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Dr . Bozidar Etlinger

Dr . Bozidar Etlinger. Associate Director Ruder Boskovic Institute Croatia Commercial Development Manager, RBI Former Head, Semiconductors Laboratory, Materials Research & Electronics Department, RBI Governing Board Member. Croatia: SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY PROJECT.

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Dr . Bozidar Etlinger

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  1. Dr. Bozidar Etlinger • Associate Director • Ruder Boskovic Institute • Croatia • Commercial Development Manager, RBI • Former Head, Semiconductors Laboratory, Materials Research & Electronics Department, RBI Governing Board Member Innovation and Competitiveness

  2. Croatia: SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY PROJECT Bozidar Etlinger: Business Plan and Inovation Strategy in Rudjer Boskovic Institute Innovation and Competitiveness

  3. Republic of Croatia = Republika Hrvatska • Population 4,494,000 • Land Area 89,810 km2 • Number of islands 1,185 • Lenght of coast 5,835 km Innovation and Competitiveness

  4. Croatian CommunicationInfrastructure • From 1991 to 2001 realised fiber optical infrastructure across the Croatia • Total lenght 18 000 km • (In plastic pipe) • monomodal optical fibre • (1300 i 1550 nm). Innovation and Competitiveness

  5. 760 employees 330 PhD 80 MrSc 90 BSc 95 technicians 15 ha (surface) Innovation and Competitiveness

  6. Board of Governors Scientific Council DIRECTOR Board of division directors Scientific divisions Support departments Executive Management Board Theoretical Physics Administration Experimental Physics Library and information center Marketing Material Physics Molecular Genetics Electronics Molecular Medicine Education affairs Computer center Physical Chemistry Marine Research NMR service IPR Organic Ch.& Biochemist. Marine & Environmental Technical and scientific services MIS Material Chemistry Laser and Atomic R&D

  7. Articles in Current Contests Journals Other Journals Proceedings Books Innovation and Competitiveness

  8. courses lecturers Innovation and Competitiveness

  9. lecturers courses Innovation and Competitiveness

  10. FIRST CONTACTS World Bank - IRB April, 2002 Innovation and Competitiveness

  11. COMMERCIALIZATION Rudjer Boskovic Institute START:2002 November Many questions ???? Innovation and Competitiveness

  12. CommunicationResponsibilityOpportunityAchievementTeamworkIntellectual PropertyAttitude Innovation and Competitiveness

  13. Developing & ImplementingBusiness Plan • Fundamental Considerations • Planning, Writing & Presenting • Implementation Innovation and Competitiveness

  14. Fundamental Considerations • What is our “PRODUCT”? • What is the “MARKET OPPORTUNITY”? • “FREEDOM TO OPERATE” • Sources of information/ help • What to expect! Innovation and Competitiveness

  15. What is our “PRODUCT”? • Unique skill or capability • Novel intellectual property • Expertise/ knowledge • Education • Infrastructure • Other exploitable asset • Opportunity to meet an unmet need Innovation and Competitiveness

  16. What are our Selling? • Research • Product • Service • License • Combination Be realistic, focus on core strengths & achievable deliverables Innovation and Competitiveness

  17. What is the “MARKET”? • What are we selling? • Where do we intend to sell? • Who are the “CUSTOMERS”? • What is the size of the market? • What share of the market do our projects? • How will we be paid/ reimbursed? • How will we actually market/sell the product? Innovation and Competitiveness

  18. “Freedom to Operate” • Do we have the rights to make/ use/ market/ sell our product? • What elements comprise our “product”? • Where do we intend to practice/operate/sell? • Do we own all of the intellectual property? • Is there dominating intellectual property? • Do we need a license? • Can we obtain a license? Innovation and Competitiveness

  19. Types of Services • Contract research & development • Contract testing • Database • Education • Conferences & training courses • Consultancy Innovation and Competitiveness

  20. Marketing Level • Network potential clients • Network “advocates” • Present at key conferences and tradeshows • Publish and present strong external profile • Secure some key high profile accounts • Ensure compliance & deliverables • Build profile and reputation for “product” & “service” orientation Innovation and Competitiveness

  21. Confidential Disclosure • Confidentiality is critical to clients and to our Institute • Execute Confidential Disclosure Agreements • Mutual or one-way depending on project • Always maintain confidentiality of data • Do not disclose our own IP/ Trade Secrets Innovation and Competitiveness

  22. What is the “COMPETITION”? • Identify competitors • Define their strengths and weaknesses • Identify opportunities • What are the unique attributes that will differentiate you from the competition and attract the clients? Innovation and Competitiveness

  23. Ministry of Science & Technologyand WBR&D Institutes entry criteria: • A clear and relevant vision, mission, objectives and strategy for the institute. • A completed business plan to the agreed template, which demonstrates long-term sustainability. • Viable financial projections for a period of 5 years from the date of application to the program. Innovation and Competitiveness

