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The Athropic Principle

The Athropic Principle. Science has discovered many factors that are necessary conditions to sustain life. The chance that all these factors happen “by itself” is extremely unlikely. In fact, they are so unlikely that science coined a new term to describe them: athropic principle.

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The Athropic Principle

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Athropic Principle Science has discovered many factors that are necessary conditions to sustain life. The chance that all these factors happen “by itself” is extremely unlikely. In fact, they are so unlikely that science coined a new term to describe them: athropic principle.

  2. Where are we exactly ? Earth Galaxy Solar System Universe

  3. Is our earth and solar system special ? • There are millions of galaxies • Within one galaxy, there are millions of stars • Surely, there must be billions of planets just like our earth ? • And there must be millions of planets that have life on them ! • That was science believed • Recently, science discovered many factors that are necessary to make life possible • Our earth and solar system is in fact, special !

  4. Conditions for Life • Life is extremely fragile • Life need water • Life need sun light (photosynthesis) • Life cannot tolerate high energy radiation (X-rays, Gamma-radiation) • Life cannot tolerate extreme heat (ever seen a fish swim in boiling water ?) • Life cannot tolerate extreme cold (ever seen a fish survive in ice ?) • And so on…

  5. Life: Shape of the Galaxy • Galaxies come in 3 shapes: Spiral galaxy Elliptical galaxy Irregular galaxy

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