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Collaboration and funding mechanisms in CORNET and EraSME. Almut Büchner, Rajko Sabo November 9, 2010 Becici, Montenegro. CORNET and EraSME - two ERA-NET initiatives. two networks of ministries and funding agencies close collaboration due to similar objectives
Collaboration and funding mechanisms in CORNET and EraSME Almut Büchner, Rajko Sabo November 9, 2010 Becici, Montenegro
CORNET and EraSME - two ERA-NET initiatives • two networks of ministries and funding agencies • close collaboration due to similar objectives • supported by EC from 2005 to 2010 with ca. 10 Mio € • EC funding for networking activities and personnel • Topic: Research and Innovation for research acquiring SMEs and for SME associations • coordinators • EraSME: VDI/VDE-IT Germany • CORNET: AiF Germany
Countries and Organisations participating in both -CORNET and EraSME
CORNET and EraSME • objective: strengthen European SME‘s innovation capacity by R&D activities • main activity: organise joint calls for transnational project proposals • fund projects with small project consortia • min. 2 countries or regions • 2 call deadlines per year • bottom-up: no thematic restriction • funding provided by national/regional programmes
Research acquiring SMEs Individual SMEs SME associations EraSME promotes cooperation projects between individual SMEs and research organisations across Europe. CORNET promotes Collective Research cooperation projects between SME Associations and research organisations across Europe.
EraSME: individual SMEs collaborating with RTO • target-group: individual SMEs with limited research capacities • cooperation with RTOs in order to acquire knowledge to be incorporated into the development of new products, processes and services • bottom-up: no thematic restriction (as in CORNET)
CORNET: Collective Research • R&D activities performed for large groups of SMEs • only SME associations, professional federations, clusters and trade organisations are eligible for submitting proposals • objectives: pre-competitive, pre-normative • typical topics: norming, standardisation, innovation in processes or materials, raising health and safety standards • research performed by RTOs via outsourcing • obligatory SME Users' Committee (5 SMEs per country/region) • dissemination is important
2 Levels of “Project” network funded by EC Network of ministries and funding agencies = ERA-NET Organise joint calls for proposals Research projects involving SME associations, SMEs and RTOs that are funded as a result of joint calls for proposals = CORNET / EraSME projects projects funded by national programmes
Setup of CORNET and EraSME projects SME or SME Association Slovenia SME or SME Association Austria Collaboration in CORNET / EraSME project RTO Slovenia RTO Austria Funding: Austria FFG Funding: Slovenia MHEST Each participant in a CORNET / EraSME project receives funding from “his/her” national programme according to national rules
Benefits for applicants? • low threshold: European collaboration in small consortia • sharing know-how and resources • leverage effect: higher budget • unbureaucratic • advice and support in national language during proposal preparation and funding phase • time to contract, success rates
learn about state-of-art in other countries Side effects! Europe-wide networking CORNET: broad platform for dissemination
Evaluation of Proposals: Interaction National / European level Funding Proposal submission Evaluation European Level Binding Ranking list Central European Evaluation European Proposal Template eligibility check fund projects in order of ranking list + National / Regional Level each partner: additional national forms National rules for each partner
CORNET and EraSME - Results achieved • organised 10 CORNET and 8 EraSME calls for transnational proposals • organised several Partnering Events with up to 130 participants • funded 75 EraSME and 59 CORNET projects • see next slides
- Proposals and Funded Projects ca. 47 Mio € public funding
- Proposals, Funded Projects and Budget ca. 49 Mio € public funding
CORNET and EraSME - Results achieved (cont.) • CORNET: in 4 countries new programmes for Collective Research were established • Cyprus • Slovenia • The Netherlands • Italy • established close collaboration between CORNET and EraSME, joint public relation • implemented central European evaluation procedure • ministries/agencies accept binding ranking list
Current Situation • EC funding stops in December 2010 • Meeting on November 11/12, 2010: final decision on continuation
Future perspectives several options for continuation: A) continue to organise joint calls with procedure as established B) cooperation on basis of national funding programmes without European evaluation - only possible for countries with programmes that are open for cooperation with foreign partners C) individual bilateral agreements
Contact Persons Almut Büchner, AiF = German Federation of Industrial Research Associations CORNET coordinator Bayenthalgürtel 23, 50968 Köln, Germany Tel +49.221.37680-33 E-Mail: eu@aif.de, website: http://www.aif.de/ Rajko Sabo, MHEST, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology CORNET and EraSME partner Kotnikova 38, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel +386.1.478.4640 E-Mail: rajko.sabo@gov.si , website: http://mvzt.gov.si ERA-NETs Website: www.cornet-era.net; www.era-sme.net
WELCOME MESSAGE CORNET and EraSME welcome any country / region interested in collaboration to join. Thank you for your attention!
Central European Evaluation • CORNET and EraSME are collaborating with EUREKA secretariat in terms of procedure and IT tool • evaluation procedure and proposal template of Eurostars has been adapted to CORNET and EraSME • Eurostars IT Tool and database of experts is used • VDI/VDE-IT and AiF, the coordinators of both initiatives, organise the central evaluation of proposals in collaboration with EUREKA secretariat
ELIGIBILITY CHECK EVALUATION COVER NOTE IEP MEETING INDEPENDENT EVALUATION PANEL - Jury of 5 persons FORMAL ENDORSEMENT OF RANKING LIST Evaluation procedure PROPOSAL SUBMISSION national/regional eligibility criteria fulfilled? if yes - go on technical by 2 field experts comments for IEP from national point of view input: complete information about a project BINDING RANKING LIST OF PROPOSALS FUNDING
CORNET Project Example: Tattoo Health Safety in Connection with the Use of Tattoo and Permanent Make-up • Countries:Austria, Germany, Belgium • Total project budget: 784.800 • Total amount of funding: 598.440 € • Number of SME involved during project duration: 14 • Number of SME which benefit when the project was finalized: approx. 25.000