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Final Exam REVIEW. Mono gamy Married to one other. Micro scope To see or view something very small. Greek Bases: Define using the definition of the Greek base. Ec , Ex Out, Out of. Mim Imitate. Greek Bases: What is the definition of the Greek Base?.
Monogamy • Married to one other • Microscope • To see or view something very small Greek Bases: Define using the definition of the Greek base.
Ec, Ex • Out, Out of • Mim • Imitate Greek Bases: What is the definition of the Greek Base?
Who was the king of the Greek gods? • Zeus • Who was Athena? • Goddess of War Greek Mythology
Who is Aphrodite? • Goddess of BEAUTY, LOVE, & FERTILITY • Protector of sailors • Chosen more beautiful than Athena • Who did Apollo help Paris to defeat? • Achilles
What products are represented by Greek gods and goddesses? • What sport teams are represented by Greek gods and goddesses? Why do marking companies use Greek (and Roman) gods and goddesses to represent their products?
What characteristics do heroes possess? • Strength • Overcome a problem • Courageous - They act, even when afraid.Decisive - They act when there is need.Helpful - They desire to help those in desperate need.Dedication to Selfless Service - They act without concern for their own safety.Determination to do what is right - They will not stand by and watch the right thing Epic Heroes
What makes Odysseus a hero? • Very Strong • Successful in a battle • Has a group of followers • Overcomes a series of obstacles The Odyssey
What obstacles does Odysseus have to overcome to reach his ultimate goal (reach Ithaca)? • Poseidon creates earthquakes and rough seas • After eating the lotus plants his men lost all desire to return home • Cyclops (Polyphemus) • Circe turned his sailors into pigs • Sirens • Scylla ate six of the sailors • Zeus sends a thunderbolt to smash his ship • Ends up stranded on the Island of Calypso • Must compete against suitors to win back Penelope The Odyssey
Macbeth Oedipus • Ambition • Greed • Social Rank • Conceded • Fear of the truth • Placing blame on others Tragic Flaws
Macbeth Oedipus • Lady Macbeth convinces her husband to kill in order to be more masculine • The three witches help plant ideas into his head • The need to be King (upper class) • Desire to maintain popularity • Inability to see the truth because of need to please • Social taboo around marrying his mother Social Influences
Macbeth Oedipus • Lady Macbeth takes her own life • Macbeth is killed by Macduff(good, honest) • Who becomes king? • Oedipus ostracizes himself from society • Blinds himself • How does he spend the rest of his life? Resolutions
Themes: Fundamental and universal ideas throughout a literary work, i.e. Ambition and Greed in Macbeth • Motifs: Recurring structures, contrasts, and literary devices that can help develop themes, i.e. Comparing honest with corrupt • Symbols: Objects, characters, figures, and colors uses to represent ideas and concepts, i.e. The floating dagger, weather Making connections across literature through…
Choose an Archetype. Using the archetype of choice, make the connection between three pieces of work that we have discussed this semester. • Use a partner! Archetypes