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Aspen View’s Wireless Infrastructure

Aspen View’s Wireless Infrastructure. Wireless is an enhancement, not a replacement for wired networks. Cutting edge 802.11n technology finally allows for significantly higher wireless connection speeds. Tiered access will allow for both Aspen View and student/staff owned devices.

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Aspen View’s Wireless Infrastructure

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Aspen View’s Wireless Infrastructure • Wireless is an enhancement, not a replacement for wired networks. • Cutting edge 802.11n technology finally allows for significantly higher wireless connection speeds. • Tiered access will allow for both Aspen View and student/staff owned devices.

  2. Aruba 3200 Mobility Controller Supports up to 32 access points Up to 512 simultaneous users. 1.6 Gbps of encrypted throughput Enterprise WAN security including rogue AP detection Quality of service for Voice/Video Tiered levels of security including a guest Internet portal Wireless intrusion prevention.

  3. Aruba AP-125 Access Point • Dual radios support both 2.4Ghz and 5.8Ghz spectrums (a/b/g/n) for up to 600Mbps of theoretical throughput per radio. • Automatically adjusts transmit power based on environment. • 3 antennas provide maximum diversity

  4. Minimal User Setup • Laptops will be automatically configured to connect to Aspen View’s wireless system via Group Policies pushed from our Windows servers. • Computers will automatically have certificates installed as proof of identity.

  5. Sample Heat Map (Boyle)

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