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ARD Committee

ARD Committee. Case Study of Lacy Lopez November 28, 2006 presented and acted out by: Christina DePauw, Cassie Fredendall, Laurie Hill, Katie Reich, Sylvia Tellez, Monica Thorpe, Sheila Waterman. A: Admission. R: Review. D: Dismissal. Coffee Break.

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ARD Committee

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ARD Committee Case Study of Lacy Lopez November 28, 2006 presented and acted out by: Christina DePauw, Cassie Fredendall, Laurie Hill, Katie Reich, Sylvia Tellez, Monica Thorpe, Sheila Waterman

  2. A: Admission R: Review D: Dismissal

  3. Coffee Break • Based on the information provided, do you agree that Lacy should not qualify for Special Education services? Why or why not? • What do you feel is the core problem Lacy is struggling with? • Speaking from one of the character’s points of view, what would you recommend or do for Lacy to help her succeed in learning?

  4. After the ARD • Upon hearing each character’s point of view, which do you relate to the most? The least? Why? • How effectively do you think Special Education testing really “tests” the developmental level of a child? • How far can a school go without overstepping the boundary between home life and academic concerns? How has this boundary changed in recent years? Why?

  5. Recommendations • Teacher implements a health unit on oral hygiene and nutrition in collaboration with the school nurse • Counselor gives mother a list of resources available to her family pertaining to her financial situation, etc. • Teacher has Lacy sit near the front of the classroom to minimize distractions; breaks instruction into smaller chunks; has Lacy dictate some assignments

  6. Conclusion • Having seen a sample ARD, or based on actual ARDs you have attended, what are your first impressions or thoughts? • Do you think the ARD process fully services the child? • What benefits do you see in the ARD process as a whole? What areas would you improve?

  7. Our Sources • Interviews with: • Peggy Bennett, counselor, Elliott Elementary • Alba Castaneda, diagnostician, Lively Elementary • Carrie Cole, teacher, Elliott Elementary • Nancy Friemel, teacher, Elliott Elementary • Liz Pacheco, Vice-Principal, Elliott Elementary • Cissi Rice, Special Services, Elliott Elementary • Sandy Thomas, Special Services, Elliott Elementary • Texas Education Agency, ARD manual, 2006-2007, http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/admin/sdaa/ardtrain/ARD_manual0607.pdf • Texas Education Code, www.tea.state.tx.us/

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