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Concept Presentation: D eoxyribo N ucleic A cid. Stuart Lithwick.
Concept Presentation:DeoxyriboNucleicAcid Stuart Lithwick http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://library.thinkquest.org/07aug/00775/dna.jpg&imgrefurl=http://library.thinkquest.org/07aug/00775/&usg=__gf9gT6BlZvx5BLkpmyB_RXSTbIY=&h=320&w=320&sz=30&hl=en&start=19&sig2=9G_ooEWlaxdRIRxdMJqA2Q&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=bcdTHsoIeOWNNM:&tbnh=118&tbnw=118&prev=/images%3Fq%3DDNA,%2Bphoto%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=IAI9TJynK9KQnAf_n4neDg
DNA is the recipe for all life on earth... present and past!
Why is DNA important to us? • DNA are the instructions used to build all living things (including us)! • The Future of Medicine Genetic Medicine! • Ethical discussions!
Why may DNA be important to our students? • DNA is everywhere!! • News: Human Genome Project! Stem Cell Research! • Public Media: e.g. Television, Radio, Internet! • Ethics! • Careers in Medicine and Genetics
Why do our students care about DNA? • DNA is an ongoing Toronto story! • World-class DNA-based research is happening... RIGHT HERE!!!
Our students need to have the tools to think critically! • The world is changing faster than ever... • We need to give our students the tools to be ready!
DNA in the Ontario Curriculum Grades 17Grade 8 Structure & Function in Plants and Animals The Cell 3.2, 3.3
DNA in the Ontario Curriculum Grade 10 Science (Academic) (SNC2D) Cells & Tissues Cell Cycle & Mitosis B2.2, B3.1 B3.2
DNA in the Ontario Curriculum Grade 10 Science (Applied) (SNC2P) Cells & Tissues Cell Cycle B3.1 B3.2
DNA in the Ontario Curriculum Grade 11 Biology (Academic) (SBI3U) Introduction to DNA & Genes Meiosis D3.1 D3.2
DNA in the Ontario Curriculum Grade 12 Biology (Academic) (SBI4U) DNA Structure In-Depth Molecular Biology B3.2 D3.1, D3.2, D3.3, D3.6
DNA in the Ontario Curriculum Grade 12 Biology (Academic) (SBI4U) DNA Replication Transcription & Translation D3.2, D3.3 D3.1
Today’s Concept Presentation: DNA Structure
A little from Column A, a little from Column B... Grade 11 Biology (Academic) (SBI3U) Grade 12 Biology (Academic) (SBI4U) D3.2 B3.2
Misconceptions 1) Since cells are small, the amount of DNA in each cell is not large. 2) DNA looks like a double-helix when it is examined either under a microscope or with the naked eye.
Challenges 1) Making students comfortable with the structure of the DNA molecule (Can be complex) 2) Maintaining accuracy while writing out DNA sequences 3) Calculating the frequency of bases within DNA sequences. (Numeracy)
Where are we going? The Animal Cell: A Diagnostic DNA: The Recipe Book of Life Lesson 1
Where are we going? Playing with DNA: Detailed Structure of the DNA Molecule Lesson 2
Where are we going? Counting Bases: Nucleotide Frequency within DNA Molecules Lesson 3
Where are we going? Let’s Become DNA! Lab: Extracting DNA from Bananas Lesson 4
Where are we going? The Grand Finale! The Inevitable DNA Thinking Problem Lesson 5
How are we getting there? Alternative Approaches to DNA Modeling DNA Sequence Manipulatives Interactive Dramatic Activities Laboratory Activities
How are we making sure everyone is on track? Diagnostic Activities Assessment for learning Assembly of DNA Models Assessment of learning Drawing of DNA Models Nucleotide Frequency Practice Problems
How are we making sure everyone has made it? Summative Evaluation The Inevitable DNA Thinking Problem
Lesson 1 The Animal Cell: A Diagnostic DNA: The Recipe Book of Life
The Animal Cell: A Diagnostic • The Goal: To assess who in the class remembers the structures of an animal cell (From Grade 8) • Most important part: The Nucleus!
The Animal Cell: A Diagnostic • The Approach: • Hand out blank sheets of paper • Ask students to draw an animal cell with as much detail as possible
The Animal Cell: A Diagnostic • The Approach: • Have peers exchange papers and mark • Select one student to draw the animal cell on the board with help from peers
The Animal Cell: A Diagnostic • The Approach: • Collect all of the papers as students exit class - Assessment for learning!
DNA: The Recipe Book of Life • The Goal: To introduce DNA as the recipe book of life in a creative way • Achieved using analogies!
DNA: The Recipe Book of Life = + + =
What is the total length of DNA in every cell? 2 metres 10 trillion cells per body What is the total length of DNA in the entire human body?
1 Billion km! Enough to travel from earth to the sun and back 35X!
Take home messages from lesson 1! • DNA is found in the nucleus. • DNA are the instructions for life. • There is an enormous amount of DNA in every cell.
Lesson 2 Playing with DNA: Detailed Structure of the DNA Molecule
Structure of the DNA Molecule • Challenge: Help students become comfortable with the structure of the DNA molecule... • How? • Magnetics & Manipulatives!
Magnetics & Manipulatives! • Teacher – Uses magnetics on the board • Students – Use sets of manipulatives at their desks.
Concepts Taught • DNA is a double-stranded molecule • DNA is made up of 4 types of compounds called nucleotides • A, G, C, T • A binds T and G binds C
Concepts Taught • Each nucleotide is made up of 3 parts: Shapes reduce the complexity of the molecules... Can be less intimidating... But still have function! P Base Sugar
Assessment for Learning:Building DNA Models! 1) CanDNA – Candy DNA 2) BeaDNA – Bead DNA 3) Origami DNA
1) CanDNA • Advantages: - Great for kinaesthetic learners and visual learners (colourful) - Includes all parts of the DNA molecule - Fun! - Edible!
2) BeaDNA • Advantages: - Also great for kinaesthetic learners and visual learners (colourful) • Disadvantages: - Not as detailed (just backbone and bases) - Much smaller