  24. R&D Institutes entry criteria: • A audit by international experts of the quality of the work produced by the institute and its staff. • A demonstration of active and effective leadership. • Sound Governance which demonstrates independence from any organization, group or vested interest and which can show expertise in areas relevant to the future work of the institute. Innovation and Competitiveness

  25. R&D Institutes entry criteria: • Evidence of demand for the services to be offered by the institute. • A minimum agreed 5 year target for contract income which must exceed 40% of current Government grant support. • Plans in place to achieve a self sustainability ratio (contract income/ total cost as a %) of 40% in 5 years. Innovation and Competitiveness

  26. R&D Institutes entry criteria: • Plan in place to develop, protect and exploit intellectual property (IPR). • Plans in place to reduce support costs in 3 years equivalent to international best practice when benchmarked against equivalent European R&D organizations. Innovation and Competitiveness

  27. R&D Institutes entry criteria: • Plans in place to achieve business, HR, commercial, marketing and financial systems and processes to international best practice standards within 2 years. • Plans in place to achieve quality standards to equivalent of ISO 9001 within 3 years. • A training plan in place which demonstrates how the institute will develop the skills of existing staff. Innovation and Competitiveness

  28. Essential conditions for APPRAISAL MISSION • Business Plan RBI • Business Plan accepted by Governing Board Innovation and Competitiveness

  29. APPRAISAL MISSION MAY 2004 Negotiations between: Government RBI WB MSESBI MF BICRO (Test, Hitra, Razum) Innovation and Competitiveness

  30. STP Business Plan RBI2004 - 2008 S T P (Science Technology Project) (48,00 M $, WB 40,00) Government (MSES,MF) & WB in 5 years Innovation and Competitiveness

  31. STP Paricipants in STP: Government (MOF, MSES) RBI BI (Brodarski institut) - Maritime Institute BICRO (Business Innovation Center of Croatia) Maribic, TEST, HITRA, STIRP, VC, TC Innovation and Competitiveness

  32. STP Financing: preliminary (small) amount: TAL2 (Technical Assistannce Loan) (WB Loan no. 4460-HR, TAL-2) main (48 M$) STP (WB+MSES) Innovation and Competitiveness

  33. STP STP Conditions Croatia: postpone 5 years,instalment 15 years, interest: LIBOR + 1% RBI: postpone 5 years,instalment 15 years, 65 % grant, 35 % loan, interest: 0 % Innovation and Competitiveness

  34. STP Business Plan RBI2004 - 2008 TAL-2 : 805.500 US$ TA, training, HR, BP, MIS, IPR, Web, IT, twinning, pilot projects (500.000 $), conferences, new staff, Innovation and Competitiveness

  35. Business Plan RBI2004 - 2008 Start Selected Explotation – Pilot Projects • Chiral Technology Development • Authorized Diagnostic Center for • Aquatic Animal Diseases • Smart Particle Analyzer • Random Quantum Bit Generator Innovation and Competitiveness

  36. STP Business Plan RBI2004 - 2008 4 conditions: Basic Research on the same level Increase of Commercial Projects Establish of Science Park SPREAD (Sponsored R&D Program) - Joint-work with SME Innovation and Competitiveness

  37. STP Business Plan RBI2004 - 2008 Basic Research on the same level 21 M US$: Innovation and Competitiveness

  38. STP Business Plan RBI2004 - 2008 Commercial activities: Contracts Income increase: from 16 % (2003.) to cca 40 % (2008.) STP: 8,0 M$ : Equipment (3,4 M$) TA, trening, ISO, IPR, Promotion, SPREAD, Severence Plan (0,445 M$) Innovation and Competitiveness

  39. STP Business Plan RBI2004 - 2008 IRA(Institutional Renewal Account): 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 5% 7% 9% 11% 11% 11% Innovation and Competitiveness

  40. SCIENCE PARK SCIENCE PARK Innovation and Competitiveness

  41. Innovation and Competitiveness

  42. Operational Plan for 2004: MIS Business Procedures HR IPR Marketing ISO standard Science Park IRB Evaluation of Individual Projects Innovation and Competitiveness

  43. Evaluation of Individual Projects • Project 1 (CHIRAL) - Chiral Technology Development • Project 2 (ADD) - Authorized Diagnostic Center for Aquatic Animal Diseases • Project 3 (ABD) - Advanced Biomedical Diagnostic • Project 4 (SPA) – Smart Particle Analyzer • Project 5 (GMO) – Genetically Modified Organisms • Project 6 (STF) – Silicon Thin Films • Project 7 (PRM) – Polymer and Related Materials • Project 8 (IMP) – Impendance Analyser • Project - Development of a new and improved DNA vaccine against genital herpes • Projekt - Random Quantum Bit Generator Innovation and Competitiveness

  44. ResearchBethe bestInnovate Try to Innovation and Competitiveness

  45. Dr. Bozidar Etlinger • Associate Director, • Ruder Boskovic Institute, • Croatia • Commercial Development Manager, RBI • Former Head, Semiconductors Laboratory, Materials Research & Electronics Department, RBI Governing Board Member Innovation and Competitiveness

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