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What 2 Billion ECommerce Interactions Reveal About Mobile Product Discovery

Want to know about mobile product discovery? Dont worry here in this presentation, we provide you the complete information of what 2 billion ecommerce intrections reveal about mobile product discovery. Read now!

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What 2 Billion ECommerce Interactions Reveal About Mobile Product Discovery

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  1. What 2 Billion ECommerce Interactions Reveal About Mobile Product Discovery 61% of the 2.4 billion smartphone users on the planet reach for their mobile phones within five minutes of waking up. Our latest report on mobile product discovery — based on 2 billion eCommerce interactions on our platform— revealed some interesting insights on how technology has impacted shopper purchasing behaviour on mobile. Here’s our take on what the data showed us. Fashion Already Winning on Mobile In early 2016, uber-luxury brand Burberry announced that more than half their eCommerce purchases happened on mobile. In fact, over the last five years Burberry’s mobile sales have had an annual growth rate of 48.7%. Improvements in mobile UX and more reliable payment options have contributed to the increase of purchases on mobile. This is especially true in the context of fashion where visual and design elements are a huge factor in considering purchase. Data shows that the Fashion & Lifestyle vertical has broken out in 2017, with more shoppers purchasing on mobile than desktop.

  2. 82% of smartphone users say they consult their phones before purchasing a product in store. This signals a two-fold change in consumer shopping behaviour. It shows that mobiles are not just gaining prominence as a channel of purchase, they are also driving retail purchase. Find more such insights in our latest report on the State of Mobile Discovery. Search and Navigation on Mobile But what motivates higher purchase on mobile? Improvements in product discovery on mobile owing to AI and machine learning make it easier for shoppers to find what they are looking for. It helps that the smartphone today, is almost an extension of our arm. People are able to discover products a lot faster and as a result, they are more likely to purchase. As per a survey conducted early this year, around one-quarter of internet users in the US aged between 18-34 state that easy navigation and speed were key factors influencing their decision to shop using mobile phones.

  3. But purchase on mobile isn’t driven by navigation alone. Search, is just as important. Search sessions are on a steady upswing since 2015 (7.6%) and touched 11.3% of all sessions in 2017. While navigation continues to dominate purchase on mobile, the interesting thing to note is the connection between search and shopper intent. As per our latest research on product discovery on mobile, shoppers searching on mobile are more likely to buy. Mobile search contributes to almost 30% of total revenue.

  4. A prominent and persistent search bar in addition to features like autosuggest or a simple spell check that eases the discovery process gives impetus to the growing trend of purchase on mobile. In fact, 30% of mobile shoppers who search use autosuggest to reach their desired products. Download the State of Mobile Product Discovery 2017 Report for more such insights. AI and AR But how about technology that helps us make better choices? Data shows shoppers are ready for it and how. Research by Retail Perceptions showed that a whopping 71% of people would show more loyalty to a brand if they offered augmented reality as an option for shoppers. Smartbots that intelligently understand and respond to customers providing a thoroughly personalized experience are increasingly becoming popular.

  5. Mobile apps like Taco Bell’s TacoBot and Starbucks’ My Starbucks Barista offer a personalized experience to users, replete with customised menus, recommendations, and facilitate quick transactions — with a sharp wit to match! Makes the prediction by Gartner analysts a lot more real — they predict that by 2020, the average human will have more conversations with bots than with their own spouse. The possibilities that artificial intelligence and augmented reality open up for mCommerce are endless. Algorithms that are intuitive enough to understand the nuanced differences of shopper behaviour as they move from platform to the other, offering intelligent recommendations and personalized suggestions, have changed shopping on mobile. The lesson to learn for anyone who’s listening is this —you can’t afford to wait to prep yourself for the coming of the mobile revolution anymore. It’s already here.The State of Mobile Product Discovery Report 2017 incorporates data gathered from 60 million sessions of US shoppers on the Unbxd Product Discovery Platform. The detailed report provides insights on key metrics on mobile product discovery, the role of search, and personalization on mobile. Download your free copy, here. Source: https://unbxd.com/blog/2-billion-ecommerce- interactions-mobile-product-discovery/

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