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Children's Rights in the CRC: Implementation and Challenges

This text explores the Conventions on the Rights of The Child (CRC) and their implementation, including the principles of non-discrimination, best interest of the child, right to life, survival and development, and the views of the child. It also discusses the role of various committees and the obligations of states in implementing the CRC.

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Children's Rights in the CRC: Implementation and Challenges

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  1. Heru Susetyo, SH. LL.M.M.Si. Anak & Prinsip-Prinsip Perlindungan Anak dalamKonvensi Hak Anak FHUI, Juni 2011

  2. CRC Mandala/Bhutan Chapter

  3. Konvensi hak anak/ Conventions on the Rights of The Child (CRC) diadopsi oleh UN General Assembly dengan resolusi 44/25 tanggal 20 November 1989 • Prosesnya telah dimulai sejak tahun 1979 dengan penetapan International Year of the Child • Jauh sebelumnya, Declarations of the Rights of the Child telah diadopsi oleh League of Nations (1924) dan United Nations (1959)

  4. Konvensi Hak Anak • Adalah Konvensi yang paling banyak diratifikasi di dunia • Tahun 1990 20 negara meratifikasi • Akhir tahun 1990 sudah 57 negara • Pada 31 December 1995 telah 185 negara meratifikasi

  5. Prinsip Pemberlakuan CRC • Has the same meaning for people in all parts of the world. • While laying down common standards, the Convention takes into account the different cultural, social, economic and political realities of individual states. • Each state may seek its own means to implement the rights common to all

  6. Peluang dan tantangan CRC


  8. NON DISCRIMINATION • No child should suffer discrimination • This applies to every child, irrespective of the child’s or his or her parent’s or legal guardian’s race, colour, sex,language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic, or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status.


  10. Anak Indonesia

  11. Anak-Anak Gaza :Fatah & Hamas

  12. Anak-Anak Gaza Bermain

  13. BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD • When the authorities of a state take decisions which affect children, the best interest of children must be a primary consideration.

  14. THE RIGHT TO LIFE, SURVIVAL AND DEVELOPMENT • The right to life article includes formulations about the right to survival and to development, which should be ensured : to the maximum extent possible • The term ‘development’ should be intepreted in a broad sense, adding a qualitative dimension: not only physical health is intended, but also mental,emotional, cognitive, social and cultural development.

  15. THE VIEWS OF THE CHILD • Children should be free to have opinions in all matters affecting them and those views should be given due weight : “in accordance with the age and maturity of the child” • Children have the right to be heard and to have their views taken seriously, including in any judicial or administrative proceedings affecting them.

  16. Siapa yang Memonitor CRC? • Human Rights Council • Committee on ECOSOC Rights • Committe on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination • Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women • Committee Against Torture • Committee on the Rights of the Child

  17. Mengimplementasikan CRC : Kewajiban Negara • Pasal 4 : undertake all appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures to implement the Convention. • Undertake such measures to the maximum extent of their available resources and , where needed, within the framework of international cooperation • Review its legislation and ensure that laws are consistent with the convention

  18. Mengimplementasikan CRC : Kewajiban Negara (2) • Mechanisms may be introduced at the national and local levels to coordinate policies and monitor the implementation of the convention. • The political decision-making process is important • Are there opportunities for children themselves and their representatives t make themselves heard?

  19. Mengimplementasikan CRC : Kewajiban Negara (3) • Education and training of personnel working with children • Disseminating children rights provisions in understandable languages to the people • Priority should be given to childrenm

  20. Kementerian/Lembaga Mana?

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