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Member Benefits For NARPO Members If they have Home or Motor Insurance

Member Benefits For NARPO Members If they have Home or Motor Insurance. Member Care – our latest benefits. 0845 450 5220. 0845 450 5220. 0845 450 5220. 0845 450 5220. How does it work? Dedicated member helpline membercare@pmas.co.uk Proactively referring members

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Member Benefits For NARPO Members If they have Home or Motor Insurance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Member Benefits For NARPO Members If they have Home or Motor Insurance

  2. Member Care – our latest benefits 0845 450 5220 0845 450 5220 0845 450 5220 0845 450 5220 How does it work? Dedicated member helpline membercare@pmas.co.uk Proactively referring members Invaluable – in really supporting our members when they need us most

  3. Member Care – our latest benefits What is it? A Nurse led service that supports members and their families through serious illness, chronic health conditions, bereavement and disabilities It offers a friendly listening ear, practical information, and emotional support where it’s needed most Provides expert advice, reassurance and access to complementary treatments

  4. Case Studies Steve, 53, Heart Attack “It was a real shock. I thought I was fit. After it happened I could only think that I was going to have another one. Now I have taken some positive steps to change my lifestyle and I feel much more confident about going back to work.” • Solution: • A personal nurse advisor – on-going • A cardiac rehabilitation nurse who provided advice on lifestyle, exercise, diet and stress management

  5. Case Studies Mary, 48, Breast Cancer “The nurse gave me the reassurance I needed. It’s such a worrying time. I kept looking at my daughter and wondering whether she would be next. The nurse helped me get things right in my head, because I knew what my journey was going to be like. I coped a lot better than I thought I would.” • Solution: • A personal nurse advisor – on-going • A series of structured one-to-one calls with a nurse specialising in breast cancer • An agreed list of questions to ask the Consultant

  6. How we have helped Mrs X notified us of the death of her loved one Solution • She’s received 4 lengthy supportive calls • Received informative literature • Has started some complimentary therapy • … the support to her is ongoing

  7. Police Mutual Foundation

  8. www.policemutualfoundation.co.uk

  9. Convalescence Passionate about police welfare, delivering simple solutions for absolute peace of mind. Tailored support for members of the Police Service, retired officers and their families who’ve been through a traumatic event or bereavement – helping them to get away from it all and recuperate.

  10. Real People – Real situations Situation How we’ve helped Employee X Sent him and his wife away for a week to Eastbourne in accommodation suitable for someone with mobility issues. Developed a sudden illness. Had to have major surgery to save the limb. Employee Y Organised a break for him and his family in Portsmouth for later in the year when he will be physically fitter Severely injured whilst on duty Employee Z Physical illness and post natal depression Organised a break in Devon with family facilities for young children

  11. Police Mutual Foundation Wellbeing Zone The Wellbeing Zone is a FREE online tool designed to help you with your health and general wellbeing. The site can support you in the following areas: Improving your general health Losing weight Getting fitter Eating more healthily Managing Stress

  12. Take control

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