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Programming Example

Programming Example. Lecture 8.6 A VHDL Forth Core for FPGAs: Sect. 7. Digilab D2E Development Board. Digilab D2E Development Board. Digilab DIO2 Peripheral Board. Digilab DIO2 Peripheral Board. Using the FC16 Forth Core. DIO2@ ( addr – data ) DIO2! ( data addr -- ).

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Programming Example

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Programming Example Lecture 8.6 A VHDL Forth Core for FPGAs: Sect. 7

  2. Digilab D2E Development Board

  3. Digilab D2E Development Board

  4. Digilab DIO2 Peripheral Board

  5. Digilab DIO2 Peripheral Board

  6. Using the FC16 Forth Core DIO2@ ( addr – data ) DIO2! ( data addr -- )

  7. Accessing the DIO2 Peripheral Board DIO2@ ( addr – data ) DIO2! ( data addr -- )

  8. buff3.vhd en library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; entity buff3 is generic (width:positive); port( input : in STD_LOGIC_vector(width-1 downto 0); en : in STD_LOGIC; output : out STD_LOGIC_vector(width-1 downto 0) ); end buff3; architecture buff3 of buff3 is begin output <= input when en = '1' else (others => 'Z'); end buff3; input output

  9. Seven-segment LED display

  10. In opcodes.vhd constant DIO2store: opcode := X"010F"; -- DIO2! constant LCDistore: opcode := X"0110"; -- LCDinst! constant LCDdstore: opcode := X"0111"; -- LCDdata!

  11. In FC16_control add…. signal ccycle: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (5 downto 0); MultiCC: process (clk, clr, current_state) begin if clr = '1' then ccycle <= "000001"; elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then if current_state = exec then ccycle <= ccycle + 1; else ccycle <= "000001"; end if; end if; end process MultiCC;

  12. In FC16_control add…. when exec => -- execute instr without fetching next one if (icode = X"010E" or icode = X"010F") and ccycle < 3 then next_state <= exec; elsif (icode = X"0110" or icode = X"0111") and ccycle < 8 then next_state <= exec; --elsif icode = X"Code_for_multi-cycle" -- and ccycle < Num_cc_to_exec then -- next_state <= exec; else next_state <= fetch; -- go to fetch state end if;

  13. In FC16_control add…. DIO2! ( data addr .. ) when DIO2store => cs <= '1'; oe <= '0'; pinc <= '0'; if ccycle = 1 then we <= '1'; else tload <= '1'; nload <= '1'; tsel <= "111"; nsel <= "01"; dpop <= '1'; end if;

  14. From DIO2 CPLD data_out <= btns(7 downto 0) when addr(1 downto 0) = "00" else '0'& btns(14 downto 8) when addr(1 downto 0) = "01" else switchs; In opcodes.vhd constant DIO2fetch: opcode := X"003A"; -- DIO2@ In FC16_control.vhd when DIO2fetch => -- read 8-bit DIO2-bus (E1) tload <= '1'; -- DIO2@ ( addr – data ) tsel <= "100"; cs <= '1'; oe <= '1'; In FC16.vhd E1 <= ground & data_io; data <= data_io;

  15. \ Test of DIO2 buttons, LEDs, and 7-seg displays : D2DIG! ( n -- ) \ Display n on 7-segment displays DUP 8 RSHIFT \ n nHI 7 DIO2! \ display nHI 6 DIO2! ; \ display nLO : D2LD! ( n -- ) \ Display n on the 16 LEDs DUP 8 RSHIFT \ n nHI 5 DIO2! \ display nHI 4 DIO2! ; \ display nLO : get.BTN2 ( -- n ) \ Push 15-button bit mask to T 1 DIO2@ \ btns(15:8) 8 LSHIFT 0 DIO2@ \ btns(7:0) OR ;

  16. : waitBTN2 ( -- n) \ Wait to push a button and get mask BEGIN \ wait to lift finger get.BTN2 0= UNTIL BEGIN \ wait to press button get.BTN2 UNTIL get.BTN2 ; \ get buttons

  17. : but>num ( n1 -- n2 ) \ convert button bit mask to button no. 15 FOR \ loop 15 times DUP 1 = IF \ value matches R> \ get loop value 15 SWAP - \ find index 1 >R \ break out of loop ELSE U2/ \ Shift button value THEN NEXT NIP ; \ remove extra 1 from N

  18. : main ( -- ) \ main program BEGIN waitBTN2 \ wait to push BTN2 DUP D2LD! \ display on LEDs but>num \ find button number D2DIG! \ display on 7-seg display AGAIN ;

  19. type rom_array is array (NATURAL range <>) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0); constant rom: rom_array := ( JMP, --0 X"0047", --1 -- D2DIG! dup, --2 LIT, --3 X"0008", --4 rshift, --5 LIT, --6 X"0007", --7 DIO2store, --8 LIT, --9 X"0006", --a DIO2store, --b RET, --c -- D2LD! dup, --d LIT, --e X"0008", --f rshift, --10 LIT, --11 X"0005", --12 DIO2store, --13 LIT, --14 X"0004", --15 DIO2store, --16 RET, --17

  20. -- get.BTN2 LIT, --18 X"0001", --19 DIO2fetch, --1a LIT, --1b X"0008", --1c lshift, --1d LIT, --1e X"0000", --1f DIO2fetch, --20 orr, --21 RET, --22 -- waitBTN2 CALL, --23 X"0018", --24 zeroequal, --25 JZ, --26 X"0023", --27 CALL, --28 X"0018", --29 JZ, --2a X"0028", --2b CALL, --2c X"0018", --2d RET, --2e

  21. -- btn>num LIT, --2f X"000f", --30 tor, --31 dup, --32 LIT, --33 X"0001", --34 eq, --35 JZ, --36 X"0042", --37 rfrom, --38 LIT, --39 X"000f", --3a swap, --3b minus, --3c LIT, --3d X"0001", --3e tor, --3f JMP, --40 X"0043", --41 u2slash, --42 drjne, --43 X"0032", --44 nip, --45 RET, --46

  22. -- main CALL, --47 X"0023", --48 dup, --49 CALL, --4a X"000d", --4b CALL, --4c X"002f", --4d CALL, --4e X"0002", --4f JMP, --50 X"0047", --51 X"0000" --52 );

  23. Relative speed of FPGA Forth core

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