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The Biological Control of Plant Pathogens and Insect Pest Laboratory המעבדה להדברה ביולוגית של מחלות צמחים ומזיקים פרופ' ברוך סנה Prof. Baruch Sneh Britannia, Room 117, Tel 03-640 9841 (lab.) 08-941-0280 (home) E-Mail snehba@post.tau.ac.il.
The Biological Control of Plant Pathogens and Insect Pest Laboratoryהמעבדה להדברה ביולוגית של מחלות צמחים ומזיקיםפרופ' ברוך סנהProf. Baruch SnehBritannia, Room 117, Tel 03-640 9841 (lab.) 08-941-0280 (home) E-Mail snehba@post.tau.ac.il The activities in this laboratory include: 1) Develop-ment of biotechnological preparations for protection of a variety of crop plants against several important pathogens; a. Rhizoctonia diseases with non-pathoge-nic isolates of Rhizoctonia, b. Botrytis rots of straw-berries with Pseudomonas and Gliocladium, c. Fire blight disease of pears with nonpathogenic bacteria, d. Infection of wine grapes with Botrytis for produc-tion of Botrytis dessert wine. 2) Biocontrol of Insects: a. Insect-resistant transgenic plants expressing Bt genes and binding studies of Cry proteins to membra-ne receptors (collaboration with Prof. A. Zilberstein), b. Integrated Pest Management of the African Armyworm. Sneh, B. 2001Biocontrol with non-pathogenic isolates of fungal pathogens. Pages 1-29 in: D.D.-S. Dean and J.W. Huang (Eds.). Biological Control of Plant Diseases of the New Century - Mode of Action and Application Technology. Chinaart Co. Ltd. Taichung, Taiwan. Tsror, L.,Barak, R. and Sneh, B 2001. Biological control of Black scurf on potato under organic management. Crop Prot. 20:145-150. . Students Michal Sharon Ayelet Shavit Ravid Levi Adi Atzmon Technician Evgenya Prudovski