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PLM windchill By- Bhanu Prakash Vemula Matrikel no 206745

PLM windchill By- Bhanu Prakash Vemula Matrikel no 206745 Data Managment For Engineering Applications. 1 6-06-2014. contents. Introduction to PLM Introdunction to Windchill PTC Windchill Product Categories PTC Windchill Product Categories Understanding Windchill PDMLink

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PLM windchill By- Bhanu Prakash Vemula Matrikel no 206745

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  1. PLM windchill By- Bhanu Prakash Vemula Matrikel no 206745 Data Managment For Engineering Applications 16-06-2014

  2. contents • Introduction to PLM • Introdunction to Windchill • PTC Windchill Product Categories • PTC Windchill Product Categories • Understanding Windchill PDMLink • Managing Documents • WindchillDocuments Integration with Microsoft Office CAD Data Management Managing Products and Product Structures • Visualizing Data in Windchill • User interface • Common terminology • References

  3. Introduction to PLM PLM is the activity of managing a company’s products all the way across their lifecycles in the most effective way PLM system is [an information system] that facilitates all or some subset of PLM activities.

  4. Introduction to windchill • It is PLM  software product that is offered by PTC • Developed by windchill technologies Inc., cofounded by Jim Heppelmen. • Offers complete know-how on all product content and business processes throughout the product and service lifecycle • CAD and document management system, any information - CAD models, Microsoft Word documents, PDFs or spreadsheets - related to the design, development manufacturing or service of a product is stored in PTC Windchill

  5. Windchill Product Categories from .(3)

  6. Understanding Windchill PDMLink • Facilitates the following critical processes : • release management • change management • configuration management • Allows global and controlled access to critical product data • Web-based master product data management repository • Seamlessly connects to multiple mechanical/electrical CAD applications, desktop applications and ERP systems from .(4)

  7. Create, Collaborate, and Manage • Productive and efficient in creating, collaborating and managing all types of product-related content, whether defined in the different bills-of-materials or product structures. • Manages all product related content including MCAD models, ECAD schematics, drawings, technical specifications and software code. from .(1)

  8. Create, Collaborate, and Manage from .(3)

  9. Managing Documents • The document management functions allows to create, view, modify, and manage documents. • With WindchillDesktop Integration, one can open and save new Windchill documents directly from the Office application’s. from .(4)

  10. Windchill Documents Create a new document either by clicking the New Document icon or choosing New Document from an actions menu. from .(3)

  11. Windchill Documents: Integration with Microsoft Office from .(3)

  12. CAD Data Management: Workspaces and Model Structures • CAD documents are Windchill objects that are used to store and manage CAD information files (the output of CAD authoring applications). • CAD documents are uploaded into WindchillPDMLink using a • Gateway (Pro/INTRALINK and Optegra) • Workgroup Manager for a CAD application (Catia V4, Catia V5 SolidWorks, Unigraphics, and Mentor Graphics) from .(4)

  13. CAD Data Management: Workspaces and Model Structures Workspace • Private area used to manage multiple objects and perform basic PDM operations. • One can filter object types for display. • View system messages regarding PDM actions

  14. CAD Data Management: Workspaces and Model Structures Action Icons: Check in Checkout Undo checkout update from .(3)

  15. CAD Data Management from .(3)

  16. Managing Products andProduct Structures • The database of PDMLinkis structured such that all information uniquely defining a product is collected in one logical location created by administrator which is called as product. • A product structure is a hierarchical representation of all assemblies and component parts necessary to assemble an end item. from .(4)

  17. Editing Windchill Part Structures from .(3)

  18. Visualizing Data in Windchill • ProductView, the Windchill visualization tool, allows to view and annotate 3D models, 2D drawings,documents, images, and ECAD files • Windchillprovides compressed, viewable representations of product data, which are displayed as thumbnails. • ProductView provides the following basic features: • Viewing • Navigation • Annotation • Measurement

  19. User interface from .(3)

  20. Common terminology used • Actions • Commonspace • Libraries • Projects • Objects • Tables • Versions, Revisions, and Iterations

  21. Success stories • Hewlett-Packard Co. used PTC’s Windchill to improve their product development process. HP achieved an 80% improvement in design and process reuse. Time-to market, product cost, and warranty cost fell. Productivity rose between 20% and 30%. from .(4)

  22. References • http://www.ptc.com/product/windchill/ • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windchill_(software) • http://www.ptc.com/WCMS/files/117580/en/7158_Windchill_QSG_EN.pdf • learningexchange.ptc.com • Product Lifecycle Management ,John Stark BSc, PhD

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