlining my approach to MFS support to the National Association was sent 18 October. We shall in depth today. • The role and function of the NMFC is evolving, using a more virtual approach to family consultations. • As stated in February, there is no intent to change the governance structure of MFRCs. There is also no plan to absorb MFRCs within the NPF administrative lines. • Administrative processes continue to be reviewed and simplified when possible. New guidance on audit procedures will be forwarded, but the requirement to submit some of the documentation to MFS will be minimized.

  14. FOR YOU TO THINK ABOUT… MOVING FORWARD • Ombudsman’s Report findings and impact on MFRC services? • Chief Review Services Report and roles for MFRCs? • Are we collectively doing our best for families? How do we know? • I invite you to: • reflect on yourrole, yourskills, and your influence • ask questions of your Board members and families about how your Centre isdoing • identifywhatyouneed to besuccessful, engaged and healthy and how can MFS support you • think about self care for you, yourBoard and your staff • think about what makes you feel/would make you feel like military families have access to the services they require • Connectwith any of the MFS staff if you have need advice, or have questions or concerns.

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