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Do Now – Monday, August 19 th. The Beatles kick off their first American tour. Inspirational History – August 19 , 1964.
The Beatles kick off their first American tour Inspirational History – August 19, 1964
“That desert…make[s] sport of him [the traveler] and disorder[s] his mind, so that he loses his way and perishes. For there is no visible road or track…nothing but sand blown hither and thither by the wind. You see hills of sand in one place and after you will see them moved to quite another place.” - Ibn Battuta • What do you know about the geography of Africa? What physical features make movement difficult?
African Geography SWBAT understand how geography affected migration, cultural development and trade in Africa
What can you see in the photograph that reinforces Battuta’s description?
Influence of Geography LABEL YOUR MAPS
Along the equator is a band of tropical forest • North and south of the equator is savannahs – grassy plains • Beyond savannahs lie great African deserts • Saharrah Desert in North Africa is largest desert in the world • Geographic features act as barriers and highways Influence of GeographyAfrican Geography
What is being blocked or what is moving throughout Africa? • What features helped this movement? • What features hindered this movement? Influence of GeographyThink - Pair - Share
What is being blocked or what is moving throughout Africa? • People • Cultures • Ideas • Goods • What features helped this movement? • Rivers • Great Rift Valley • Mediterranean and Red Seas • What features hindered this movement? • Cataracts (waterfalls) • Deserts Influence of Geography
4,000 miles long • Longest rift, or deep trench on Earth’s surface • Low, flat corridor served as important passageway for early migrating groups • DRAW & LABEL THE GREAT RIFT VALLEY ONTO YOUR BLANK MAP. Great Rift Valley
What is the name of the “bump” on the side of Africa called? . • What body of water separates Africa from Europe? Label your map. • What body of water separates Africa from the Arabian Penninsula? Label your map. Please track your African maps and answer the questions below:
Early Man Neandrathal – CroMagnon – Modern Man
Early ManGreatest achievements in human history Invention of tools Mastery over fire Development of language
Early ManOld Stone age/PaleolithicAge 2.5 million to 8000 BC Hunter-gatherers Nomadic lifestyle Stone chopping tools Equality between men and women as both were responsible for finding food and teaching skills
Early Man New Stone Age/Neolithic Age 8000 BC to 3000 BC Settled into villages Agriculture to grow crops Domestication of animals
Paleolithic to Neolithic Group Work Use your notes and textbook pages 14 thru 16 Each student in the group will use a large piece of paper and crayons to visually show one change that ocurred from the Paleolithic to Neolithic Ages One member be prepared to stand up and display your work!
Exit Ticket How did the role of men and women change from the Paleolithic to Neolithic Ages? Answer in 3 to 4 complete sentences.