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Falling Asleep in Class by Kenn Nesbitt. I fell asleep in class today, as I was awfully bored. I laid my head upon my desk and closed my eyes and snored. I woke to find a piece of paper sticking to my face. I’d slobbered on my textbooks, and my hair was a disgrace.
Falling Asleep in Classby Kenn Nesbitt I fell asleep in class today,as I was awfully bored.I laid my head upon my deskand closed my eyes and snored. I woke to find a piece of papersticking to my face.I’d slobbered on my textbooks,and my hair was a disgrace. My clothes were badly rumpled,and my eyes were glazed and red.My binder left a three-ringindentation in my head. I slept through class, and probablyI would have slept some more,except my students woke meas they headed out the door.
List Poetry! (Poetry Made Oh-So-Simple)
List Poetry A list poem is one of the easiest kinds of poems to write because it doesn't require either rhythm or rhyme. But that doesn't mean you should write down anything helter skelter. Here's a list of elements that makes a list poem a poem instead of just a list: 1) The writer is telling you something--pointing something out--saying, "Look at this" or, "Think about this."2) There's a beginning and an end to it, like in a story.3) Each item in the list is written the same way.
What Bugs Me When my teacher tells me to write a poem.When my mother tells me to clean up my room.When my sister practices her violin while I'm watching TV.When my father tells me to turn off the TV and do my homework.When my brother picks a fight with me and I have to go to bed early.When my teacher asks me to get up in front of the class and read the poem I wrote on the school bus.
What Bugs Me by A. Roubieu • Soggy, non-cheesy macaroni and cheese • Students who don’t turn in assignments • Students who write “me and my friend” • Movies with stupid endings • People who make plans and don’t show up • Books with stupid endings • Cookies that don’t cook in the middle • Snakes – and bugs • Students who are rude to teachers and other students!
Characteristics of a List Poem • It can be a list or inventory of items, people, or ideas • Often involves repetition • In can include rhyme or not • It usually isn’t a random list. It is well thought out. • The Last entry in the list is usually a strong, funny, or important item in the event.
My Noisy Brother by Bruce Lansky My brother's such a noisy kid, when he eats soup he slurps. When he drinks milk he gargles. And after meals he burps. He cracks his knuckles when he's bored. He whistles when he walks. He snaps his fingers when he sings. and when he's mad he squawks. At night my brother snores so loud it sounds just like a riot. Even when he sleeps my noisy brother isn't quiet.
Did You Notice? Notice how the poem fulfills the three requirements listed above: 1) It tells you what's bugging me. 2) It tells you that I wasn't thrilled with the assignment of writing a poem, and I got distracted at home and had to write the poem on the bus the next morning. 3) Every line has the same structure: "When my ____ does something to me." To get yourself started writing a list poem about what's bothering you, write a list of people or things that bug you on the left side of your paper, and on the right side write what bugs you about those people or things. (Everyone likes to share pet peeves!)
What’s in the kitchen junk drawer One bag of AA batteries from 1984A Scotch tape dispenser that doesn’t Pieces of curly, dried out contact paper Twisty ties that never will againStained Domino’s Pizza menusExpired coupons and old Acme receiptsSticky penniesDusty tic tacs melted onto a paper clip
Things I Keep Forgetting To DoBy Ms. Houston I keep forgetting to myself a list of things to do… Like; Fix myself breakfast in the morning, Wake up an hour earlier (instead of sleeping in), Buy a pair of new shoes, Get lesson plans done before I come to school! Call friends I haven’t seen in a while, Check my-email when I get home, Pay my bills and pay my school, Remember that girls always rule, To go to bed earlier rather than later, Pack myself a healthy lunch instead of eating chips, Stop procrastinating And make sure to always plan ahead!!!
Ideas for your list poem: • 10 things you can find in my room. • 10 ways you can eat an Oreo cookie. • 10 things you want to do when you grow up. • 10 things you want to feed my teacher. • 10 silly ways to get somewhere. • 10 ways you could fix your hair. • 10 things you never want to eat. • 10 things you could be doing right now instead of sitting in class. • 10 ways you could be a better person. • 10 ways you could be more environmentally friendly. • 10 things you can find in my backpack or purse. • 10 ways you could fall in love. • 10 things you loved to do as a little kid. • 10 things that get on your nerves.
Name ______ Ten Things I Want to Do in the Next Ten Years • I want to • Ride an elephant… and not fall off • Fly a plane… and not crash land • Go surfing.. And not be shark bait • Get rich – without getting married • Get married – and have everything my way • Get a car – that I don’t have to pay for • Go to China – and not speak Chinese • Get an ocean beachhouse – without getting hit by a hurricane
Five Things That Get on My Nerves • People who are rude and don’t say “Excuse me.” • When people laugh for stupid reasons. • Getting up early in the morning. • Lines for the roller coaster • When people are stubborn and don’t admit when they are wrong.
Quiz! • What is a simile? • What is a metaphor? • What is a hyperbole? • What is personification? • What is Imagery? • What is Onomatopoeia? • What is Alliteration?